That's because in SMP systems the processors are sharing the same resources (memory,bus,io) which are already slow for a single cpu. Global synchronization is also extremely costly. But there's never been any doubt in my mind that the futur is asynchronous parallelism in both hardware and software. There will always be a need to serialize and synchronize of course, without that, reality may not make sense, but the idea is to restrict this to a minimum.
Is this possible ? Yes, absolutly. We just need to think a bit differently. After all the art of parallel programming is in it's infancy while the hardware is barely existant.
What fascinate me the most about 3D is how more then anything else it is contributing to the devellopment of mainstream low-cost parallel architectures. Though currently most of that parallelism is hidden, it is still a step in the right direction. After all, without 3D, it could have taken decades more before we'd seen the likes of what GPU are offering us today. It's not that parallelism and a-synchronization or de-serialization is something new, but it's just like gasoline, why change what work, even if it's primitive and limited? This is why I hope "cell" will work well enough to inspire the rest of the industry to follow in it's footstep and push parallelism forward. But no matter what, one day, everybody will go that way.
The bigest limitation toward that goal is the hardware, not the software. Not easy to overcome, and we'll need much more then a few billions transistors to achieve "thinking" and "living" computers which are our ultimate goal... no? But by then we'll probably need 3D photonic to replace all that crappy electronic....
Is this possible ? Yes, absolutly. We just need to think a bit differently. After all the art of parallel programming is in it's infancy while the hardware is barely existant.
What fascinate me the most about 3D is how more then anything else it is contributing to the devellopment of mainstream low-cost parallel architectures. Though currently most of that parallelism is hidden, it is still a step in the right direction. After all, without 3D, it could have taken decades more before we'd seen the likes of what GPU are offering us today. It's not that parallelism and a-synchronization or de-serialization is something new, but it's just like gasoline, why change what work, even if it's primitive and limited? This is why I hope "cell" will work well enough to inspire the rest of the industry to follow in it's footstep and push parallelism forward. But no matter what, one day, everybody will go that way.
The bigest limitation toward that goal is the hardware, not the software. Not easy to overcome, and we'll need much more then a few billions transistors to achieve "thinking" and "living" computers which are our ultimate goal... no? But by then we'll probably need 3D photonic to replace all that crappy electronic....