Gran Turismo:HD anecdote in Famitsu

Bobbler said:
Oddly, I'm inclined to believe that KK asked PD to show something because of Sony's appreciation/respect for PD. If I was a developer and was asked to be a rather substantial portion of arguably their biggest presentation of the year, I'd feel pretty appreciated, even if I wasn't given all the time to do what I wanted.

It isn't like KK went there and asked Kazunori out of spite.
Good point of view.
Shows how skewed we can look at things when viewed through our own preferences, instead of those involved.
rabidrabbit said:
I agree the GT HD shown was less than what is expected of PS3, and would have better suited to be shown in GDC or such, as it really was just a 1080p/60 demo nothing else.

Still, I don't think the mainstream minded that much. It was made pretty clear it was using GT4 assets and was there just to show 1080p/60.
For PS2 there was something similar, the GT2000 which was bettered immensely in GT3.

Fair enough, but 15min was wayyy too long for that.
Kinda mized reaction on this one, on one hand it's good to hear that they were already into production of the actual GT5 game before E3, gives me hope for a 2007 release. On the other hand, this really makes me question KK's judgement, what a horrible move. That was the single biggest head scratcher of the PS3 conference, ok well after Genji.
I am still confused. We saw some GT movie (render or realtime who knows) last year. I was always under the impression they were already hard at work on GT, and based on some E3 comments I am lead to believe GT will be shipping earlier in the PS3's lifetime, not later. I can understand not having the time for a PS3 demo, but it looks like they were made to take 3 weeks to do one anyhow.

Any way you cut it, kind of stinks to waste 3 weeks.
_phil_ said:
because EVO Studio didn´t deliver a demo in time for the show ?
Is that true? The GT-HD presentation did seem to drag a bit, as if they delibrately extended it to fill up some extra time.
Motorstorm was playable on the show floor though? But I guess that doesn't say anything about getting a demo (or person(s) to demonstrate) ready for the pre-conference.
I have it on very good authority that Lair and possibly a couple other demos were supposed to show at either the conference or on the floor (or both), but were axed by Phil due to various reasons. It's too bad - even if there had been some graphical glitches or even some instability, I would have loved to see Lair up close.
hey69 said:
add killzone on the list of scrapped demos
I'm not sure killzone for ps3 was ever planned to show up at e3 06. Atleast for the weeks before e3. On the official killzone forums I got the feeling of wanting to focus and show off killzone for the psp. And phil also mentioning that killzone was never meant to be a launch title so thats why we shouldnt have expected it at e3. Kinda iffy, I damn well hope we see it soon after launch, and dmc4 too. :p
People tend to forget that GT2 and GT3 are both the top selling games of the previous two generations... (and first party to boot) Sony is going to pimp it whenever possible for as long as possible.

While perhaps troubling, the sales of GT4 dropped 50% and it is still well in the top ten this generation...
Serenity Painted Death said:
People tend to forget that GT2 and GT3 are both the top selling games of the previous two generations... (and first party to boot) Sony is going to pimp it whenever possible for as long as possible.

While perhaps troubling, the sales of GT4 dropped 50% and it is still well in the top ten this generation...

interesting factoid - thanks :)
It is almost shocking really, you never hear much discussion about how truly huge the series is (especially as a global phenomenon - best market for the game is actually Europe, though it does very well in all territories [kind of like FF on steroids]). It has outsold all three GTA games (not combined, of course) and beat out FFVII last generation.

GT2 is at ~11 million

GT3 is at ~15 million

(both numbers rounded up a few hundred thousand)

San Andreas may eventually catch it, but I doubt it (I'm not even exactly sure of the numbers anymore - still not quite past Vice City though it is really really close)
Serenity Painted Death said:
It is almost shocking really, you never hear much discussion about how truly huge the series is (especially as a global phenomenon - best market for the game is actually Europe, though it does very well in all territories [kind of like FF on steroids]). It has outsold all three GTA games (not combined, of course) and beat out FFVII last generation.

GT2 is at ~11 million

GT3 is at ~15 million

I'd like to see a link for those numbers and market breakdown, those are some massive numbers!.
Dr Evil said:
I'd like to see a link for those numbers and market breakdown, those are some massive numbers!.

Even last year GT4 was 4th on the list of best sold games worldwide, I think.

The first half of 2005 in the U.S. (NPD Group):

1. Gran Turismo 4 (PS2, Sony Computer Entertainment, Feb 05 $49)
2. Pokemon Emerald (GBA, Nintendo, Apr 05, $34)
3. MVP Baseball 2005 (PS2, Electronic Arts, Feb 05, $49)
4. Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith (PS2, LucasArts, May 05, $49)
5. Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas (PS2, Take-Two Interactive, Oct 04, $47)
6. God of War (PS2, SCE, Mar 05, $50)
7. Zelda: The Minish Cap (GBA, Nintendo, Jan 05, $50)
8. Resident Evil 4 (GC, Capcom, Jan 05, $50)
9. Midnight Club 3: DUB Edition (PS2, Take-Two, Apr 05, $49)
10. Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith (Xbox, LucasArts, May 05, $49)

If you google, you get stuff like this: (43 million of the whole franchise sold by 2005)
Why do I get the mental image of Ken running around ordering people around in a Penguin suit?


Also from that list of top sellers there are some oddities.
Sonic heros sold 2.6 million and yet God of War only sold 1.6 million... and that is only counting the Ps2 sales of SH!
Jabjabs said:
Also from that list of top sellers there are some oddities.
Sonic heros sold 2.6 million and yet God of War only sold 1.6 million!
Sonic Heroes was on 4 different platforms, a E rated game, and probably has larger sonic fan base than GoW dispite being a mediocre game.
God of War was just on the ps2, a M rated game, and the first game in its series dispite how great the game was.

Looking it up, Sonic Heroes appears to be alot cheaper to buy also.
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