Is UE4 indicative of the sacrifices devs will have to make on consoles next gen?

It will take time for developers to adapt to the idiosyncrasies of GCN and I don't think Tim is the person to look at for adapting fastest ... AMD GPUs are a platform he has excelled at ignoring since DX10.1, don't expect that to change overnight.

I expect the demos for the XBOX Next will be more up his alley.
What I would like to see is a game on this engine that is made to look as realistic as possible and without being stylized. I realize the PS4 is not going to be able to make true photorealistic graphics, but I would like to see how close it can come. For example, even if they had to make the game at 480P and have mostly indoor scenes.

A bit off topic, but that's exactly what I would like to see. I wouldn't mind to try a game with that resolution if we have all the eye candy this generation can offer, bearing in mind such a loss in the pixel load. We've been watching "photorealistic" TV and movies at that resolution and we were just fine.

Of course, higher resolution = better, but what if...
A bit off topic, but that's exactly what I would like to see. I wouldn't mind to try a game with that resolution if we have all the eye candy this generation can offer, bearing in mind such a loss in the pixel load. We've been watching "photorealistic" TV and movies at that resolution and we were just fine.

Of course, higher resolution = better, but what if...

Personally, I don't care one bit about high resolution. I just want to see a game where the characters are near photorealistic. 480P is high enough resolution wise.
Personally from that one demo, I think its impossible to answer.

As it is a "continuation of the previous demo"

How much time did that have to make it?
What hardware was it actually running on?
Did they want they same look?
Did Nvidia to AMD muck something up?
Were there changes to the engine?

I was much more impressed with Deep Down and Agni personally, and if those were truly realtime this demo doesn't concern me.

btw babcat, I think SegaCD has some games right up your alley(Night Trap?) Once art is out of the process and we are scanning rocks and twigs likes that Euclidean demo, that's when I bow out...
As far as Capcom and SE are concerned, they were real time demonstrations.

Although Deep Down is the only one confirmed to be running on PS4 dev kits. Agni was still a GTX680 render at the PS4 unveiling. (although the actual requirements were much lower and perfectly doable with PS4).
I was pretty sure at the end of the Square Enix final fantasy bit they said it was a concept or target render. The words were something like, "This is what we're aiming for."
Reminds me somehow of the texture loading problem of the UE2... ;)

I don't know what happened to the tech-demo. It just looked wrong at the beginning, like a technical error. The scenes at the end of the video however (ice crushing down) looked great as expected.

Tim Sweeney said he didn't know anything about the 8GB GDDR5 and also VGLeaks stated that all PS4 games are designed for 4GB GDDR5. I think we should keep that in mind.

The amount of memory won't have much of an effect here. I could see if the dev stations were using DDR3 instead, and you would have a point.

Sony adding 4 GB solved a capacity problem as game data, OS and graphics have to share the same pool. I doubt the UE demo used anywhere near 4GB of RAM.

Missing features and effects is a processing problem.
I was pretty sure at the end of the Square Enix final fantasy bit they said it was a concept or target render. The words were something like, "This is what we're aiming for."

They said that was the quality they were aiming for in actual games, but they also said the demo had been ported to and was running on ps4 hardware.
Thinking about the thread title some more, I've yet to see much of anything that UE has ever been indicative of, other than itself.
What's this I hear about Epic sacrificing voxel cone tracing in ue4 for ps4?

Looking at the screenshot of the killzone demo below, doesn't that look like some form of voxel based reflection?

Little off topic but what I loved about that particular scene is how the light affected the smoke and changed color while it dispersed naturally. At the same time it didnt immediately disappear. It stayed their for a while and it also cast a reflection on both sides fo the wall
Amazing :)