I'm buggering off, stage left


Graphics @ AMD
It gives me a great deal of pleasure, tinged with a tiny bit of sadness that the job's no longer mine, to announce that Alex Voicu (AlexV to forumites) has graciously accepted the job of Editor-in-Chief of Beyond3D and will take over from me as its steward and guardian for what I hope is a long and fruitful future. Alex and his new team, comprising some of my old crew and some new but familiar faces, have been working with me in the recent past to put in place plans for Beyond3D's growth and ongoing health. All of that stuff is sufficiently in place now for me to let you all know that Alex is now officially at the helm, and that I'll be stepping sideways and a little bit backwards to let him and his crew do their thing. Alex becomes Steward after my near 5 year tour of duty, one which I'm forever thankful to Wavey for, since it put in place the perfect springboard for me to come work for Imagination a little over a year ago.

Alex's team comprises Arun Demeure (Uttar to most), William Stumpf (willardjuice), Alex Goh (AlStrong) and Farid Bouzid (Vysez to most), and he continues to be advised by a small team of various folks, IHV-employed or otherwise, such as myself (Imagination), Tim Murray (NVIDIA) and Dave Baumann (AMD), to maintain good industry ties and maintain Beyond3D's IHV impartiality. There's also a hidden cabal of ISV luminaries that have always been around, making sure the site's leading ability to use software to drive the hardware it's interested in remains ahead of the pack. Hi, Deano!

The site will continue to be partnered by The Tech Report and a growing relationship with Real World Technologies, and the legendary forum moderation team remains intact, and indeed AlStrong and Willy make the step up from that team into the main crew. I'd like to thank the moderation team, especially Shifty, for all their efforts over the last half a decade while I've been the forum admin, for doing such an epic and very difficult job. The forums are a special place and one of Beyond3D's prize assets, and they wouldn't be anywhere near as successful as they are without the work of those guys. Thank you!

All that remains is for me to say thanks to some specific people for their help and support over the years, since while I've made sure the site and forums stay online, and occasionally I wrote some stuff that some people found interesting, there are some people that deserve a nod for their part in helping me keep it all going. If you think I forgot you, sorry -- I promise I've spent significant brain cycles recently thinking about a good many of you who I'll undoubtedly miss out. So, thanks to Tim Murray, Arun, Geo, Farid, Ratchet, Alex, Deano, Ailuros, Simon F, Xmas, Wavey, Kristof, jpaana, JohnH, Mintmaster, MfA, pruned, willy, AlStrong, ChrisRay, Scott Wasson and the TR guys, Nick Stam and his team at NV, Lord Huddy, Eric Demers and mhouston at AMD, dkanter, AndyTX, Mr. Ross and Mr. Sandhu, digisan and the EB massive, and finally Beta, Burga and the rest of the IRC misfits.
/me pours some 40oz on the sidewalk

It was a pleasure working with you, Rys! Good luck on your new PVR powered endeavours!

Welcome Alex and the whole new team. It's time to set Beyond3D up to 11!
The king is dead, long live the king.

Sad to see Rys stepping down, but looking forward to what AlexV and company will be doing.

Cheers to the Rys and cheers to AlexV and cheers to everyone else that makes Beyond3D the only tech related forum I enjoy being on.

Thanks Rys for a job well done, and don't be a stranger etc. And good luck to our new 3dmeister Alex!
I salute you, sir. May your GPUs always be cool and your framerates always high.
Thanks for everything and good sailing mate. Hope that you still continue to post and hang around here as much as possible.
You will be missed - don't be a stranger! I have no worries that the new crew will do a stellar job. And sorry we never got to get the Beyond3D podcast take off properly. If any of the new crew is interested in a second try, I'll always be interested in getting that going again. ;)
The king is dead, long live the king! :cry:
My first thought was. . .wow, it's been almost five years already?

Best of luck to you, Rys, and go not gently into that good night new B3D team.
Oh, I forgot to mention.

After Rys joined IMG, I was expecting this. I'm just surprised it didn't happen sooner!