Heh.. This is funny..

Uttar said:
O-M-F-G? RV515 pushed from "Late September" to "Q1 06"? This is a joke, right? Or is ATI trying to win those class action lawsuits by proving they're generally clueless and can't manage a business properly, thus implying they did their best at trying to warn investors of potential risks? Heh...

Uttar, why would you make such a long-winded post over such a short snippet of unattributed, unverified gossip written in a forum somewhere?...;) I mean, this puts a whole new meaning on the term "exaggerate"...;)

I read the AT post in the forum, and was convinced of nothing. What is it with people when they are so easily misled and manipulated, but can't see it...? Doesn't it strike you that "facts" such as these need a bit more than to be asserted as having come from unidentified sources? How does that make such assertions at all credible?

Beats me...;)