Heroes is back!

Watched the first episode, thought it was bleh. Just really setting the scene for the rest of the series I guess.

I found prison break to be much more of a 'hell yeah' great its back sort of feeling!

Although its fairly obvious that Hiro is going to become Kensei.
I think one season was enough for Heroes. It just doesn't seem to excite me now like it did before.

Unless... They introduce a character who can create nuclear explosions by batting his eyes, and who can fly through space and time and goes back to ancient times and wages nuclear war with countless armies... And farts radiation. I guess my interest could be sustained.
I thought the new Heroes was great. Still has me hooked. And sure enough as in with comic books the popular ones are never really dead...
Has the new House started in America yet?
Where the hell is that hot girl doctor??? I hope she comes back regular and not just guest starring.
According to "TV Squad" they all return doing other jobs in the hospital. They'll probably appear as much as Wilson and Cuddy do.
Just loving the new House. Not sure who's idea it was to crank up the bloom and remove the supports from the camera (read; retarded angled shaky-cam), but it was overall a great episode to watch. The illness and subsequent solving of it weren't really interesting, but everything else was. The way House got that Janitor doing all the work was hilarious.

Just an overall 'good' start to the new season. It was so damn good to not have to hear/see/know of the rest of the team for at least one episode, I really liked that. House on his own rocks :)

*edit* Oh and just to stay on topic, Heroes is super-predictable. Hmm... wow, I wonder, just what will Hiro do now?! Eh.
Wow, that was an interesting read. I'm really looking forward to this... It's so rare to find a show that boldly tips things upiside down like this. So many times I find myself wishing a show would just throw everything out the window and try something new, but at the same time I really want to keep what works. Kudos to the producers.
Kudos to the producers.
In a way, I think they had to do something.

House hurling insults and messing with the underlings for another three years would be progressively duller and duller, while on the other hand they had no room to grow as characters without either changing House or taking the focus off him for prolonged periods of time. Neither of which seems to have been a desirable solution for the producers.

This way they give the old underlings room to grow off screen while brining in a slew of new cast members to serve as dartboards (keeping that dynamic fresh in the process).
Is it just me or is Heroes exactly the same story as the first series.

In the last episode Peter will either kill the World or someone's going to stop him from doing it.

Very predictable, I thought Lost was getting bad, but at least there is some movement forward. Heroes should've been a single series.
I feel like the only human alive who hasn't watched a single episode of this show.
Add me to the list. Wanna get together some time and make out?


Your statement made me legitimately burst out laughing. Consider it officially hijaked and stolen to be used on other forums!

Anyway before this thread gets derailed completely, I've never seen one episode of this. My friends are obsessed with it. It may have something to do with the fact that I refuse to buy a television, but that hasn't really stopped me in obtaining shows I may have been interested in. I saw a lot of Lost, but it got ridiculous and fast. Not even the cliffhangers at the end could keep me around anymore.
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Your statement made me legitimately burst out laughing. Consider it officially hijaked and stolen to be used on other forums!

hehe, when I said that I thought of the episode of South Park where they uncensor everything and Mr. Garrison goes around singing "hey there shitty shitty fag fag" because censors deemed only homosexuals could use that word (much as only black people use the N word), I was reminded of the following exchange:

[South Park, bar, night. The men watch the Drew Carey Show]

You know what? You're dumb as shit!

Oh yeah?! Well, I don't really give
a shit!

Ng-aah, that word's kind of getting
old. It's not really... funny anymore.

Yeah, they're gonna have to come up
with a new swear word now.

Well, they can't use "fag." Because
you can't say "fag" unless you're a

Really? So we can't say __g?

No. See, you got beeped.

You mean you have to be a __g to say

That's right.

Hell, that's not fair! I should be able
to say "fag."

...Hey, you didn't get beeped.

Uh oh.

Well well well! Guess we learned something
new about you, Jimbo, you freakin' fag!
You wanna make out or something?