Lightning effect of lighting effect? Is that screenshot an example? I can see some GI-look shading, but given the shape of the characters, that can be simulated pretty comfortably with a lightmap or shader for floor-bounced lighting. There's self-shadowing on all the characters. By comparsion, Modnation Racers looks flatly lit. LBP Karting is somewhat mixed, but has some secondary lighting appearance. Not sure what XB360 has in this department. Went looking for some Trials 2 karting images but couldn't find any. I'd hope that the improved shader capabilities will be used for something pleasant on Wii U.Nintendo fans on Neogaf are claiming that Nintendo Land has lightning effect which are impossible on current gen hardware. Can anyone confirm this?
There was motion blur also on the part from E3 in trailer, maybe new build.
Anyone here who would be able to figure out the native rendering resolution and AA of the "F1 2012" demo versions for PS3 and Xbox 360 from what apparently is shown over there for example:
hm... looks rather supersampled, particularly the lamppost & cloth in the first shot, though I suppose all the edges look too clean.There's not a single jaggie in sight, such that my interpretation at this point is it's a PR shot, but maybe it's a post FX AA? The whole thing does look a little soft. I'll be interested to hear the take from more experienced pixel counters.
How does one detect the use of post AA? The edge aliasing should look no different to supersampling. That whole screen looks soft to me, as if there was a half pixel blur looks rather supersampled, particularly the lamppost & cloth in the first shot.
hm... Might be somewhat blurred from the capture method (downsampled first) too. There's half-res sampling on some of the red areas + various macro blocking issues.How does one detect the use of post AA? The edge aliasing should look no different to supersampling. That whole screen looks soft to me, as if there was a half pixel blur applied.
Sorry, should have been more specific. In Hero Awakens vidoc, there is motion blur present .Odd... the video on the press site doesn't have motion blur at all.
As someone already mentioned, it does look to be the same as previous iterations. 720p, 4xAA on 360, QAA on PS3.
They went back to QAA on the PS3? I could have sworn last year they switched to MLAA.As someone already mentioned, it does look to be the same as previous iterations. 720p, 4xAA on 360, QAA on PS3.Anyone here who would be able to figure out the native rendering resolution and AA of the "F1 2012" demo versions for PS3 and Xbox 360 from what apparently is shown over there for example:
Playstation 3
F1 2010 = 1280x720 (QAA)
F1 2011 = 1280x720 (MLAA)
They went back to QAA on the PS3? I could have sworn last year they switched to MLAA.
IIRC, the framerate wasn't too great in 2011, but I'm not sure how that compares (to either 2010 or now).
Looks like it. Maybe they preferred the blurring effect on the foliage.The 2xQAA pattern is very apparent here. IIRC, the framerate wasn't too great in 2011, but I'm not sure how that compares (to either 2010 or now).
Sorry, should have been more specific. In Hero Awakens vidoc, there is motion blur present .
Here, 2:52.
I'm using the 647MB video.It's also possible there's some other crappy stuff happening with the chroma sub-sampling capture. Anyways, doesn't really matter much considering the point of the scene is blur. *ahem*
Who knows, maybe they only reserve the cinematic post processing for... *shock* cinematics.
The lighting/shadowing is quite something in the war room scene. Very soft. Wonder what sort/amount of shadow filtering they're using during the cut-scenes as well.
What happened to the face of the man on behind? clipping?
hm... I'm fairly certain they're all captured in real-time (you can spot the aliasing in the press version), but dunno about it being in-game camera views or if they unhooked it for the ViDoc. They have a pretty good DOF mask for objects that are in-focus, or at least they tailor the objects & depths so that the masking is most effective (it can break somewhat for objects that are near the out-of-focus depth such as in the few seconds before the part in the video of the screenshots I made above).Lighting is definitely great, but as you said, shadows look very nice too. There is one scene in particular where it looked great, at 1:38 mark, Forreruner Vidoc. I wondered was that from in game actually. They must have dedicated large chunk of budget on lighting and shadowing in Halo 4.