I am crazy: I just bought THIS watch...

Guden Oden

Senior Member
Weird how things happen. I was surfing around on some site, can't even remember which one now, and there was a link to the Thinkgeek online shop there (I think it was the space-gel ant-farm thingy). If you've ever been there, you know there's a million cool (and stupid) items for sale there, so I got stuck exploring pretty much everything there was to see.

One of them was a blue binary LED watch, and I thought it was wayy cool. Then it struck me, if there's one such watch, maybe there's MORE OF THEM? As it turned out, that was indeed the case, and after having checked out a bunch of links, I found the right one...

I saw it, and immediately fell in love: AIN'T I BEAUTIFUL?

There's just one problem... I'm going to have to wear a second watch so I can tell the time while wearing this watch. :p
Rofl, yes they DO include instructions... In english too, and not just Japanese. :p

Anyways, binary is pretty straight-forwards so I could have figured out how to read it out anyway, though setting the calendar could be a bit tricky if there weren't any instructions! :)
So which one did you get the red, blue or multicoloured?
IMO the multicolured one looks a bit cheap. Does the colours even have a function?
I bought the multicolor version... :) While the pure red and blue versions look nice, I prefer variety. I'd loved it if the LEDs could change color too.

There's no function to the colors. They just look pretty.
That HP watch is really cool too (I love retro stuff), but I can't stand the weird way HP calculators work, it really annoys me. :)

Battery life might be a concern too with tech that old, and how long does the calendar work? Me dad had to set his VCR's date to 1997 to have the days "fit" because nobody at Mitsubishi apparantly expected people to still be using their product in the year 2005... ;)
Guden Oden said:
That HP watch is really cool too (I love retro stuff), but I can't stand the weird way HP calculators work, it really annoys me. :)

It is just plain and simple RPN. There's nothing weird about it...
It's calendar is supposed to be correct for 200 years. (My guess is that it's actually 1905-2099, so a big chunk of it is already gone.)

One beautiful thing with it is that the watch and calculator is fully integrated.
Do you want to change to day savings time? Recall time, add 1:00, store time.
Do you want to see the cost of that carpenter you've hired? Enter the formula for the cost as a function of time, and you'll see the cost ticking.

HP r00lz.

^ My watch. I got it for x-mas. They have a watch in the line that is coated in diamond to make it scratchproof. Mine is, so far as I can tell, also scratchproof. I've hit it on a bunch of things, when I first got it I even took a razorblade to the sapphire face, and it didnt even make a nick. I was pretty impressed. It doesn't light up though. =(
You sure got the geek bit right, I'm geek through and through. ;) The Breitling watches look really great tho. I like analog watches too, had a couple over the years though none really exclusive. I like the Seiko Kinetic Relay line, not having to change battery ever... :)

I would never pay that much for a watch so plain-looking even if the entire front glass was made of diamond... :D
hupfinsgack said:
Guden Oden said:
That HP watch is really cool too (I love retro stuff), but I can't stand the weird way HP calculators work, it really annoys me. :)

It is just plain and simple RPN. There's nothing weird about it...

Weeeell...to me polish notation always seems a bit weird - It's always like changing thinking direction for me when trying to use it. It's unnatural, I say! ;)
Snyder said:
Weeeell...to me polish notation always seems a bit weird - It's always like changing thinking direction for me when trying to use it. It's unnatural, I say! ;)

Well, it is kind of akward at first, especially if you have been brought up the TI way. But once you have to use your calculator a lot, you'll get to like its effectiveness
Guden Oden said:
You sure got the geek bit right, I'm geek through and through. ;) The Breitling watches look really great tho. I like analog watches too, had a couple over the years though none really exclusive. I like the Seiko Kinetic Relay line, not having to change battery ever... :)

Breitling is really something.... not too many people know for them and they cost fortune (compered to most), but .....

/me drools
Ok, my watch has arrived to Stockholm, I could theoretically get it tomorrow, but I guess monday next week is more realistic. Agh, more waiting! :)
That is the dubest thing i have ever seen..

Since the last dumbest thing ive ever seen...

Which was just a few days ago...