I think i might be bi

london-boy said:
I can understand how many people consider "natural" for men to go with girls. Not the point. I've been shagging men since the age of 16. For me that's what i call "natural". So i might be excused if i find it a bit weird if i now start fantasizing about girls from time to time...

I realise this is a semi-silly thread but if it's allright I'll give my view your situation.

In you comments in this thread you have mentioned "having sex with men" and "fantasising about girls".

I'm just wondering how do you define your sexuality?

Is it defined by who you :

- fantasize about
- Are emotionally attracted to
- Fall in love with.
- Have sexual relations with

Or are ALL of them required?

Personally I'd say the last three on the list are the more important defining cretera.
Reverend said:
I've got these two nephews who are both gay (they're brothers... their parents know one of them is gay but they don't know the other is as well... the mother will probably die of a heart attack if/when she knows).

Their mother is a member of what looks to be the first generation of parents who, if their son(s) does turn out to be gay, can realistically dream about him bringing home a handsome future son-in-law and then settling down and raising grandchildren in a "nice mainstream life". In other words, no difference except the "plumbing" of the in-law.
PeterAce said:
london-boy said:
I can understand how many people consider "natural" for men to go with girls. Not the point. I've been shagging men since the age of 16. For me that's what i call "natural". So i might be excused if i find it a bit weird if i now start fantasizing about girls from time to time...

I realise this is a semi-silly thread but if it's allright I'll give my view your situation.

In you comments in this thread you have mentioned "having sex with men" and "fantasising about girls".

I'm just wondering how do you define your sexuality?

Is it defined by who you :

- fantasize about
- Are emotionally attracted to
- Fall in love with.
- Have sexual relations with

Or are ALL of them required?

Personally I'd say the last three on the list are the more important defining cretera.

I guess all of them are important, and by the way my sexuality is of the gay kind and i belong to the gay race. Everyone knows, my mother, my granma, my friends, everyone.
I guess i'm just in the mood for something different... After years of gayness i guess i've started thinking sex-with-girls wouldn't be so bad... Of course, the girl would have to be perfect in every sense. And sometimes i do see a girl (one in a million) and i go "mmmm i'd give her one"... Not right. after shagging everyone and their brother, to think that...

Oh, and for the curious ones, i did have sex with girls before coming out...
london-boy said:
I guess all of them are important, and by the way my sexuality is of the gay kind and i belong to the gay race. Everyone knows, my mother, my granma, my friends, everyone.
I guess i'm just in the mood for something different... After years of gayness i guess i've started thinking sex-with-girls wouldn't be so bad... Of course, the girl would have to be perfect in every sense. And sometimes i do see a girl (one in a million) and i go "mmmm i'd give her one"... Not right. after shagging everyone and their brother, to think that...

Oh, and for the curious ones, i did have sex with girls before coming out...

Sounds a lot like the younger adolescent version of sex, the girls "have to be perfect". So perhaps in you somewhere that development just never happened and since your mind has begun to wander a few of those early thoughts have now been triggered? Just a thought :)

Worth a try though, I know I enjoy sex with girls and I can certainly vouch for it!!!!!!! heheh. Strange seeing this side of the coin though, the media has potrayed men in their mid to early twenties discovering they're bi after previously being stright commonly but not from being gay. At least you're open and not easily offended, so you'll probably get what you want in the end :)
sytaylor said:
Sounds a lot like the younger adolescent version of sex, the girls "have to be perfect". So perhaps in you somewhere that development just never happened and since your mind has begun to wander a few of those early thoughts have now been triggered? Just a thought :)

Worth a try though, I know I enjoy sex with girls and I can certainly vouch for it!!!!!!! heheh. Strange seeing this side of the coin though, the media has potrayed men in their mid to early twenties discovering they're bi after previously being stright commonly but not from being gay. At least you're open and not easily offended, so you'll probably get what you want in the end :)

Oh I'm totally open. Minded.
Other thing, by the time i go through all the trouble, i'd be off the thought, i mean getting a girl to have sex with u is just an impossibly long process, and knowing myself, i'd be off to the gym after 5 mins of her "wanting to talk"...
I'm exaggerating, but in the end IT'S TRUE!!! :LOL:
rabidrabbit said:
rent a hooker and get it done!!!

See, i couldn't do that. Unless the hooker were to be very very sexy. And clean. And smell-less. And sane.

Mmmm... Maybe i just need to work things out with the boyfriend...
london-boy said:
Johnny and MuD, i would agree that this is not the time or place for such a thread if i posted this on the fucking 3D Hardware forum. This is a G(ay)eneral Forum, if you can't get over threads that ARE SUPPOSED TO BE FUNNY ANYWAY then stay in your little nerdy forums and read those!! Jeeez...

Uh, relax? ;) Just saying, it seems like being gay is your defining characteristic? You want that?

I created the topic because (i was bored) (and with nothing to do) i knew there would be LOADS of gay people with different views around here. You're not gay, or funny, or old enough to give advice, or senior enough in this forums to both know what really goes on in here and ESPECIALLY to tell ME what i can or cannot post, so why bother replying?

I'm not gay? When did I ever say that? When did I ever reveal my age? I could be 75 for all you know. And just because I haven't made many posts here doesn't mean I haven't been lurking frequently. I'm not telling you what you can post, and I'm not bashing you, I'm just confused why someone would choose to be "the gay guy" on a forum where it shouldn't matter.

Again, the thread was supposed to be light hearted, it's sad to see some kids reacting like you do...

Apparently calling someone young is an insult? :p Again, I'm not out to bash anyone, just speaking my mind.
That's great, again, why do you feel i need to "prove" something to anyone?
The thread is what it says on the tin. It asks the many (gay or not) guys around here what they think about it. Simple as that.
To be honest that reply of mine was more directed to that other guy rather than u, but hey...

Now, if all you can do is comment on the validity of the topic, great, keep it for yourself; but if you post here, care to comment on what the thread is actually about?
london-boy said:
care to comment on what the thread is actually about?

Alright then. Hardly anyone is 100% gay or 100% straight. The kind of stuff you're describing happens to people all the time. That's a huge problem I have with labels. People choose them and think they're supposed to stick with them invariably. Then when something deviates from that label they consider it a bad thing. Some gay fellows go off and daydream about having sex with women, some straight men might entertain the thought of doing something with a buddy. It happens.
Thanks. To be honest i hate labels too, but u know, after years of men-doing and stuff, it kind of hits u when u start thinking about girls. And the same thing is valid the other way around.

Now, back to business. So, u're not straight? :LOL: :LOL: KIDDING!!!
rabidrabbit said:
If I've read correctly between the lines, at least one here has had sex with london-boy, and I'm sure there are several who are fantasising about it.

Hah. In his dreams. ;)

But yea, I'm taken, and he should be single and playing the field again. But well.....

rabidrabbit said:
As for you and N... I don't know where I'd got that picture in my mind... must've been daydreaming.

LB and I are good friends, nothing more nothing less. We just happen to be very good, and open, flirts. hehe. Though I keep telling him to dump his damn boyfriend and move on already and he won't listen. Damn stubborn son of a bitch. :LOL:
digitalwanderer said:
Natoma and LB just lubs teasing us straights and flaunting their active sex lives in the faces of all us married and old farts here. ;)

Hehe, and dig is the married old fart personified ;) Ok the loveable married old fart :LOL:
hmmmmmmmmmm I'm pretty sure someone told me that they had met someone here.... and I thought I had it figured out, but apparently not. Of course, I'm
not at liberty to say who told me that..... :)
zurich said:
Johnny Watson said:
No one here cares about your sexual orientation, as no one here is likely to have sex with you.

Speak for yourself buddy. Looks like someone struck a nerve regarding people not wanting to sleep with you 8)

MuD said:
Well f*cking said. There's a time and place for those things, BUT THIS IS NOT THE TIME OR PLACE!!!

If your delicate sensibilities are too fragile to handle a thread debating the concept of alternative lifesyles, then DON'T FUCKING CLICK ON THE LINK.

edit: you have 35 posts, your signature praises trucks/guns/heavy metal, and you have a knee-jerk adversion to discussion about sexual orientation. Definitely not even legal drinking age, and definitely not worth the time. If you intend to spend some time on these boards you'll find that there are more than a few homosexuals here. I hope you'll learn that this is "not the time or place" for summary judgement comments regarding sexual orientation.

Reverend said:
You're a man. Be a Man.


But I'm going OT... you're talking about wanting to screw girls and you're a male... completely acceptable and normal behaviour and feeling.

Not really, actually... but I guess one can only hope people wouldn't be so presumptious.

No need for the rude comment.....but since you started it, WHO THE FUCK ARE YOU TO TELL ME IF I'M "OF LEGAL DRINKING AGE", what the hell does THAT have to do with anything. I'll f*cking beat you up, I'm not afraid. Go f*ck yourself in a corner.
MuD said:
No need for the rude comment.....but since you started it, WHO THE FUCK ARE YOU TO TELL ME IF I'M "OF LEGAL DRINKING AGE", what the hell does THAT have to do with anything. I'll f*cking beat you up, I'm not afraid. Go f*ck yourself in a corner.

I think you've just proven that, although you may technically legal drinking age, you'r maturity is not that of one of legal drinking age (at least, legal drinking age in the US).
MuD said:
No need for the rude comment.....but since you started it, WHO THE FUCK ARE YOU TO TELL ME IF I'M "OF LEGAL DRINKING AGE", what the hell does THAT have to do with anything. I'll f*cking beat you up, I'm not afraid. Go f*ck yourself in a corner.
"I'll beat you up" ROFL!
Is your daddy gonna beat up his daddy also?
Althornin said:
MuD said:
No need for the rude comment.....but since you started it, WHO THE FUCK ARE YOU TO TELL ME IF I'M "OF LEGAL DRINKING AGE", what the hell does THAT have to do with anything. I'll f*cking beat you up, I'm not afraid. Go f*ck yourself in a corner.
"I'll beat you up" ROFL!
Is your daddy gonna beat up his daddy also?

:D ;)