Well I wasn't just talking about KZ. Of couse there is MGS4 (which if you look at the 720p version is an incredible stepup from GoW in some aspects that don't translate well to screens, like snakes model), but theres also alot of other trailers that looked mighty tasty that Sony showed at E3 (realtime or not).
As for titles in realtime; theres MGS4, that 'crappy' Sega title reminiscent of an X360 game (graphic quality) ;-), I-8 (kinda resembled [disappointingly] CoD2 in detail, but I'm sure you'll be amazed when its fully unvieled), Warhawk (wow at the amount of planes flying around in this game, and the water) and UT2007 (lives up to GOW, graphically, by itself).
Anyway, I thought you meant that X360 could have launch titles out beating the E3 demos in response to Sony saying they have matched them. My mistake.