So, I remember speculation during the Turing generation here about whether and when RT only games would start to appear. We're now getting close to the 2nd generation after Turing (so 3rd generation RT hardware on NV's side) and the only game requiring RT (that I'm aware of) is an enhanced edition of a game from 2019 (development started in 2014) which also has a version that doesn't require RT. So technically you don't need RT to play the game but you do need RT to play that version of the game.
I do wonder now whether or not we'll see any AAA developer even attempt a game that requires RT until the next console generation as AAA game revenue and budgeting is so reliant on consoles and an RT only game on console is likely going to look like "last gen." game with RT, like Metro: Exodus. IE - we may not see a AAA developer attempt an RT only game until somewhere in the 2025-2030 timeframe (potential new console generation). More likely towards the latter part of that as I'm not currently aware of any AAA game in development that will require RT. Obviously, that doesn't mean there isn't one as I don't track all AAA games in development.
In many ways, it's unfortunate that the current generation of consoles is basically just using first generation RT hardware which will limit the ability of developers to create a game from the ground up that relies on global RT illumination. OTOH - it's probably still better than no RT support as even the limited RT hardware acceleration that the current gen consoles have is enough to at least allow developers to experiment with limited RT effects which can only help when the next generation of consoles come out and they can potentially start to think about creating a game centered around hardware accelerated global RT lighting combined with high density environmental detail.
Microsoft pretty much blocked RT adoption as well as next gen only games with the release of the series s. You have to support series s for xbox console support, but series s is just too weak. In my opinion that's also the reason, why we have so few next gen games. If you're already downscaling your game to the series s, you can go further and bring it to last gen if you're not cpu limited. But you can't use RT in last gen and series s is so limited, that it makes no real sense. So you have to spend extra time for the RT solution.
But at least there seems to be a trend to wider RT adoption. More and more newer games are getting it or it's even patched in as in RE.