Is there a vet here?! Hurt Swallow.

Feeding a bird meat seems absurd to me.
What you think insects are for all intents and purposes? :cool:

Many common birds feed on carrion; whatever kind of flesh they can get their claws on, dead or alive. Crows ravens probably magpies etc. Eagles too.

Sea birds eat fish and clams and stuff. That's meat too.

What's so strange about feeding a swallow beef? Nutritionally it's not going to be significantly different from insects I'll wager.

I also don't like the idea of feeding it yourself, when it can catch for example the ants that are running around in the shoe box on it's own
I don't think swallows eat ants in nature; they usually hunt flying insects. It might not even see the ants as food/something edible.

The same with dead drowned insects; if they don't move the bird might not consider them food. The defensive mechanism of many insects is playing dead after all.

also i don't think it's broken because i have seen no problem in it's wing movement.
Might have sprained it..Peace.
Many common birds feed on carrion; whatever kind of flesh they can get their claws on, dead or alive.

On the roof of my office building seagulls have nested. I've actually grown quite attached to observing them, as they recently had chicks. Anyway, I arrived to work one day and noticed directly outside my window was the half-eaten carcass of what looked like a pigeon. It then struck me that one of the adults must have swiped that from wherever and brought it back. It's amazing actually, considering the size of the piece of meat in accordance with the size of the seagull's body, would be like me flying with a small child in my mouth.
What you think insects are for all intents and purposes? :cool:

Many common birds feed on carrion; whatever kind of flesh they can get their claws on, dead or alive. Crows ravens probably magpies etc. Eagles too.

Sea birds eat fish and clams and stuff. That's meat too.

What's so strange about feeding a swallow beef? Nutritionally it's not going to be significantly different from insects I'll wager.

Well I would guess it's more fatty and livestock fed cow meat usually don't end up well. :) On the other hand they are what, the descenders of dinosaurs? Though were feeding it primarily blood worms now. I have to say though it's digestive system seems fucked and I wonder if we all won't end up with salmonella. :D

I don't think swallows eat ants in nature; they usually hunt flying insects. It might not even see the ants as food/something edible.

The same with dead drowned insects; if they don't move the bird might not consider them food. The defensive mechanism of many insects is playing dead after all.

I have come to discover that it will eat any food laying around, if it hasn't seen that some one put it there. So for exmple it has no problem eating dead flies found in the apartment and insects I've put next to it while it was asleep. It can also pick up bread crumbs some times...

Might have sprained it..Peace.

Seeing it trying to get around I think it is actually broken, or a joint has been weakened or something, because the wing bents over upwards a bit when it flaps. The damaged side (left) also lags behind when it "fly-walks", right side ends up being more to the front.
Seeing it trying to get around I think it is actually broken, or a joint has been weakened or something, because the wing bents over upwards a bit when it flaps. The damaged side (left) also lags behind when it "fly-walks", right side ends up being more to the front.

Ok, my knowledge is limited (only experience I have stems from the fact that my father is a vet), but from the sound of it the wing is broken. It needs to be set and immobilized with a splint. This is not something that you should do yourself, as I can cause more damage and pain for the bird. Take it to a vet.
Bear in mind that pound for pound, small animals like insects have vastly more energy than meat from larger animals. This is why the beef may seem like a lot for such a little thing. But really, it's not.
Ok, my knowledge is limited (only experience I have stems from the fact that my father is a vet), but from the sound of it the wing is broken. It needs to be set and immobilized with a splint. This is not something that you should do yourself, as I can cause more damage and pain for the bird. Take it to a vet.

Or to a cat? :)

Well then.. We'll see what my mother decides to do with it, I'm not gonna put too much effort on this if that's the case.
My mom was visiting and I showed her this thread, she says the wing is definitely broken there is no doubt about it, take him to the vet.

In the meantime

Don't feed it ants

Black bread and beef is okay but not too much , you can also get seeds at a pet shop for young birds (at that age they don't need specific seeds )

You can also feed him/her hard boiled eggs but also not to much

Best to feed him the fallowing

Worms ( in piece’s because the bird is still young )

the swallow does drink by himself or does the bird need assistence ?

There is a possibility he/she won't fly again though what then ? is your familly going to keep him/her or let the vet terminate him/her ? The bird is still young it could make a great pet :)
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The bird "went to sleep" yesterday night and started walking around again at about 7 AM. So at about 8 I decide to feed it, but it seemed to me that it wasn't in the mood of eating and instead continue sleeping or something, so I didn't give it any and an hour later it was dead.

So uhm, the end.
i remeber watching late one night this doco on discovery about (in the 50's / 60s or someit)
sparrows being one of the 5 animal enemy's of the state in china
so ppl went around killing heaps of sparrows, which next year resulting in a huge locust plague
fuck i laughed, almost as much as the time when they wanted to become number one in steel making, thus pots and pans etc went in the furnace, half lost in slag etc (for the partys good), only to find later ppl had nothing to cook on, so the had to recreate these pots etc again :p
man, discovery + turkish tv those are the best to watch at 3am
you could keep it. I have a cockatiel that looks like it was abandoned and didn't look like it ate for days since it was trying to eat I took it in and at first it didn't like me (definitely not as tame as that bird) but then it became nice after a few days of being fed and now it doesn't bite/annoy anybody and will perch on anybody's hand.

If you don't want it to fly, you can cut the feathers off the wings (at the point where they'll regrow) so that it can basically glide but not fly around the house and crap everywhere. I let my bird climb around it's cage because the door's open and it just sleeps most of the day. Domesticated birds are VERY easy to take care of as long as you cut the wings and feed it (mine eats seeds).

edit: just read rest of thread, sorry.

The bird "went to sleep" yesterday night and started walking around again at about 7 AM. So at about 8 I decide to feed it, but it seemed to me that it wasn't in the mood of eating and instead continue sleeping or something, so I didn't give it any and an hour later it was dead.

So uhm, the end.

Sorry to hear about that. Oh well, at least you tried.
i remeber watching late one night this doco on discovery about (in the 50's / 60s or someit)
sparrows being one of the 5 animal enemy's of the state in china
so ppl went around killing heaps of sparrows, which next year resulting in a huge locust plague
fuck i laughed, almost as much as the time when they wanted to become number one in steel making, thus pots and pans etc went in the furnace, half lost in slag etc (for the partys good), only to find later ppl had nothing to cook on, so the had to recreate these pots etc again :p

Yeah, Mao's Great Leap Forward plans. :p He was the one who came up with that stuff. The sparrows were just scape goats for the massive food shortage / famine that plagued China at that time.
You know weaksauce just because its dead doesnt mean you should neglect it. It can still make a great pet
I was being serious they make very good pets
they are cheap to feed, easy to look after
you can teach them tricks like "stay" and "play dead"
you can also get a collar and lead for it and take it for a drag
You know weaksauce just because its dead doesnt mean you should neglect it. It can still make a great pet
My dog has no nose.
How does he smell?
Exactly like my pet bird.

I'm sorry. I'm jet lagged and it's been a long day at the Graphics Hardware conference.