Image Quality and Framebuffer Speculations for WIP/alpha/beta/E3 games *Read the first post*

Maybe somebody could take a look at this HQ Witcher 3 video on blimblim Just because they are now saying console probably wont be 1080 it might be interesting. But I know it's a lot of work and it could just be pc version anyway.

Or here's the youtube which will be much easier to watch but lower quality

I did take a look.

Like I said in the Witcher 3 thread, It's running at native 1080p with noAA with extremely choppy performance, constant judder. If the game is capped at 30fps (like the previous E3 video) then it certainly means the game never even reached 30fps once, long enough to be noticed >1s, during the whole 35mn.

The old E3 video analysed by DF (decent 30fps with occasional drops except some ~20fps sustained on some busy parts) was ~900p but at least the game had a visible 30fps "smooth" cap in most areas.

I think Microsoft asked them to set the game at 1080p for gamescom (like they asked blizzard to release Diablo 3 at 1080p) and after the obvious disastrous framerates (and kind of visible sluggishness) shown in this video, they did a preemptive announcement to really tell only Microsoft that they would not be able to set the game at 1080p on XB1.
The witcher 3, 35mn gamersyde HQ video

Here 3 screengrabs of the beautiful and very detailed The Witcher 3, taken from the 35mn Gamersyde video:



UC Unity Beta Xbox one build.
Those screenshots appear to be something like 2/3 on both axes. 1280x720 would be my estimate for that build.

Whatever the AA is, it's not doing a great job there. If there's any sample-based stuff, it's either broken or shut off for the most part. It looks like there might be a spatial post-process filter in play.
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Those last AC Unity pics are definitely around ~800p. It could be 792p, like Watch_dogs.

It confirms that the previous AC Unity footage shown was indeed running on a PC at 1080p.
Those last AC Unity pics are definitely around ~800p.
Which edges are you getting 800p from? Even accounting for possible error by adding an extra "1" to the numerator, the highest value I get from my counts is 780p. The actual results I got all fall pretty close to 720p, with the highest being ~743 and the lowest being ~699.
Which edges are you getting 800p from? Even accounting for possible error by adding an extra "1" to the numerator, the highest value I get from my counts is 780p. The actual results I got all fall pretty close to 720p, with the highest being ~743 and the lowest being ~699.

I never said 800p. I wrote ~800p! ;)

But yes I just gave my higher optimistic estimate.
What does that mean? That your counts weren't actually centering around 800p, but you said ~800p regardless because the values you were getting seemed lower than you expected?

Yes they were indeed centered around ~720p but I prefered to give a good enough estimate with ~800p.
Since it's beta, I'll go easy on it. The textures at certain angles looks good, at other angles, it looks flat (stretched texture), and the filtering looks awful at this point. But it's beta, so no negative "it got downgraded" talk just yet.

Well I mean the footage we saw before was almost certainly PC, while this is Xbox One, so obviously it would look worse, but yeah it's too early to say it will look like this at launch, but then again it's only a few months away.
No idea where I'd find good screens, but NHL15 does not look like 1080p on Xbox One to me. Either that or they're using an AA solution that adds enough of a blur to give it a soft image.
Maybe you're right...

Upon further analysis of nhl 15 on both xb1 and ps4, I've come to the conclusion that neither version is running at 1080p. I haven't been able to determine the resolution but if I had to guess, id say 900p. I also noticed some framerate issues as well. Honestly, o consider this embarrassing especially since the game looks okay at best. It's nothing revolutionary. This game seems like a rush job and I'm not impressed with the framerate issues and laggy menus. Im not sure if I will purchase the game now. This is the straw that broke the camel's back. I'll save my money for nba 2k15.

Sounds like UFC all over again... I'm pretty sure EA is going straight parity "again".
They look like models from The Sims 2 or something. The arenas look pretty good overall. The NHL team is pretty small because the game only sells about 1 million copies. They skipped last year on next-gen, and now they've got a next-gen game that does look pretty nice overall, but has a lot of areas that could be improved a lot, or polished. Wondering if the team is at a point where they won't be able to handle next-gen standards.
NHL15 on PS4 is definitely ~900p and the game doesn't push the PS4 hard, either. It pushes my PS4 as much a FEZ does, no fan level difference (or heat dissipated) compared to the PS4 main menu.

I think we can clearly say, that after UFC, this is another resolution parity EA game. They probably developed the game first on XB1 at 900p and then quickly ported the code, as is, on PS4.
NHL15 on PS4 is definitely ~900p and the game doesn't push the PS4 hard, either. It pushes my PS4 as much a FEZ does, no fan level difference (or heat dissipated) compared to the PS4 main menu.

Ha! I'm glad I'm not the only one who assesses stress to PS4 hardware like this!
NHL15 on PS4 is definitely ~900p and the game doesn't push the PS4 hard, either. It pushes my PS4 as much a FEZ does, no fan level difference (or heat dissipated) compared to the PS4 main menu.

I think we can clearly say, that after UFC, this is another resolution parity EA game. They probably developed the game first on XB1 at 900p and then quickly ported the code, as is, on PS4.

Those are some amazing assumptions.