GTA to be renamed for Xbox?


I should warn you that this was posted on Spong, so it's probably not reliable. But Rockstar thinks it can circumvent the exclusivity agreement with Sony over GTA by naming it something else, according to this article.
Once again, Don't post articles form Spong. They don't know what the heck they are talking about. Why would Rockstar need to change the name of GTA when the exclusivity with sony is set to run out anyway?
Spong is not to be trusted, and Xbox.ign made some mistakes in the past too...

I think the content & the name was exclusive, not only the name ;)
why would they want to do something like that? by the time GTA for xbox comes out, the exclusivity deal with Sony will be over. Heck, GTA is coming out for Xbox BECAUSE that exclusivity deal is running out....
changing the name but leaving everything untouched would be pretty useless.....
Deepak said:
Good luck to Rockstar considering how PS2 games like MGS2 and SH2 sold on XB.

now now.... cant blame those, afterall SH2 was released like months after everyone finished the ps2 version, and mgs2...... well........ userbase anyone?
london-boy said:
Deepak said:
Good luck to Rockstar considering how PS2 games like MGS2 and SH2 sold on XB.

now now.... cant blame those, afterall SH2 was released like months after everyone finished the ps2 version, and mgs2...... well........ userbase anyone?

SH2 came out Sept. 24th, 2001, and SH2:RD (XB) came out Nov. 15th, 2001 :p

I think the only way these (old) GTA games would move units on the XB would be if Rockstar put both GTA and VC onto 1 DVD and sold it at $39.99..
zurich said:
SH2 came out Sept. 24th, 2001, and SH2:RD (XB) came out Nov. 15th, 2001 :p

I think the only way these (old) GTA games would move units on the XB would be if Rockstar put both GTA and VC onto 1 DVD and sold it at $39.99..

REALLY??? i was certain that, at least around this part of the globe, the difference was much begger.... oh well....

still, they can just call it GTAX, put GTA3 and vice city in one single package and sell it for 19.99.... only way they're gonna sell the thing, since prety much everyone has played at least one of them already...
IMO, the GTA market is saturated. Either everyone who wants it has it (on PS2 or PC), or those that don't have it, don't want it (due to fanboi bias).

I would have very low sales expectations for this. Unless it had XBL multiplayer to differentiate itself.. but sharper textures, custom radio stations, and sketchy "DL content" won't be enough. (and IMO the chances of XBL multiplayer are next to zero)
Some will buy it, just because they don't have a good PC or a PlayStation, but I too don't expect too much of a success...
IMO, the GTA market is saturated. Either everyone who wants it has it


At this point if you want to play GTA you have it. Unless your poor or something but that's another problem.
Qroach said:
GTA is a much more popular/better known series than SH2.

unless it's a sequel, everyone who wants to play it has already done so.

ditto with SH2 the hardware already lapped it up by the time of the Xbox release.
london-boy said:
Deepak said:
Good luck to Rockstar considering how PS2 games like MGS2 and SH2 sold on XB.

now now.... cant blame those, afterall SH2 was released like months after everyone finished the ps2 version, and mgs2...... well........ userbase anyone?

It will be years in GTA3/VC's (on XB) case! :)