Image Quality and Framebuffer Speculations for WIP/alpha/beta/E3 games *Read the first post*

Those images look like FF7 with prerendered low res bg :)

Trailer looks way better than Zelda though.
Actually Xenoblade on Wii looks better than Zelda on Switch.
I've seen PS3/360 games look better than the entire launch lineup of Switch, how did it come to this??
Wait.. what? Wii U Splatoon was 720p, is the new one actually downgrade at least in mobile mode?
Yes. Resolution downgrade in mobile NX.

Cant speak of overall visuals.
I'm shocked honestly. I played for 40 minutes yesterday in handheld mode, and thought it looked fantastic on the small screen. I remember hearing people talk about how poorly sub native resolution games looked on Vita, and I didn't notice this sub native resolution in Splatoon 2 at all. There are actually articles right now talking about how clean the game looks docked, claiming 1080p resolution. I don't think that is accurate, but the game definitely looks quite a bit nicer than the original. The lighting and shadow system is much improved, and character models look to have a much higher poly count. The framerate is locked as far as I can tell. I am normally very sensitive to framerate, but resolution not so much. I can tell when switching back and forth with a game on my PC, but its never been strikingly different for me. I game on a 42" LCD, so I suppose if I were gaming on a 60" it would probably be far more apparent. I'm sure Digital Foundry will analyze Splatoon 2 this week, so we should have a clearer prognosis soon.
Is nintendo allergic to anti-aliasing? Do any of their 1st party deved by Nintendo games actually use AA? At all?
This may be a sign that Nintendo envisage most people using Switch on the go where the need for AA is lessened. Most of my Switch use is away from home. I don't know what witchcraft Nintendo used but everything on the device's 720p screen looks fantastic.
It seems that for Spiderman the Temporal Injection technique uses a base resolution of 2560x1440. This frame is the first frame after a screen transition from DFs 4k youtube video.
How does that compare to Ratchet & Clank? The same?

When I play Ratchet and Clank, it doesn't look like 1440p, so the technique must be pretty effective, but how does it compare to checkerboarding, considering that maps exactly 1:1 to a 3840x2160 buffer?