Its obvious misrepresentations what devs like Turn-10 and PD do to promote their titles. These photomode images are not used to promote the photomode feature, the intent of their promotions are to lead general consumers to believe that these shots represent gameplay. General ignorance or apathy is not a justifiable excuse to be dishonest.
It started with PD. You'd see GT replay mode and photo mode pics being used in PR all the time. Then you had the die hard fan base defending these to death while absolutely knowing that the graphics you are seeing while PLAYING THE GAME are not of the same quality. GT being the biggest racing franchise around, it would be silly to try and compete with the accepted fanbase used of such material with proper gameplay shots by other games. They still are quick to criticize other games for using "bullshots" but will just as quickly ignore or dismiss any such comments about GT. Other companies need to go through the same lenghts to compete or their product will be considered inferior immediately. I don't expect any of this to change. I seriously doubt that PD will start to use gameplay screenshots for their PR or their rabid fanbase will request such from them. For fun, goto a GT thread and bring this up. See how quickly the heavens crash on you.....Then post "bullshots" form any other racing game in that thread and call the company out for it. Watch how quickly you'll make friends. It's a sad and lost cause.
I have the same issue with games using QTE and cutscenes where you can move the camera around and passing it off as gameplay.