Rainbow Man
What you think insects are for all intents and purposes?Feeding a bird meat seems absurd to me.
Many common birds feed on carrion; whatever kind of flesh they can get their claws on, dead or alive. Crows ravens probably magpies etc. Eagles too.
Sea birds eat fish and clams and stuff. That's meat too.
What's so strange about feeding a swallow beef? Nutritionally it's not going to be significantly different from insects I'll wager.
I don't think swallows eat ants in nature; they usually hunt flying insects. It might not even see the ants as food/something edible.I also don't like the idea of feeding it yourself, when it can catch for example the ants that are running around in the shoe box on it's own
The same with dead drowned insects; if they don't move the bird might not consider them food. The defensive mechanism of many insects is playing dead after all.
Might have sprained it..Peace.also i don't think it's broken because i have seen no problem in it's wing movement.