I'm doing my happy geek dance and celebrating!!!


FINALLY got my daughter's PC up and running again thanks to some old socketA CPU's generously donated to me by Snipe. I believe I got a 2000+ in it, but I don't know for sure or really care for that matter....it's working!!!!

I've had this sucker torn down on my kitchen table for WEEKS now, I can't explain in words the joy/relief/success I'm feeling right now.

It'd dumb, but it's true...and I finally just found the mobo driver disk so I'm finishing setting it up and it'll be back in it's case and back in action soon. :cool:

Thanks again Snipe, you've made a 40 year old and an 6 & 9 year old insanely happy this day. (My daughter is overjoyed her "Skitty" will be back, and Justin is happy as hell that he won't have to share his with her anymore. :LOL: )

Nothing really note worthy in the greater scheme of things I know, but it sure as hell is making my day better.