Musk bought Twitter, what hasn't gone wrong?

I've had some moments of reflection and revelation this week. For the last year I've increasingly wasted time reading stuff on XTwitter. I've recently caught myself being excessively impatient and annoyed at coworkers and family in real life situations where I need to explain or give advice. The way people are short and hostile towards others in those online threads does indeed seep into your head. I think I should just delete my profile there and do more sensible things in my life.
Mod Mode: I've moved the Brazil politics conversation into RPSC where it belongs. Nobody is in trouble, however this thread was always kinda sorta borderline because any discussion of Musk and X will inevitably touch the political. Let's all do our best to keep this particular thread away from politics please.
Can someone explain the reason of existence of these supposedly fake accounts producing no content who randomly follow people in XTwitter? They started popping up right after I followed a couple of Star Trek comedy accounts. Nearly every day one tries following me. Clearly the pic of a nice lady is a nerd bait but what is the purpose of all this?
These are probably scammers or "account farmers" who sell accounts to scammers. By following people, some people might follow back, and an account with a lot of "real account" followers increases its credibility. The same happens in Facebook where you see some random people trying to have you add them as friends.
NYT reporters wrote a book detailing some of the behind the scenes at Twitter after Musk took over.

Here are some of the transcripts of the interview.

For one thing the NY office didn't have toilet paper and employees had to use their own or go to a cafe near their offices.

Then the infamous opt-in to "hardcore" Twitter was a dumb mess. A lot of people were on vacation and they were fired because they didn't click in.

Many people opted to leave and Musk had to walk it back, try to convince many people to stay:

Mac: He sends out this email, which includes a Google form that asks people to opt-in to staying at the company and being “hardcore.” Like, you have to dedicate yourself to this company. You have to work long hours. And I think folks had less than 48 hours to opt into this choice. It could have even been shorter than that. … This is not a quick decision. Some people said the email went to spam as well, so they never saw it. And this is like literally an opt-in email to keep your job and so people that didn't click were essentially let go.

Twitter employees quit in droves after Elon Musk's ultimatum passes

It was so chaotic that on the day of the decision that it's supposed to happen, Elon Musk and some of his executives are holding these meetings to convince people to stay. They're pitching them on why they should stay: "You're going to make a lot of money. You're going to make a huge impact. [Musk] is a generational entrepreneur." ... I think thousands of people left at that point.

Conger: You can tell that it's something that he just decided to do sort of on a whim, as he does so many things in this story. But the option for employees who wanted to stay was to click “Yes, I consent to the new hardcore version of Twitter.”
I'm pretty sure that, despite his claims, he is not autistic.

Personally I would go with a double main course of Narcissistic Personality Disorder with a side salad of ADHD. Maybe a sprinkling of ODD.

ASD? Not really. He uses it as an excuse because it's de jour right now, but basically he's an obnoxious cunt with enough self-awareness to know that he needs one.
I'm pretty sure that, despite his claims, he is not autistic.

Personally I would go with a double main course of Narcissistic Personality Disorder with a side salad of ADHD. Maybe a sprinkling of ODD.

ASD? Not really. He uses it as an excuse because it's de jour right now, but basically he's an obnoxious cunt with enough self-awareness to know that he needs one.

He's not sought help for clear signs of bipolar behaviour despite being encouraged to do so by people close to him during crisis. There's zero chance he's sought out an autism diagnosis. It's certainly possible he could hit enough points in an assessment to be labeled as autistic, but it is as irrelevant as you point out.

It's shitty that people without experience of autism will think that making rapey comments towards Taylor Swift and general capriciousness is in anyway related to the condition.
Whatever is wrong with him, it appears he is unravelling in front of our eyes. The question is, does he realise it himself? Probably not. More likely to head the Trump route, I think, as he won't have anybody around him willing to tell him to stop being a dick.