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      Samwell replied to the thread NVIDIA discussion [2024].
      There is also the naming as a hint. H200 is described as Hopper+ in the same chart. Why change nomenclature if Blackwell Ultra is the...
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      Samwell replied to the thread NVIDIA discussion [2024].
      I got the same feeling from the presentation. Would also fit with Rubin N3P and Rubin Ultra N2.
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      Samwell replied to the thread Switch 2 Speculation.
      It's still Nintendo. You won't see complex titles with 60fps. 540p upscaled to 1080p with 30fps would be my expectation for complex...
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      Samwell replied to the thread AMD Execution Thread [2024].
      As you say, it's for sure not only a IP deal. Maybe there are some IP related cost, but for most of the later cycle it's just AMD...
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