is there any way to disable the windows key?

Do as the Digi does, take a butterknife and just pry 'em off. 8)

Honest, it's the first thing I do with every keyboard in my house. My wife and kids keyboards look like a smile with a couple of three missing teeth too.

If you're into the whole appearance thingy, you can generally figure out a way to mod the key so that you can put it on but it no longer works. I used to take the keys I'd removed and run the base of them up and down a hacksaw blade parrellel to where the base of the key was and then just superglue them on to the little stubs to cover the holes. Then it's just a solid "thud" if you hit it and it don't do nothing.

I gave it up when the kids came. Kids tend to go thru a LOT of keyboards quickly.

(Oh, and I think it's the scroll key or something that is the other one I take can be equally annoying and is pretty stupid. IMHO, of course.)
I'll second simply removing the offending key.

I do that to my insert key, and need to get around to doing it to the windows keys as well when I'm not feeling so lazy.

By the way Digi, how on earth do your kids go through keyboards? In my whole life of computing (which I also started as a wee little kid) I've only managed to wear out a single keyboard, and that was even after many years of abuse.
Killer-Kris said:
By the way Digi, how on earth do your kids go through keyboards?
Spilled milk, juice, pop, glue, paint, coffee (ok, that one was me...but I was working on my son's PC and he jumped off his bed and on top of me sitting in his chair as I was taking a sip so call it 50/50), popsicles, fudgesicles, ice cream, birthday cake, silly putty, diaper rash ointment, shampoo, and oh yeah they even threw up on 3 of 'em. :rolleyes:

There are lots and lots of ways to nuke a keyboard, and I found out long ago it is a whole hell of a lot easier to just buy a new one for $2-3 rather than go to the time/trouble of cleaning/repairing the old time is worth a whole lot more than that to me and cleaning keyboards bites.
digitalwanderer said:
Killer-Kris said:
By the way Digi, how on earth do your kids go through keyboards?
Spilled milk, juice, pop, glue, paint, coffee (ok, that one was me...but I was working on my son's PC and he jumped off his bed and on top of me sitting in his chair as I was taking a sip so call it 50/50), popsicles, fudgesicles, ice cream, birthday cake, silly putty, diaper rash ointment, shampoo, and oh yeah they even threw up on 3 of 'em. :rolleyes:

There are lots and lots of ways to nuke a keyboard, and I found out long ago it is a whole hell of a lot easier to just buy a new one for $2-3 rather than go to the time/trouble of cleaning/repairing the old time is worth a whole lot more than that to me and cleaning keyboards bites.

You know a cheap and easy way to clean stuff like that up is to just throw the keyboard in the dishwasher. I've done it more than a few times and it really seems to do the trick. Though they dry out a lot faster if you can take it apart and not have the rubber contact pad in there when you wash it.
A lady friend of mine in Seattle had fed her wee little one (~5yo at the time) his oatmeal in the morning, and then he was hit by a stomach bug and barfed oatmeal all over his keyboard...

He refuses to eat oatmeal these days of course. I still remind her of that incident whenever I see her online... :D
RussSchultz said:
The windows key is useful!

Win-E pops up a new exporer window. (only thing I every use it for)

I don't use Win-E (I don't browse files this way, plus I hate the single-click behaviour on the left in windows XP)
But I make extensive use of Win-D, Win-R, Win-Pause when needed and the occasional Win-F ;) )
Win-M, minimizes all windows. Quite useful.
And of course, hitting Win first when you want to browse the start menu is a tiny bit faster than going with the mouse for the start button.
thanks a lot works!!! now i can play UT2004 without accidently hitting the windows ket cuz i just hate it so much when i am playing a good game...