I have seen the PS2 light!

so.. the ps2 's DAC is older.. so its not as good as newer DACs on newer consoles (and dreamcast have a hardware flicker "blurer" filter )
ok ,all is in its place. :)
What's the third setting for? Sharp/Soft/????
It's basically low/med/high, medium being default, added for the certain picky people of that certain company ;)
I wouldn't really know how to describe differencies between them, it's something you'll have to see for yourself. And I know some people might actually be happy to have more options to fiddle with, but personally I'm not a big fan of that :p
I remember ninge from GA saying the same thing too and that Sony recommend developers to use the odd 525 x 'something' resolution for their games. Which might explain the 'lowres PS2 look'
It's the lack of full frame buffers and improper filtering in some games. I don't think it has to do anything with horizontal resolution being lower.

Faf - can you give us a brief description of how those three stages of flicker fixer work (I mean their inner working) Does that have something to do with 1-line and 3-line DAC filtering? I know PS2 has both but 3-line is not the default. Xbox additionally has third one, I think 5-line.

Also, can someone list few games that use some of these DAC settings?
so.. the ps2 's DAC is older.. so its not as good as newer DACs on newer consoles

Well it does offer higher scan rates (the GS has a 135MHz DAC) vs. either of the Xbox encoders (IIRC both the Conexant CX25871 and the Focus FS454 that Xbox uses both use 75MHz DACs). However those encoders I'm almost sure offer more sophisticated flicker filters (in particular the Conexant part) and they're also quite a bit more expensive (again with the Conexant part)...
the CRT in PS2 has a 2-sample/line blend, if you want to use more samples you have to help out with the GS. That's something some games do anyhow - those using half-height front buffer typically don't use CRT for the filtering at all (and instead use downsample from higher resolution back buffers), or use it to go motion blur happy like Bouncer (which does work as some kind of flicker fixer as well).

Anyway in our case I combine the two to get higher amount of filtering, and the arrangment of samples I take is not necesserily just in lines, but no big science behind it either (there's only so much you can do with bluring anyhow :p ). And lowest setting is pretty much filter off Iirc.
the CRT in PS2 has a 2-sample/line blend, if you want to use more samples you have to help out with the GS. That's something some games do anyhow
That's interesting... Know any particular example?

I assume all the de-interlacing issues are non-existent if your game supports, and runs on the progressive scan TV? It's my understanding that your game has full front buffer, so are you going to support progressive too?

can you explain the different settings comparing them with the IQ of other PS2 games?


Low is like GT3
Med is like Burnout3
High is like Baldur's gate :)
I am sorry to inform you but Faf is under NDA.
I will see what i can get out of him for you folks. :oops:
I've played PS2 on a friend's 42" flatscreen CRT TV with S-video input. Looked excellent to me, the sparkling textures in Devil May Cry looked positively razor-sharp actually.

Chap, maybe time for you to simply STFU? Just a friendly suggestion, mind you... :)

Faf and i go a long way back. :p

Have you tried playing Xbox on that TV, with progressive scan enabled? :oops:
I agree. The difference in image quality between my Xbox and my friend's PS2 on my 34" CRT HDTV is pretty dramatic. The PS2 just suffers badly on high-end equipment. The difference isn't nearly as easy to see on normal 27" TVs.
There are very few games on PS2 that support progressive scan. That's the truth of it. On a HDTV - *especially* the HDTV that only supports progressive scan and does line doubling on interlaced input - Any interlaced source is going to look visibly worse - much worse actually than on a dedicated quality TV that supports only interlaced.
If the xbox need a HDTV to look better than the ps2, I would consider both consoles of equal visual quality for almost everybody ;)
I've got a critical eye for image quality deficiencies, and like I said, on 42" flatscreen with S-video AND on my old 14" (1986) Sony Trinitron with composite, the PS2 does just fine. No color bleeding, no fuzzy wavy lines in the vertical direction, etc. Very clean, very sharp, good color saturation and so on. DVD output is just beautiful! I checked with a high-bitrate title (12.25Mbit/s I think), and it was pure magic. :)

I think either you guys who have PS2 problems are plain biased, or else it's the general suckyness of NTSC that plays tricks with your eyes because you all seem to be (whiney :)) 'murricans. PAL PS2 roxxors from pure 2D IQ point of view. End of story.

I think you need to open your critical eye a little more. :)

The PS2 looks wretched on any interlaced large flatscreen tv I've seen it on, including my own.

I think Wazoo's point is valid though. If you have crappy equipment, the PS2 is fine. Some of us have higher standards though and spent our money accordingly. 8)
The PS2 looks wretched on any interlaced large flatscreen tv I've seen it on, including my own.
Aren't you the proud owner of a large NON-interlaced TV? ;)

Anyways, PS2 output looks great on my 20" flat Toshiba with component cables. That TV might be cheap, but is one of the best in that screen size class and is very far from being 'crappy'. I also think PS2 generally looks much better on interlaced TVs than it does on progressive ones (except for the games that actually support progressive scan)
My HDTV is 480i when hooked up to the S-Video port and 480p when hooked up via the component ports. The PS2 was hooked up for 10 days to my S-Video port with interlaced display. The image quality was a rude awakening from the Xbox image I'm used to, even when I hook up my Xbox to the same port (before I got my composite cables). :)
I guess you had some crappy PS2 games, then :\ I have PS2 on component cable and Xbox on s-video. Best looking games on both have pretty mint image quality. Maybe the small TV helps, I don't know.