I have seen the PS2 light!

marconelly! said:
I guess you had some crappy PS2 games, then :\ I have PS2 on component cable and Xbox on s-video. Best looking games on both have pretty mint image quality. Maybe the small TV helps, I don't know.

Thats bizzare, why wouldn't you have the Xbox on component to enjoy the 480p in 99% of the games, rather than the other way around?! :oops:
Low is like GT3
Med is like Burnout3
High is like Baldur's gate
There's Burnout3 already? :oops:
Anyway, I don't really feel comfortable drawing comparisons on a public board ;) And it isn't all fair, older games that didn't mipmap can't really stand too well against newer stuff, even if they use the same AA/filtering.

And type of game affects this greatly too - outdoor games with massive draw distance(like ours :LOL:) are more prone to geometry aliasing in the distance, where as BGDA type of camera avoids that, but has some other issues to deal with.
Not to mention art direction can make a world of difference for IQ too.

That's interesting... Know any particular example?
I think T4 does, the filter they have looks different from just enabling CRT blend.
And yeah, the game is running full frame. Whether progressive makes it in won't be up to me though.
Thats bizzare, why wouldn't you have the Xbox on component to enjoy the 480p in 99% of the games, rather than the other way around?!
The answer to this is very simple. I don't have a $3000 TV that supports progressive ;) As I've said earlier, all I have is a Flat 20" Toshiba with component and s-video input. I have substantially more games on PS2 than on Xbox and I play them much more often. I also use it for DVD movie playback, so it makes sense to have the better cable for it.
Fafalada said:
Low is like GT3
Med is like Burnout3
High is like Baldur's gate
There's Burnout3 already? :oops:

Of course ;)

Anyway, I don't really feel comfortable drawing comparisons on a public board ;) And it isn't all fair, older games that didn't mipmap can't really stand too well against newer stuff, even if they use the same AA/filtering.

As you wish. I tried :)