Maybe somebody could take a look at this HQ Witcher 3 video on blimblim Just because they are now saying console probably wont be 1080 it might be interesting. But I know it's a lot of work and it could just be pc version anyway.
Or here's the youtube which will be much easier to watch but lower quality
I did take a look.
Like I said in the Witcher 3 thread, It's running at native 1080p with noAA with extremely choppy performance, constant judder. If the game is capped at 30fps (like the previous E3 video) then it certainly means the game never even reached 30fps once, long enough to be noticed >1s, during the whole 35mn.
The old E3 video analysed by DF (decent 30fps with occasional drops except some ~20fps sustained on some busy parts) was ~900p but at least the game had a visible 30fps "smooth" cap in most areas.
I think Microsoft asked them to set the game at 1080p for gamescom (like they asked blizzard to release Diablo 3 at 1080p) and after the obvious disastrous framerates (and kind of visible sluggishness) shown in this video, they did a preemptive announcement to really tell only Microsoft that they would not be able to set the game at 1080p on XB1.