HL2: Orange Box Thread

Personally I found Half-Life 2 a huge let down, the chief culprit being the story which at most points left you with little understanding of what was going on other than what you were trying to do right now. From the outset you have no idea what has transpired since the end of HL or why you're in City 17. How have the alien's become so entrenched in the world? For every question it partially answers it presents a couple more. I accept this kind of story telling is subjective, some probably love not really knowing what's going on and playing to progress the story but for me I found this very off-putting. I bought Episode 1 in the hope they'd answer some questions but it was just more of the same. I won't be buying any more episodes.
Half Life 2's universe is in the game in its entirety... if you look for it. There are many people in the game who will talk to you about the events that occurred since HL1. There are newspaper clippings pinned to walls with detailed accounts of the political handover of earth.

It doesn't spoon-feed you in cutscenes or an opening FMV. Some people prefer that. It's like saying Bladerunner is a poor movie in its story-telling, whereas something like American Pie has a stronger narrative voice.

So much Half Life blasphemy in this thread. :cry:

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Can I get people to name a few of their favourite Portal quotes? I'm trying to explain the humour to my other half but I'm struggling to come up with the real gems. Spoiler tagged would be a good idea for the people silly enough to to have dived into this gem yet :)

My #1 is
something along the lines of <machine voice>The following room has a toxic substance on the floor. Failure to avoid falling into this substance will result in a permanent note added to your file detailing your inability to complete the exercise as requested. And also death.
You have to hear the lines to know why it's so funny, delivery is key. The ending credit song should be enough to at least get the idea.
Are there any 2nd opinions on the PS3 build of Orange Box? I just don't see how it could be that jacked on PS3. I have a 360, but I don't pay for xbox live, so Team Fortress would go to waste. And I have a decent PC, but I run Ubuntu, so i'd have to use Wine to play it. So I was really hoping the PS3 build would be good.

I was running Lost Coast at 30fps on a singlecore system with a Geforce3! PS3 should be able to tear through this! Looking at recent PS3 games like Uncharted, Call of Duty 4, and Assassin's Creed, I'm sorry but I can't blame Sony for this one. If Orange Box ships as 1up described, EA and Valve need to be publicly humiliated.
I agree. I haven't quite droped HL:OrangeBox off my list for PS3 yet... any members here who have played the retail version? Is it really that bad?

Thanks in advance
I was running Lost Coast at 30fps on a singlecore system with a Geforce3! PS3 should be able to tear through this!

You forget that you played Lost Coast at low-detail. I know this since at 1024*768 4xAA/16xAF/vsync a 3200+ and a 6600GT I got 15-30fps! ;)

No AA and AF and it still had some slowdowns. And I think that DX9 mode had some more detail than DX8 mode. HL EP1/2 should sport more effects and better effects (shadows etc) than Loast Coast demo.
You forget that you played Lost Coast at low-detail. I know this since at 1024*768 4xAA/16xAF/vsync a 3200+ and a 6600GT I got 15-30fps! ;)

No AA and AF and it still had some slowdowns. And I think that DX9 mode had some more detail than DX8 mode.

Yeah my 9800pro couldn't really manage playable framrates at 1280x1024 with no AA/AF.

No way a GF3 was playing it at anything like max details..
a little more positive news regarding OB on PS3.

from Hilary Goldstein too. i find that he is usually extra critical on PS3 ports. hes the one who said the framerate in AC for PS3 is unplayable. but for OB, he says that the framerate isn't that bad and won't ruin the experience. he also mentions there are a few visual improvements made in EP1 and a handy save feature. moreover, he says that you shouldn't strike OB off your PS3 holiday wishlist.
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There is an upside. The PS3 version of Half-Life 2 and Episode One have a few extra lighting and texture touches that make some areas look better than on 360.

Sounds even to me then.
I think I will get the game for the PS3 then.

I was thinking about getting it for the PC, but my experience with PC Bioshock was so crappy. It burned me. I've traditionally been a PC gamer first, console gamer second. But I had all kinds of audio issues with Bioshock and Windows Vista. Even after tweaking, it sounded so poor, it really killed the experience.

Anyway, even if I might be able to run it at a higher res and maybe even a smoother frame rate on my PC, the fact that I can play it on my PS3 on a 40" screen and a much better audio system kind of tips the scale.
Anyway, even if I might be able to run it at a higher res and maybe even a smoother frame rate on my PC, the fact that I can play it on my PS3 on a 40" screen and a much better audio system kind of tips the scale.
Hence the reason I keep my gaming rig in my livingroom. ;)
I think I will get the game for the PS3 then.

I was thinking about getting it for the PC, but my experience with PC Bioshock was so crappy. It burned me. I've traditionally been a PC gamer first, console gamer second. But I had all kinds of audio issues with Bioshock and Windows Vista. Even after tweaking, it sounded so poor, it really killed the experience.
What does Bioshock have to do with the Orange Box? It was born and bred on the PC and has very little to no technical issues for most people now.
Anyway, even if I might be able to run it at a higher res and maybe even a smoother frame rate on my PC, the fact that I can play it on my PS3 on a 40" screen and a much better audio system kind of tips the scale.
Well, different strokes I guess. I can't imagine HL2 without all the extensive mods (the Cinematic mod not only changes the graphics to make it look incredible, but adjusts many gameplay elements for the better), and seeing as the 360 version tops out at 30fps, anything less would be torture to me. And uh...gamepad vs mouse? Especially the Dualshock which is not a good fit for FPS's IMO.

Dunno, there are far more games out there which compare more favorably to PC vs. Console, IMO the Orange Box is a slam-dunk for the PC that most other titles aren't.

But hey, if you really need to sit on the couch when playing, I guess the PS3 it is.
Hence the reason I keep my gaming rig in my livingroom. ;)


Higher Resolution: Check
Better Framerate: Check
Higher Image quality (AA/AF): Check
40" HDTV: Check
Big Comfy Couch: Check
Wireless Control Pad: Check

But did I play HL2:E2 on the TV with the control pad? Absolutely not. Despite the 360 control pad being better for FPS's it still couldn't touch the K/M for this game and quite a few others like it (Crysis, UT3, COD4 for example).

I find the couch/control pad better for a more relaxing game experience were the game works well with a pad. For me these are games like Gears, Bioshock (which was issue free on my Vista PC), Tombraider, any racing game, any platform game etc...

However there are games which simply demand a K/M and or a bigger (speaking relative to perspective) screen. e.g. games like RTS's, simulators and fast paced/open world FPS's.
But did I play HL2:E2 on the TV with the control pad?
I did, but with a wired 360 pad since my MS wireless receiver mysteriously died. Had to balance my keyboard on my lap and mousepad at my side for TF2 though, as while I find the controller more comfortable than the balancing act, trying to use keep up with competent M/KB users is just an exercise in futility. I recently fixed that though, got a coffee table with a top which lifts up and forward to function as a desk. :p
We have a PS3, a 360 and my uber rig.
But wait, there are two of us.
I love TF2 and abuse it on my rig.
Flatmate wants in on my racket.
My PC is hogged as I work further away from home then he does. I have to drag his body away every afternoon.

OrangeBox for the 360 or PS3

Can you use any Keyboard and Mouse on the 360 and PS3?
What multiplayer servers can you connect to? Is it some sort of peer to peer crap or are they dedicated?
Can console players play PC players.
Do I need XBOX Live Gold?
Do I need anything but a PSN account for the PS3?
Which console has sold more copies?
1.) Depends on the game support for console, I'm going to say almost certainly not for the 360, and probably a minor possibility for the PS3.
2.) Comes across as peer to peer, might be some servers behind it, but uncertain.
3.) No, console players cannot play PC players.
4.) Doesnt matter.
5.) PSN account's don't cost money from my knowledge.
6.) Xbox 360.
WOW to Portal. Just WOW.

I tried it before I played through all the Half Lifes, and I just didn't get it. Struggled and I thought it was a dumb and anti-fun game.

Which brings me to last night. Had a buddy over and decided to give it another shot. Once we 'got it' and figured out the mechanics, this game is PURE BRILLIANCE!!!

It takes some creative thinking to get past some of the levels. As previously discussed, the humor is pretty clever! Up to level 15 and these are starting to get BIG and complex.

Was a unique, refreshingly new concept. If you haven't given Portal a real chance, I highly recommend you go back to it and give it some time. The way it sets up you have to experiment a little bit to understand how the gameplay mechanics work. Pay attention to all the signs that show you the obstacles.

Again, what a great and innovative puzzle game.

I'll give my impressions on HL2, Ep1, and Ep2 a little later. Quick initial impressions....I thought the physics based puzzles in HL very fun! I would get stuck, and would always tell myself 'whats the easiest way to get by' and it always worked. I would always try and out think myself, and think they were to complex. The Gravity Gun=FUN! Improved Physics in Ep2 show well! I am a big fan of 'episodic content' and I like the way it's done, and what it can bring story wise. Some parts were TOUGH. Story telling is good, but personally I think it's a little over rated...More later...

Overall I have been very impressed with the whole package of the Orange Box and it's by far the best value game on any system.