Interview with Sony top Executives

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The first interview was with Kaz Hirai (President and Chief Executive Officer, Co-COO, SCEA) and Jack Tretton (Executive Vice Preisdent, """" """").

- they see lots of life left in PS2 well after PS3 is out

- Hairai says there will be lots of original franchises on the PSP next year
also want to expand Playstation experience to the handheld envrionment with existing franchises which aren't just ports, same name, different gameplay

- Sony still doesn't know when and which country they want to launch in first.

- Hirai on the PS3 slipping into 2007, not going to happen, they are still on track for a Spring 2006 launch

- Tretton on Microsoft's impact of a head start with xbox 360 "I dont' think it's a matter of time, but rather a matter of units."

- Both Sony guys said PS3 will be able to deliver the quality of visuals seen in the E3 demos. (perhaps even better) . " I think that, in the very near future, you'll see some comparable gameplay footage that will really put those rumors [that PS3 can't be as powerful as we're claiming it is] to bed."

- When will we get to play actual PS3 games on a real PS3? "...but what I can say is as soon as we feel that the quality of the software is up to where we expect it to be, and that we're confident of us being able to present that to everybody and everybody go home with the impression that, yes, these guys are really pusing the envelope in terms of what they bring to gameplay, graphic quality, and everything else." "... we'll present those games just as we're good and ready to go"

- Sony is still looking into pricing of the system

- another question about pricing and only certain hardcore people buying it... Bacially Hirai replies "we have a pretty good history of providing value for what we bring to the consumer"

- a question was asked (to Hirai, who remeber, is the Preisdent and Chief Executive officer) about the seems only one person has held the controller, Kutaragi. lol Here is a quote from Hirai. "Kutaragi actually showed it to me, and he was kind of waving it in my face, and when I tried to reach out for it, he said 'No,no,no,no,no -not yet!'"

It's messed up what Kutaragi did to Hirai with the controller. But I can't wait to see what Sony has for us early next year. They have gone on record saying that we will see in the very near comparable gameplay footage the rumors that games like KZ and Motorstorm can't not be done.

To me this is huge. Very near future? To me that means CES or the Feburary meeting. I swear Sony if you blotch this up I will never have respect on these boards again.:LOL:


This info came from here
Well of course they can do better than the E3 "demos" since the only demos shown there were UT2007, Fight Night, a bathtub demo and a few others. The other footage(Killzone, etc..) was target pre-rendered footage and not "demos". Interesting that they are still on for a Spring launch when we've yet to see a playable game yet...
Both Sony guys said PS3 will be able to deliver the quality of visuals seen in the E3 demos. (perhaps even better) . " I think that, in the very near future, you'll see some comparable gameplay footage that will really put those rumors [that PS3 can't be as powerful as we're claiming it is] to bed."
If that includes Killzone, motorsport etc then I am sold :oops:

I doubt it though
Hardknock said:
Well of course they can do better than the E3 "demos" since the only demos shown there were UT2007, Fight Night, a bathtub demo and a few others. The other footage(Killzone, etc..) was target pre-rendered footage and not "demos". Interesting that they are still on for a Spring launch when we've yet to see a playable game yet...

Hardknock they also said

I think that, in the very near future, you'll see some comparable gameplay footage that will really put those rumors [that PS3 can't be as powerful as we're claiming it is] to bed."

When they say "put those rumors to bed" they are obviously talking about the KZ and Motorstorm video.
Nesh said:
Both Sony guys said PS3 will be able to deliver the quality of visuals seen in the E3 demos. (perhaps even better) . " I think that, in the very near future, you'll see some comparable gameplay footage that will really put those rumors [that PS3 can't be as powerful as we're claiming it is] to bed."
If that includes Killzone, motorsport etc then I am sold :oops:

I doubt it though

Nesh you gotta be honest if Sony are saying it now it starts to make you wonder. They could have easily danced around the question. They answered it head on and said that we will see perhaps even better very very soon.

If they couldn't do it why even say it in one of if not the biggest Playstation magazine in the world?
mckmas8808 said:
Hardknock they also said

When they say "put those rumors to bed" they are obviously talking about the KZ and Motorstorm video.

Rumors that it's not as "powerful as we're claiming it is", that does not equal KZ or Motorstorm pre-rendered footage. Remember when MS stated at X05 there would be "no question that this is next-gen"? Did that really materialize?

If they couldn't do it why even say it in one of if not the biggest Playstation magazine in the world?

You can't be this gullible can you? PR people lie all the time, and that includes both MS and Sony.
mckmas8808 said:
Nesh you gotta be honest if Sony are saying it now it starts to make you wonder. They could have easily danced around the question. They answered it head on and said that we will see perhaps even better very very soon.

If they couldn't do it why even say it in one of if not the biggest Playstation magazine in the world?
Simply because its too good to be true :p
I hope it is true but....can it really be?? :oops:
Hardknock said:
You can't be this gullible can you? PR people lie all the time, and that includes both MS and Sony.

I know PR people lie but this is the President, Chief Executive Officer,and Co Chief Operating Officer of SCEA and Vice President of SCEA. Now of course even they can lie too, but why lie now that your games will look like what you showed at E3? If the games don't look like it won't they just catch backlash?
- Both Sony guys said PS3 will be able to deliver the quality of visuals seen in the E3 demos. (perhaps even better) . " I think that, in the very near future, you'll see some comparable gameplay footage that will really put those rumors [that PS3 can't be as powerful as we're claiming it is] to bed."

Yea okay , these are the same people claming killzone was realtime when the developer was saying it wasn't .

Proof is in the pudding . Show us people playing something with footage. ANd not comparable. Footage just as good
more interesting interestings from that thread;)

Here's some info from the Ted Price (pres. and CEO, Insomniac games)

PSM: Okay, first things first: We're totally excited about "I-8." There has not be something you can tell us about it other than "it's still in development".

Ted Price: Ha-ha! Nope.

- Price said we will learn more about the game "very soon"

- Ted Price, as a developer, says memory and processing power excites him most about working with the PS3. Also, he seems to love Blu-Ray Disc format

- He says PS3 has more raw horsepower and eventually (as developers learn)the gap will widen between 360 and PS3. In favor of the PS3 of course.

PSM: What's one big thing you can tell us about your next game that will get us even more excited about it?

Ted Price: While there aren't any Lambaxes in the game, you definitely get to blow lots of stuff up! Plus we'll be drawing 529,670,000,000 polygons per frame (give or take a few), the game will be run by an AI that can also do your taxes or your homework for you and we'll support full-body biofeedback suits. Probably. (Editor's note; Ted is just being silly here. We think. You never know...)
jvd said:
Yea okay , these are the same people claming killzone was realtime when the developer was saying it wasn't .

Proof is in the pudding . Show us people playing something with footage. ANd not comparable. Footage just as good

I'm with you JVD i've taken up the "shut down mode" to any articles, sound bites or videos. I just want to see someone with a PS3 controller, working a PS3 game. Hopefully CES is the platform for some type of look into games that are playable.
some people here on this board are stubborn, i think if there is a gameplay footage that shows that Killzone and/or motostorm are a similar if not better than the E3 footage, some people will find some lame excuse to discredited, i sympathis with you mckmas8808.
dantruon said:
i think if there is a gameplay footage that shows that Killzone and/or motostorm are a similar if not better than the E3 footage, some people will find some lame excuse to discredited
id beleive it, ive actually seen it happen around these parts. not naming names of course. :p
but thats OT and another story.
I will tell you now exactly what will happen.

When gameplay footage is released, some aspects of it will look as good, other aspects won't. Both "sides" will claim they were right.

dantruon said:
some people here on this board are stubborn, i think if there is a gameplay footage that shows that Killzone and/or motostorm are a similar if not better than the E3 footage, some people will find some lame excuse to discredited, i sympathis with you mckmas8808.

The very same board that has a number of regulars discrediting CELL and RSX on a daily bases. Noooooooooooooooooooooo!

Anyway, I thought Killzowned360 was real-time. ;)
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Some strong talk from Sony.

If they can do it though, the system wars are over. I dont care if it's 399, I'm ready to be wowed.

Videogames are about graphics.

Sony can do it because MS went with EDRAM, and because Nvidia suddenly started being more efficient per logic transitor this year than ATI (a turn of events).

It's possible to see RSX as 30-60% more powerful than Xenos, which is a lot, at 300m transistors, which is very reasonable.

Cell is nothing to care about IMO.

Actually I'm not sure 100% more powerful is out of the question.

Sometimes I dont see Xenos as that much more powerful than an X850, based on various technical reasons. And a 512 GTX is 100%+ more powerful than a X850
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Joe DeFuria said:
I will tell you now exactly what will happen.

When gameplay footage is released, some aspects of it will look as good, other aspects won't. Both "sides" will claim they were right.


Not to turn this into a fight (if you haven't notice yet I actually like debated you it cool) but what if KZ and Motorstorm liked comparable to the video? I believe that you would admit it, but honestly do you think some of the others will? You're right there is a small line between, "It look like the video" and "Sony lied I knew they couldn't do it".

To me the question then or should I say now is, "what is the measurement by which we will grade the real product to the supposed product"? Know this is really a hard question but I think everybody that wants to participate in the conversation in the future show ask themselves this now.

My measurement will be hours apon hours apon hours of studying the videos that I have saved on my HDD today to what we get later. But then I will ask myself (and to take a page from Nintendo) does it make me say WOW?

If I were to only see the real footage, would my reaction be the same as when I seen in May 2005? Does it still have that "this can't be real", "no way that's all PS3", and "that still has to be CGI" feel to it.

And if it does still have that look then I will be satisfied.
Bill, I appreciate the joys of setting random things on fire as much as the next guy but must you throw gasoline on every thread you post in? Yeesh.

On topic, god bless Ted Price for having a sense of humor. Ratchet was an AAA franchise (albiet milked to death in the end) and I cant wait to play his next creation. Apparently its the game he's always wanted to get made. Ted knows fun. Remember that stuff fellas? FUN?
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