Sxotty said:LOL sulfur, well sulfur is a solid, and solids don't float in the atmosphere sorry guys you are wrong.
SO2 is what you are thinking of and it is the product of combustion of sulfur this reacts with water and form acid. In addition HNO3 (nitric acid) is formed from N2O5 and other nitrous oxides in the air.
Yes natoma you were right sulfuric acid has a pH that is <1, actually about -2 I think
Acid rain is actually a mix, and listen sulfur can be pretty much removed from gas so those gas guzzlers won't produce any acid rain... you can still complain though and should for other reasons.
And btw byte was right about one thing, rain is acidic and is going to keep being acidic unless we destroy the atmosphere (5.6 is the average unpolluted pH of rainwater).
Yes I was referring to sulfur dioxide. That's what is released into the atmosphere mainly by power plants and other factories. I think the point remains that acid rain as we know it has a very low pH that is in line with the pH of the acid concoction in our stomachs. I would not want that raining down on me.
But I wasn't saying that rain isn't naturally slightly acidic. We just shouldn't make it moreso to the point where it becomes a danger to ourselves and our environment.