Is Dreams the first game that's truly 3D?

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Again guys. Its all just FOV. What onQ means by "more 3d" is actually Greater illusion of Depth. Something any game would achive were it to set its camera with a very wide FOV and with objects moving further and closer from it, which is exactly what is happening in the scene onQ demonstrated.
No, dreams is not the first game to do this. Also, any 3D engine could achieve the same effect.
With regards to Spherical coord system, I doubt dreams uses it.
With reggards to people not understanding what you mean, don't get mad at them, it is your fault exclusevely.
How do threads like this survive on a technical board like Beyond3D?

You can render any amount of depth, lens distortion or parallax with any representation of the world and any renderer. It's just a result of parameters in the projection to 2D. There's no magical extra information just a stylistic choice.

If anything, dreams is just (one of many games) that use an unrealistic projection to convert depth to a 2D screen. Anyone can do it - however for most titles a bad projection would be considered a bug to be fixed. They want it amplified on purpose. Play any shooter game and look through a rifle scope or enable a special vision mode and you'll likely see the same thing.

edit: scratch that - just noticed I'd wandered into the console gaming forum. This game is magically better than all that came before and whatever platform it runs on is undoubtedly got some special feature that means it's better...
Always good to hear from the master race, now don't you have a game of Furmark to play?
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