He can shoot beams of energy form his hands so why would he want to use a gun?
Also he can "run" in air while in neon form so why would he e want to drive a vehicle?
Consumes calories :smile:
He can shoot beams of energy form his hands so why would he want to use a gun?
Also he can "run" in air while in neon form so why would he e want to drive a vehicle?
If you've played past infamous games you'll know your powers are limited. That is there is a finite storage for whatever resource (electricity, smoke etc) that fuels them. And in an open game where you are, by definition, a fugitive then anything should go. Including stealing vehicles and weapons. I won't be surprised if you can't but I'm curious how they'll explain why you can't.He can shoot beams of energy form his hands so why would he want to use a gun? Also he can "run" in air while in neon form so why would he e want to drive a vehicle?
If you've played past infamous games you'll know your powers are limited. That is there is a finite storage for whatever resource (electricity, smoke etc) that fuels them. And in an open game where you are, by definition, a fugitive then anything should go. Including stealing vehicles and weapons. I won't be surprised if you can't but I'm curious how they'll explain why you can't.
If you've played past infamous games you'll know your powers are limited. That is there is a finite storage for whatever resource (electricity, smoke etc) that fuels them. And in an open game where you are, by definition, a fugitive then anything should go. Including stealing vehicles and weapons. I won't be surprised if you can't but I'm curious how they'll explain why you can't.
Nobody said it was. Cole's powers were capped by storage (upgradable by collecting blast shards, of course) for the same reason other third person shooters limit your damage by ammo carried and capacity. Balance. I'm not expecting HatGuy to be any different.inFamous is not a survival horror series where resources are limited.
Also even when energy sources were scarce (power down areas) you could always use Bio Leech to drain energy form people/enemies.
But my point was that open world games are better if you remove arbitrary barriers to gameplay.
No. I want to get into a car, drive it to a check point or other heavily fortified area then explode it around me.Its a game where u can fly, shoot firebombs from bare hands, soar like smoke, dive down like a meteor and zip around like a lightning streak: and you guys want to walk and drive a
No. I want to get into a car, drive it to a check point or other heavily fortified area then explode it around me.
Who said I wanted to be a hero?So non super hero like![]()
I'm ok with this. inFamous 1 and 2 were both games that I thoroughly enjoyed learning the story while playing the game, not by having seen so many clips and videos of the game pre-release, I'd already pieced it together.I am a bit aseptically since they have shown almost nothing of the game yet and the release date is already here: March 21st.
Its a game where u can fly, shoot firebombs from bare hands, soar like smoke, dive down like a meteor and zip around like a lightning streak: and you guys want to walk and drive a car! looking at the wrong game.
The game has to be fun in what it does. No one cares we can't sit down on chairs in FPSs.
Who said I wanted to be a hero?Actually I much prefer the hero route but that doesn't mean I'm merciful to my enemies!
We love to experiment with the possibilitiesNo, no, What i meant was would Superman , or really any super powered guy, really use such lowly "human" tactics as sending an explading car when he can literally fry people with his "powers" , eh !
Anyways, Here's a new screen I found:
You can barely see the polygons anymore, and instead of appreciating a really great rock texture I now appreciate a really nice looking rock.