Solar just needs too much damn area. There are plenty of techniques to concentrate solar power with mirrors or lenses and make the panel cost a minor factor, but the area needed is so large that the mirrors alone limit how cheap it can be built. The only hope is if someone can make thin film solar dirt cheap and figure out a way to reliably mount it without needing lots of glass or aluminum, as the latter is not going to drop in cost any more.IF this does work it will be a good thing. However I we still need to focus on solar and wind power. Esp solar power.
Solar power is what will change the world and we should focus on getting every house and busniess to be able to run completely off it during the day by producing it on site at low costs.
Well, I sort of considered all that to be part of distribution, as it's all related to getting generated electricity to the customers when they need it.Mint you are forgetting/neglecting to mention there are other costs besides just the SRMC. A plant could be getting paid for spinning reserve, capacity payments, and all sorts of other stuff that is not transmission and distribution. only way to avoid this is if you're lucky enough to have hydro storage or want to pay even more for other storage solutions, which aren't even proven.
Nukes are cheaper than coal btw if estimates of cost are to be believed. Nukes are estimated at 1.7 cents/kWh and coal is fuel cost (which varies around 119-240 cents/mmbtu) + somewhere around 1.5cents/kWh of variable maintenance cost.
or you can use storage CAES is probably going to actually be cost effective).
I love the first term in the list of acronyms:
AC alternate current
Do you know the efficiency of CAES? All the articles I can find have the compressed air used in gas fired turbines, so fossile fuels are still being burnt.
I'd imagine energy would be lost when the air is compressed since it is adiabatically heated. Heat which is lost in the resevoir, and thus can't be recouped.
Electricity to heat is 100% ... if that can kill the efficiency then what does the compressed air add at all? Is CAES just a really complex turbocharger?
Well fuck that noise then ... that's not energy storage.