Grand Theft Auto VI [GTA 6]: What can we expect?

There has been no talk about the online mode which I thought would be the primary push here (so I was wrong). Now I'm wondering if they are going to maybe try sell the online part as a seperate product? Maybe they don't want to release details yet and risk making current players dial back on the shark cards? Maybe it will have to be visually dialed down some? or maybe it's just a thing to show when we get a proper gameplay trailer.

It would absolutely not surprise me if the single player game is the online mode and the game is online only. Just monetize it from the start. :p Would be interesting if while playing the single player campaign you run across other players dicking around in the city. :D For main story missions it can put the player into a single player instance of the game (like an MMO).

grachics always matched their reveal trailer, it's just that reveal trailers tend to focus more on cinematics, which tend to have more effect than during gameplay, like every game.
But i'm confidend the graphics shown here are what we'll get at launch, at least on PC/PS5 pro.
Somehow reminds me of the graphics of the CP77 reveal trailer.

Oh and it makes me want even more a RDR3 now :(
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grachics always matched their reveal trailer, it's just that reveal trailers tend to focus more on cinematics, which tend to have more effect than during gameplay, like every game.
But i'm confidend the graphics shown here are what we'll get at launch, at least on PC/PS5 pro.
Somehow reminds me of the graphics of the CP77 reveal trailer.

Oh and it makes me want even more a RDR3 now :(

It reminds me of GTA V mixed with RDR2 actually.

Seems they took the upgrades in rdr2 to a whole another level, and took the visual style of GTA V
I don't get it, can you explain?
There's a sizeable portion of the gaming community that have been upset recently at the fact that not every female character in video games is designed specifically for them to want to pork. And no, it's not all just 15 year old boys upset about this, but actual grown men. There's entire long videos on Youtube covering this 'outrage'.

GTA is the norm, not some anti-PC rebellion. But these sad sacks will still try and claim this as a win.
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It would absolutely not surprise me if the single player game is the online mode and the game is online only. Just monetize it from the start. :p Would be interesting if while playing the single player campaign you run across other players dicking around in the city. :D For main story missions it can put the player into a single player instance of the game (like an MMO).

That's actually what I said in a post here a few weeks ago, online only story missions will be like heists etc. spawn into a private instance do the missions/quest thingy then get dropped back into the public servers so they could monetize singleplayer with shark cards aswell. I thought the trailer today may have killed that speculation but if someone else thinks it's still possible I'll hang onto that prediction a bit longer aswell ;)

edit: My reason for thinking it isn't going to be like that was the world density, but that could be paired back in public servers and ramped up in private mission instances.
so at the very least, probably not a target render for PS5 pro. according to the rumours, PS5 Pro will have RT oomph
clearly not a target render
Mix CP77 and Forbidden west and you can totally get the graphics shown in this trailer on new gen at 30fps.
But it'll be interesting to see how XsS handles this.
They really seem to be leaning into American trash in this one... Sugar daddies, thirst traps, road ragers, retirees in thongs, pothead daredevils... It feels acurate, but at the same time, mann I feel like modern culture has become so excessive, decadent and trashy that its offputting. Like, I imagine curret-year florida is not far off from how they depicted in this trailer (however exagerated) but I am not so sure I am willing to spend that much time in that place... Geez, man... That trailer is funny, but to spend hours of gameplay in those evironments and hanging out with those gauche idiots might be a bit of a chore... hahaha.
Graphical Observations:


Addition of "pebbly" (?) cloud layer. Probably a texture based sheet above the volumetric system (I don't imagine volume tracing can get this kind of fine grain detail at reasonable performance). Nice in that it adds more texture to the sky, in ways that were lost when we moved into real time volumetrics, which although superior thanks to their dynamism and responsiveness, are indeed more blurry than good old textures. Here we get the best of both worlds to some extent, but the different tech do seem to clash a bit...

Bounce Light:

Some orange light is bouncing from the character's shoulder and into their chin here. Light bouncing from dynamic skinned characters onto themselves is a specially hard problem in real time graphics. Although, what we see in this scene specifically can perfectly well be covered by Screen Space systems. Although, this is a pretty strong and far reaching contribution for SS. The larger the SS reliance, the larger the uggly disoclusion artifacts. Again, this is of course a cut-scene, and could very well have a artist-placed spot-light right there to emphasize the main character's face for the dramatic reveal.

World GI:

More examples of great GI here on the buildings. The central building here, more specifically, along with many others in the back, do have their shadowed side get som pleasing light bounce from the environment around them, which really heightens their sence of volume and whatnot. The final result here works, as far as this scene in question is concerned. Many techniches with varying degrees of real-timeness/precomputation can achieve this here.

Windows / Interiors:
Are these modeled with real geometry? Parallax tricks (does not look so)? Raytracing based portal like Spider Man 2? Who knows... Reasonable variety, and lighting response consistent with the outside (unlike spiderman).

Screen-Space Reflection artifacts:

These are very clearly disoclusion artifacts from SS reflections. That does not preclude the game from using other reflection tech such as RT in addition to SS, but it confirms SS is used to fill in the finer details and shading that the other systems can't reach on their own.

Shadowing from car headlights / Heavy persistant smoke:

A lot of shadowing from car headlights here. Likely using screen-space trickery as well based on the suspicious silhouettes of the shadows.
Also, a lot of tire smoke persisting in the scene here. They can't be just brute-forcing hundreds of huge soft smoke sprites here, can they? They might have implemented some sort of volumetric smoke system of for the soft lingering smoke and fog...

Police car visible in side-rear-view mirror:

This has useful gameplay ramifications, specially for 1st person driving.

Car reflections - Not SS based:

This is one of the most visible exemples in the trailer of what non-SS-based reflections look like. Probably RT based.

Naughty Dog's Pattented Chest FX hair sim:

Take that Neil!
Jiggle Physics:
I was looking for science purpuses, evidendly.

More detailed interiors:

Very detailed Foam effects from large distance:
This is the sort of small implementation detail that can very well change before release though.

Volumetric city fog:

Nice to have, very blurry (in this shot at least). Similar to RDR2, nothing revolutionary at this point.

Star-Shapped Glints:
Their bloom post-effects seem to love creating these "star shapped" glints. There are examples of them showing up directly from lightsources, lending themselves to sprite based effects, but some bright surfaces throughout the trailer also bloom out with these linear streaks.

Lots of Hair & Cloth physics shown off throughout the trailer - No sight of vegetation movement though...

90% of female models have huge thights.
I know being thiiiiiic is all the rage in america, but is it really that common now-a-days? Legit question... My stereotypical view of americans has always been "huge breasts, no butts"

Great art

This is an example of one sort of thing at which Rockstar is still decades ahead of anybody else. Since GTAV they learned to nail small incidental details like these road-cracks with weeds growing through like no other. Sure, many games plop a few crack decals throughout their asphalt here and there along with some litter, but when rockstar does it, it is way more considered. The road has realistic curvature based on how a real road would sag from its building process. The crack showed at the intersection between the other streent that might have had their pavement done in a difernt time, and such. The weeds grown naturally exacly from the cracks, and litter also accumulates correctly in that depressed area. Few people deliberately notice those things, but they help unconsciously make the world feel that much more authentic.
Unrelated to graphics, I noticed some other hits throughout the trailer:

A lot of petty crime (convenience stores, gas-stations, etc) is that reflective of the more common types of mission?

Many social media and News-Cast shots. Is that going to be a larger aspect of the game? Will we see replays of our actions on tv screens through the game? Will those be pre recorded or dynamic?

Perhaps R* will allow people to share replays and captures from their gameplay as if they were in-game tik-tok stories and such?

Many shots from within cars. The leakes showed third person movement and aiming with the camera from inside the car... I think this will be an important aspect.

Lots of stickers on cars. Perhaps car tunning will allow a lot of custom sticker placement.