I was about 119kg in February. I'm about 111kg now and it's going down. This time I really have the feeling, that once I get my weight down, it stays down. I'm targeting something like 85-90kg. July first I should be under 100kg.
That was written in April 29th
In other news. My weight was 109,7kg this morning, so I have little over 50 days to get down to 100kg. It's a tough goal, but might be possible.
That was on May 10th
I did not make it to under 100kg yet. I'm at 103.2kg, but it's ok. It is coming down. I've cut my cardio training quite a bit. I lift weights 3 times a week about 45min per session and walk two times a week for about 90min each with around 130 Heart rate. I think I did a bit too much hard cardio and it started to cause little problems, since I cut that down, my lifts went up and I sleep better, atleast until the current heat wave...
I live in the 12th floor of my building and my balcony and outer wall is towards the west. During midsummer the sun stays up at around 11pm over here and the huge wall collects warm like a mofo. The wall and direct sun light to the flat creates absolute massive heat build up to my apartment. The temperature can be 35c inside, even before direct sunlight, which hits my side of the building at about 4pm.
I have a movable AC unit, that helps a lot. With it I can keep the room temperature at a nice level, but it's so loud that I can't keep it on during the night, even with earplugs on
and once you turn it off, the walls unleashes their hell on me again... I quess that could have been in the AC thread :smile:
My calories have been quite low for some time now, about 1700-1800 per day. I still eat three times a day and things are going good. I don't feel like I've lost any muscle mass and diet is going well also. I'm still eating about 60g of carbs per day, but usually on saturdays i eat about 150-200g and therefore slighty higher calories for that day. I do hope that I'll push through the 100kg barrier soon though. It was apparent early on that I wont be making it "on time" as the weight stalled a bit at the end of May. I did thought I would have been able to pull a low 102.x by now, but I think the heat wave and somewhat messed up sleeping during the last few days made me retain some extra water hehe.
I have a pretty good "before" picture in my phone where I look even fatter than I atleast thought I was and once I'm done with the weight cut I'll post it and a new picture, but that'll still be a while. :smile: