inFAMOUS Second Son [PS4]

Infamous 2'a kinetic pulse. You could throw cars over buildings.


Oh, I thought you were saying you could do it in SS.

It's clear to me from the audio logs that
Delsin is going to the conduit prison to free the conduits, where he can get all the powers he wants. I wonder how they are going to reset him to zero powers like they seem to do in these kind of games.
It would be interesting to see some very strange powers, a bit like in Misfits the UK TV show. Which by the way I LOVED.
For example in the last season one guy could drain powers by f**king the person with the power - hilarious in the context of the show and the people he ends up 'draining'...
Same. Did the mission, tried to log on but hey ho, no log on! Looks like a cool power tho!
Ditto. It's the only icon left on the map for my good play through. I saw the message about not connecting to a server and left it for latter, I was keen to get back to killing stuff. Uh, I mean, suppressing the evil doers :oops:

So I have to create an account on a website - not exactly obvious. Or maybe it would have been if I'd read the message properly!
Oh, I thought you were saying you could do it in SS.
No, but once you get the final power you can
charge into cars, vans etc and send them flying! It feels a bit hulk-like!

It's clear to me from the audio logs that
Delsin is going to the conduit prison to free the conduits, where he can get all the powers he wants. I wonder how they are going to reset him to zero powers like they seem to do in these kind of games.
In inFamous 2, the exertion of fighting the beast at the start did this.
So they could use the reason of too many powers being used 'resets' Delsin.
But it's comic/superhero game. It doesn't have to make a lot of sense! ;-)
I find he just kind of stops suddenly and mildly damage the cars :(

:???: I can
easily decimate a DUP vehicle, exploding it and tipping it over. You're charging using circle, yes?
OK, I'm not really looking at this game because it has no online.

But would it be worth a rental or maybe getting later after price cuts?

As far as future versions, they need to think of online modes. Maybe they introduce some sidekick characters as well as several nemeses, which would be used as the basis for some kind of online component in future iterations of the series.
I'm still trying to figure out whether I felt slightly less connected than I2 because of the game itself or because I just spent most of the time just looking at the bloody pavement, the textures, the particles, the lighting, all the prettiness, without paying much attention to what was actually going on...:LOL:
Wow that's one serious brain teaser.

By the way am I the only one who notices that one of Delsin's bonus jackets is called "X-Bone" and has a symbol of death on it?? Pretty funny :devilish:
There's an article here where various developer enthuse over inFamous. But the really interesting bit is the twitter conversation that followed about PC development vs Console development.


Did anyone see the reddit, now disappeared, that said if your controller runs out of battery when you are playing Delsin automatically runs for cover!?
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There's an article here where various developer enthuse over inFamous. But the really interesting bit is the twitter conversation that followed about PC development vs Console development.

The twitter conversation was interesting but could be boiled down to the following: "Sony exclusive developer with little to no commercial PC development experience makes comment about the difficulty of streaming on PC and is contradicted by a Ubisoft developer with tons of commercial PC development experience".
The twitter conversation was interesting but could be boiled down to the following: "Sony exclusive developer with little to no commercial PC development experience makes comment about the difficulty of streaming on PC and is contradicted by a Ubisoft developer with tons of commercial PC development experience".

Honestly the PC vs Console debate has always puzzled me... for the simple fact, one is a closed environment with unified experience across the board, while the other has unlimited resources for upgrades, yet an uneven experience across the board because of being so open.

Anyhow, Infamous SS does approach IQ mostly seen in beefy PCs. It doesn't diminish the PC from being at the top of the pedigree chain, it (Infamous SS) just reinforces the notion that the PS4 isn't a mutt.
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Lobing how much freedom this game is letting me have ! Just unlocked theunlimited neon sprint and I am just running all around, stopping to power up my karma bomb, the neon karma bomb is the best power ever :p, only to speed away again and stop where ever I see DUP. Since I am an obsessive shard collector, I had enough shards to juice up neon the moment I got it. The second district has a distinct Sc-fi vibe !

Is there a third district too? also, is it me or the game moving a bit too fast? I mean already on to my second district ? I previous infamouses, it took a lot of time to get to second district. I hope it doesn't end soon, cos I am lovin it !