Image Quality and Framebuffer Speculations for WIP/alpha/beta/E3 games *Read the first post*

I see a pretty noticeable drop in graphics from AC3 compared to AC2, could it be the addition of massive unit counts?

What do you mean from noticeable drop? AC2 on console is infinitely worse.:???: I have it & even Brotherhood is a notable step above it. You need to replay it, memory tend to improve the past.
Assassins Creed 3 (360 version).

Lots of other screens although might contain spoilers|ot|-future-148158/index21.html

Assassins Creed 3 (PS3 version) (later shots are direct feed).

Seems they dropped that AA from Revelations for FXAA.

is there a comparison of this game? i'm hearing dreadful issues of drawing distance popins and all sorts of performance glitches on both. i wonder how the WII-U version is tailored now....
What do you mean from noticeable drop? AC2 on console is infinitely worse.:???: I have it & even Brotherhood is a notable step above it. You need to replay it, memory tend to improve the past.
I guess I like the art of AC2 better if anything, really dig the water bound Venice and the night time fire works. I have to go back play that again.
Rockstar typically doesn't use bullshots. But those pics aren't full size and are bad quality captures.
Max Payne 3 and RDR didn't have bullshots, or most of the press screens weren't.

This is true. The shots they'd release for their website were all direct captures, as far as I know. LA Noire was the same, I think, but I'm not totally sure.

BO1 PS3- 960x544

BO2 being blurry not stunning. However, I will reserve judgement til after the release and everybody here gets a crack at it.