Interview with Sony top Executives

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Bill said:
Cell is nothing to care about IMO.

Do you not know what Hideo is using the CELL for? You knew to look on this board to see how Hideo and his Kojima Productions team is improving the graphics of MGS4 by using the CELL chip.;)
Joe DeFuria said:
I will tell you now exactly what will happen.

When gameplay footage is released, some aspects of it will look as good, other aspects won't. Both "sides" will claim they were right.


Does anyone else think MS got a free pass from ******dom with that damn CGI Raven/dancing robot demo for the original Xbox? The realtime version, while having the same animation, was NOWHERE near as good in the lighting and textures department as the CGI. They totally oversold the capabilities of the unit, but, ya know what? It didn't matter - Halo sold the units, not the demo.

There are no happy surprises in tech nowadays, so I'm pretty confident the PS3 will not see anything close to the Killzone and Motocross CGIs (just as the Xbox saw nothing close to the original Raven demo), and much bitching will erupt from the Xbox360 masses on forums, but it won't matter. Sony won't get "called on it" in the marketplace - the newness of the unit, the name, and the titles will have the PS3 flying off the shelves and sold out at launch.
Unless the xbox 360 games launched at the time look better than the ps3 games .

That will really hurt them with the casual gamers
bunapi said:
There are no happy surprises in tech nowadays, so I'm pretty confident the PS3 will not see anything close to the Killzone and Motocross CGIs (just as the Xbox saw nothing close to the original Raven demo), and much bitching will erupt from the Xbox360 masses on forums, but it won't matter.

Well you have the top execs at SCEA (which have probably seen the game) saying something completley different than you. So we will see in a few months.

Also here is the cover of the magazine that this info comes from. Scans of covers are allowed right?
Joe DeFuria said:
I will tell you now exactly what will happen.

When gameplay footage is released, some aspects of it will look as good, other aspects won't. Both "sides" will claim they were right.


Best prediction ever!!!

I can tell you as a 360 owner, its pretty cool, but it is NOT next-gen (and damn, it is loud... i mean REALLY loud!).

If killzone turns out to be real, i will sell my 360 the next day and pay any price for the PS3.

If killzone is fake, I will NEVER trust Sony ever again!!!
I think the fact that the launch is on schedule is the more exciting fact.
Launching Spring 06 in Japan and Summer/Autumn 06 in America, Winter 06 in Europe...thats my guess. And that'll exceed expectations.

I've had no problem believing the KZ graphics. Its the simple fact Sony keeps pushing it - PS Meeting 05, remember the slide mocking doubters? - and Kojima seemed to give his nod that it will be done (note; MGS4 is only now finally 'next-gen', according to his recent blog entry, so what we saw at TGS has already being put to shame, and something beyond that is clearly approaching KZ level) in the TGS trailer and further comments.

Joe said:
When gameplay footage is released, some aspects of it will look as good, other aspects won't. Both "sides" will claim they were right.
Probably, to a degree, fault will be found. But I think just something that you can look at and go "looks the same" without too much discernment, will be something proportionate to massive 'ownage' on doubters. Remember to MS it won't be done 'til PS4. We KNOW this won't be done on X360 (and if we were to say otherwise, it would be backtracking the likes of which are rarely seen).

jvd said:
Unless the xbox 360 games launched at the time look better than the ps3 games .

That will really hurt them with the casual gamers
Well the best looking game scheduled for release at the time of the scheduled PS3 release (note: I think they both have a good chance of being delayed), Gears of War, can't really touch on KillZone and some of the other more impressive PS3 demos (don't want to start a 'thing' with that statement though). So I think theres a fantastic chance that this won't be an issue for them.
casualkiss said:
Best prediction ever!!!

I can tell you as a 360 owner, its pretty cool, but it is NOT next-gen (and damn, it is loud... i mean REALLY loud!).

If killzone turns out to be real, i will sell my 360 the next day and pay any price for the PS3.

If killzone is fake, I will NEVER trust Sony ever again!!!

See this is something that I see plenty people say darn near everyday. If the games so far are not next-gen, yet Killzone is impossible for next-gen (not saying that you think that) then what is next-gen?

And why do people say that if they find out that KZ and/or Motorstorm look like the video that they will get rid of their 360's and are willing to claim the PS3 the winner?

Is this really true? If those games prove out will these people really do and say these things? I guess will have to wait and see.
Well jon bartz (sp?) said on ign that the cgi was only a representation of gameplay .

It is not real. we know that much. The question is how close sony will get to this and personaly i feel they will be so far away from it that it will be very hard for fan boys to sweep it under the rug . I also feel that once killzone comes out we are going to have a very large debate on what real time means (As soe can't possibly lie) and then conversations on how in the future sony will get much much closer to that lvl graphics untill the ps4 omes around and we get more hype .
Heh,the xbox360 seems to be penetrating the mainstream and Sony continuess its "smoke and mirrors" campaign.They don't know when they will launch this thing,they use a very vague "spring 2006".We have yet to see anything playable,they continue the hype machine,well if you are launching in spring when are you going to show all these amasing playable games??I can't wait till Ces cause i am sure that Sony will show very little as far as the ps3 goes.In fact the only games that we have seen tidbits of true gameplay and are coming near the ps3 launh(not 2007-2008 games) are that sega game and the insomniac FPS and these don't look that impressive.

Anyway i pressume that we'll see games at launch that look like the killzone and motorsport cgi videos according to what sony executives are saying.
Well the best looking game scheduled for release at the time of the scheduled PS3 release (note: I think they both have a good chance of being delayed), Gears of War, can't really touch on KillZone and some of the other more impressive PS3 demos (don't want to start a 'thing' with that statement though). So I think theres a fantastic chance that this won't be an issue for them.

Of course gears of war is not up to killzone cgi . The game however is a diffrent story .

The only thing i've seen that i believe was shown on ps3 beta hardware was mgs4 and some crappy sega games . Mgs 4 is not very far up the ladder from gow and mgs 4 most likely wont launch till 2007 the earliest .
jvd said:
It is not real. we know that much. The question is how close sony will get to this and personaly i feel they will be so far away from it that it will be very hard for fan boys to sweep it under the rug . I also feel that once killzone comes out we are going to have a very large debate on what real time means (As soe can't possibly lie) and then conversations on how in the future sony will get much much closer to that lvl graphics untill the ps4 omes around and we get more hype .

Do you think we'll we ever escape Sony's lies jvd? Is there no hope?
liverkick said:
Do you think we'll we ever escape Sony's lies jvd? Is there no hope?
As long as people get suckered into pr hype we never can .

I'm only glad that ms learned from the raven crap with the xbox 1
jvd said:
Of course gears of war is not up to killzone cgi . The game however is a diffrent story .

The only thing i've seen that i believe was shown on ps3 beta hardware was mgs4 and some crappy sega games . Mgs 4 is not very far up the ladder from gow and mgs 4 most likely wont launch till 2007 the earliest .
Well I wasn't just talking about KZ. Of couse there is MGS4 (which if you look at the 720p version is an incredible stepup from GoW in some aspects that don't translate well to screens, like snakes model), but theres also alot of other trailers that looked mighty tasty that Sony showed at E3 (realtime or not).
As for titles in realtime; theres MGS4, that 'crappy' Sega title reminiscent of an X360 game (graphic quality) ;-), I-8 (kinda resembled [disappointingly] CoD2 in detail, but I'm sure you'll be amazed when its fully unvieled), Warhawk (wow at the amount of planes flying around in this game, and the water) and UT2007 (lives up to GOW, graphically, by itself).
Anyway, I thought you meant that X360 could have launch titles out beating the E3 demos in response to Sony saying they have matched them. My mistake.
jvd said:
Well jon bartz (sp?) said on ign that the cgi was only a representation of gameplay .

It is not real. we know that much. The question is how close sony will get to this and personaly i feel they will be so far away from it that it will be very hard for fan boys to sweep it under the rug . I also feel that once killzone comes out we are going to have a very large debate on what real time means (As soe can't possibly lie) and then conversations on how in the future sony will get much much closer to that lvl graphics untill the ps4 omes around and we get more hype .

Ok I have your quote. So if the game is 95% close don't come with no, "well it still isn't 100%" stuff.
jvd said:
As long as people get suckered into pr hype we never can .

I'm only glad that ms learned from the raven crap with the xbox 1

How can it be just pr hype when even you don't know what the final product looks like? What if KZ and Motorstorm like comparable to the video? Was it still hype or was it just keeping your cards close to your chest?
mckmas8808 said:
How can it be just pr hype when even you don't know what the final product looks like? What if KZ and Motorstorm like comparable to the video? Was it still hype or was it just keeping your cards close to your chest?
I'm stil lwaiting on the old man demo quality faces in a ps2 game and i'm stil lwaiting for ridge racer girl in a game.

As for killzone if they had any games even close to that they would have shown games. Not cgi .

When killzone comes out and the graphics are no where near the video will u shut up for good about it ? Or will i have to hear u with the typical line "oh wait they haven't taped all the power yet "
jvd said:
I'm stil lwaiting on the old man demo quality faces in a ps2 game and i'm stil lwaiting for ridge racer girl in a game.

As for killzone if they had any games even close to that they would have shown games. Not cgi .

When killzone comes out and the graphics are no where near the video will u shut up for good about it ? Or will i have to hear u with the typical line "oh wait they haven't taped all the power yet "

Man, you sound so certain that Killzone on the PS3 wont be as good as the video, for a start, you are more geared toward MS as seen throughtout your post and you dont even know the hardware/software environment that the developers develop in. After the fan-subbed MGS4 demo posted on this site, i think with good developers anything on the ps3 is possible and that include Tekken 6 video from E3.
jvd said:
I'm stil lwaiting on the old man demo quality faces in a ps2 game and i'm stil lwaiting for ridge racer girl in a game.

As for killzone if they had any games even close to that they would have shown games. Not cgi .

When killzone comes out and the graphics are no where near the video will u shut up for good about it ? Or will i have to hear u with the typical line "oh wait they haven't taped all the power yet "
Oh come on, those arguments of PS2 demos are overused disgustingly. They were tech demos showing what the console can do (which, guess what, it damn well fucking did), and I know its besides the point, but quality of characters in some game near matches those.

KZ on the other hand is a demo/representation of an ACTUAL GAME. Sony are telling people this IS what you get. And they're still telling people that. Kojima told you that. KZ PS3 could rung rings around the E3 demo and you people would still doubt it.

And as for the excuse "oh wait they haven't taped all the power yet", this is incredibly reminiscent of what is said by XFans about the X360. The leap is going to be soooo huge to 2nd gen because of the massive architectural differences. If the media shown so far is accurate, that leap aint happening.
jvd said:
As long as people get suckered into pr hype we never can .

As long as good souls like you keep fighting the good fight as our beacon of light through this sordid fog of deception, Im sure we'll be able to find our way through to that clear blue sky. Just remember what Lincoln said..."one CG demonstration at a time".
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