I for one was not attempting to make a statement about the patent system by any means. Immersion won their PS2 Dualshock suit with an award of 90 million or so. Good for them and not necessarily ridiculous.This is ALL rediculously STUPID. Immersion filed the patent before the Dual Shock. Immersion works in MANY fields other than video games (give up this stupid crack-pot thinking). Immersion actually has a WORKING product unlike patent squaters. Immersion offered the oportunity long ago for Sony to solve this before it ever went to court. After this went to court Sony lost. Sony lost again. In fact, one of the judges was so UPSET with Sony he scolded their tactics and wrote a scathing judgment. Finally, Sony lost ONE MORE TIME!
SOOOOOO......you may not like the patent system, you may not agree with the system, it may need to be fixed, but this is NOT the case of Immersion being the bad guy.
But now they act like they're confused as to why Sony has chosen not to include rumble in their new PS3 SIXAXIS; rumble technology that will enable them to squeeze more money out of Sony for another 10+ years.
So they sponsor a study that says gamers prefer rumble and release it to the press to convince Sony that they need to include their technology. Then we're about a month out from the PS3 launch and the CEO contacts the press again to state without any basis whatsoever that tilt technology will not enhance game play and that Sony is doing a disservice to gamers by not including rumble, when in actuality he means Sony is doing a disservice to Immersion and his future profits.
To me this seems a bit ridiculous and desperate, but perhaps I am wrong and Sony will respond favorably to Immersion's pleas...er...timely press releases. IMO if they truly want to collect from the fortunes of the PS3 then they should be more aggressive in reaching a compromise on the Dualshock suit. Otherwise they should collect their $90M from Sony and be content to collect from the X360's inclusion of their technology.