Heh.. This is funny..

The most current roadmaps claim that "internet sources" "compromised" their chipset launch

This tops my dog ate my roadmap as the Worst Excuse EVER.

Internet sources? MWHAHAHA
O-M-F-G? RV515 pushed from "Late September" to "Q1 06"? This is a joke, right? Or is ATI trying to win those class action lawsuits by proving they're generally clueless and can't manage a business properly, thus implying they did their best at trying to warn investors of potential risks? Heh...

Oh well, if that's true, they've basically lost the holiday season with their low-end parts, if not with their other ones considering the announcements are coming a bit too late for OEMs. If the RV515 shipments do not begin before Q1, then their next financial results will be even worse than I had expected, and and they won't able to pretend being optimistic about the next quarter.

So, for anyone following that other thread... I'd say even a short-term investment in ATI is a bit risky. Just wait for their Q4 results in early october before reacting if you don't want to take too much of a risk here - of course, such a risk might turn out well, but imo it's more likely not to. No guarantees of course.

Semi-OT, but NVIDIA's stock seems like a safe tech bet right now, that should imo follow the market (but with a slightly more "upwards" tendency): there will be no financial results for about 80 more days, forecasts and estimates are good, and so on. The problem is, many analysts aren't buying the "Lost XBox revenues will be fully compensated by increased desktop marksetshare and revenues".

What that means is the upwards movement of the August results has been decreased by insufficient forecast credibility, and generally speaking, the stock may increase over time before the next results, and especially so if there are conference calls during which the forecast is confirmed in a Q&A. New product launches, of which there will be plenty before November, will also help analyst confidence.

In the case of ATI, I would tend to believe that industry analysts overestimate the revenue and most especially profit potential of low-end parts compared to high-end parts; this was for example extremely visible and in the apparent misunderstanding of the importance of the G7800GTX sales in the quarter's results for NVIDIA. Simply speaking, many (but not all) analysts will tend to be less annoyed at high-end delays than low-end delays. The reverse is true for enthusiasts, and from my perspective, the financial truth lies between those two extremes.

And now I'll try to summarize this whole post in a single sentence: "NVIDIA currently is a good short-term and long-term general tech buy, ATI on the other hand is a risky investment with little chance of significant increase before after the Q4 results announcement". Heh, long sentence that was! :)

EDIT: And no, I'm not calling "Doom" on ATI - I'm just saying that short-term, the chances of their next quarter being a good one are rapidly becoming extremely weak.
As for NVIDIA, I would suspect them to reach their revenue goal, but increased operational expenses would decrease their net revenue; still, that would be better than analysts are currently expecting.
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Uttar said:
O-M-F-G? RV515 pushed from "Late September" to "Q1 06"? This is a joke, right? Or is ATI trying to win those class action lawsuits by proving they're generally clueless and can't manage a business properly, thus implying they did their best at trying to warn investors of potential risks? Heh...
LOL! Seems like a valid theory when all is said and done...

They are probably just pushing off the new R5xxx in order to concentrate on their current market strategy- the X800SE.. a new 4-pipeline version for $75 as they hire ex-Walmart employees to scour the dumpster bins outside the production lines.
Kombatant said:
One thing is certain... I haven't seen this much FUD about a product in ages heh.

Yea with all this talk about delays and what not. I have given up hope and figured to stop following this until I see the frist reviews :) This way I wont got crazy (well more so than I am already). Glad I dont need a new card right now :)
Sharkfood said:
They are probably just pushing off the new R5xxx in order to concentrate on their current market strategy- the X800SE.. a new 4-pipeline version for $75 as they hire ex-Walmart employees to scour the dumpster bins outside the production lines.

lol :)
jb said:
Yea with all this talk about delays and what not. I have given up hope and figured to stop following this until I see the frist reviews :) This way I wont got crazy (well more so than I am already). Glad I dont need a new card right now :)

Heh, well, the good part is that dates and specs of the new R5xx series are now finalised, so we should be hearing more as time passes by :)
Kombatant said:
Heh, well, the good part is that dates and specs of the new R5xx series are now finalised, so we should be hearing more as time passes by :)

And those dates are (insert ship date here please) ???? :)
Kombatant said:
Heh, well, the good part is that dates and specs of the new R5xx series are now finalised, so we should be hearing more as time passes by :)

When you know it becomes very boring, whilst you do not know it is still exciting so I am not sure whether I'd rather be in your position or mine !
Kombatant said:
I could post them but there's always the chance that some random ninja will appear and behead me, so no thx :LOL:

Before you know it, you'll find your nvnews, b3d and r3d accounts locked. now THAT would be hell ;)
Kombatant said:
Heh, well, the good part is that dates and specs of the new R5xx series are now finalised, so we should be hearing more as time passes by :)

Good news. :)

Hey ho, lets go!
have they lost some key people? or perhaps some overbearing marketing executive type, 'forced' some techie (underbearing) type to cop to a release schedule that was impressive from a marketing/competitive standpoint but not from a technical one? the techie just finally agreed to it to get the slimeball out of his cubicle/hovel/lab and back to his lavish indoor golf course.
Everyone talks about ATI being doomed. But I don't think so. The new XBOX is going to be a very successful machine. Microsoft has a big jump on Sony with their xbox Live service and a friendly developing environment. They have about a 4 year advantage on Sony for developing a massive online player environment. This is what is going to give the xbox at least a 40% market share. If you consider how well Nvidia did with the 1st Xbox having a significantly smaller market share, then the future looks bright for ATI. Furthermore, ATI has already developed the unified architecture. The way I see it, they sacrificed the short term to ensure their long term success. Maybe they don't have the engineering staff that Nvidia has to be able to develop a part like the GPU for the Xenos and continue to push out parts as successful as the R300 every 6 months. They may look like a risk right now, but if that share drops to around 6 bucks, I am going to start buying.