Also would like to remind folks that one-liners can get on people's nerves. Please try to be more... helpful toward the discussion.
Also would like to remind folks that one-liners can get on people's nerves. Please try to be more... helpful toward the discussion.
And... Bam. Here it is:
Love their environment art though, amazing as always
That's a concept painting...
VidDoc is downloading, will edit post soon.
In fact, the word most often used to describe the campaign battles was as a "sandbox." Bungie repeatedly stressed all of the improvements it has made to its engine, allowing for bigger and more epic battles. "We want huge, epic battles with more characters and enemies than you've ever seen before," explained Lehto. We want the AI to act and react to the player." The fights won't be scripted and the routes won't be predetermined. It will be up to the player to find the best way through a space and into the heart of a fight.
To do this, Bungie had to "take a generational leap forward" with animations and artificial intelligence. I saw just a bit of it in motion and can confirm that the textures, animations, lighting, and character modeling is leaps and bounds above Halo 3. Bungie has over 30 guys working on the engine and it shows. As for AI, we'll have to wait and see though the possibilities sure do sound intriguing.
Cant see it yet as im at work, cant wait though!
Glad they show the large scale battles in this, that was my main problem with the pics they were not showing off the most impressive thing about the game. Scale does make a big difference, its the reason i think Just Cause was one of the most impressive looking games ive seen.
Im looking forward to seeing the new animation, its one of the main areas that needed improvement and sounds like thats exactly what they have done.
What happened to being dark and gritty?
From the 1st person screen:
Also it looks like they ditched the elevation indicators on the motion tracker (a good thing)
And they've gone back to being able to carry 4 frag and plasma grenads like Halo 1 and 2, rather than the 2 of each type in H3.
You can also clearly see the AR reticule is expanded due to recoil, which is something no previous game in the series has shown
Could we make any guesses about the res based on the viddoc or is there too much compression? In-engine scenes definitely had aliasing, but I can't tell at a first glance if it's 720p native or upscaled...