
I have tried all the normal places to get an answer to this. The people who seem to know the most of 3d hardware come here usually... so hopefully one of you guys will know exactly whats wrong.
Heres my problem:

I have a graphical problem in some D3D games like dungeon siege or Alien Vs Predator 2. I am getting small grey boxes.. lots of them that go from the top of the screen to about 1/4 down in straight lines. If I turn Hardware accelation down 1 notch they go away.. if I use any resolution below 1024x728x32 then they go away.

Heres a screen shot:

Its a large file so if you are on 56k you might want to pass

My specs:
Asus a7v133
Thunderbird 1.2ghz
512pc 133 ram
sblive value.
geforce 3 ti500
I would say that does look like some kind of memory chip or registry failure. It shows up in the screenshot which means its actually corrupted in the framebuffer. I don't think this is Z related, it seems location bound rather than depth bound.

That definately looks like a memory failure to me, try looking on the card and seeing if any of the memory chips has a leg missing, or not connected with the board properly.
There are heatsinks on the memory.
and this is a recent thing.
I thought it was caused by windows xp since I have just recently upgraded to that.
I dont remember having this issue in me with alien vs predator 2.

As for the screen shot it was taken with print screen.