Huh. Here's the "agreement between the CPA and the Iraqi governing council":
Interesting points, according to plans:
-there will be an "article of confederation" of sort in place, prior to the handover. (Remember, the US didn't have its constitution for several years after winning independance).
-Elections of a national assembly will occur prior to the political handover.
-The "fundamental law", as its termed, will include a bill of rights, and define how the constitution will be written and when.
-It seems the US & Iraqi troops will cooperate w/regards to security.
After reading this, many of my fears are put to rest. It seems a reasonable timetable that wasn't thrown together in response to escalating deaths (as posited by many pundits). Its got goals and a timetable to go along with them.
As for the weasely part, I'm not so quick to damn it. I think it may have been a means of lighting a fire under the GC butts, as they seem to have been doing nothing much in the past few months. I think the administration is also sending a message to the Iraqi people: "Here is the light at the end of the tunnel; It will happen, don't lose faith"
It does seem oddly timed, but it had to happen sometime.