Goin into lurkmode for a while...

Guden Oden

Senior Member
I've been having increasing back problems for a while now, coming to the point where I start feeling pains again five minutes after taking a one-hour walk to get rid of my pains. Thus, this means I can't spend as much time online anymore as I'd like, and that includes annoying people here. ;)

I'll probably read what people post if the thread sounds interesting, I just can't contribute as much as before. There's a number of threads I'd like to write lengthy replies to, but my physical health isn't allowing that at the moment. Rest assured though, had I actually written those replies, they'd undoubtedly been both witty and thought-provoking! ;)

So hopefully, see ya in a while when I've sorted out my troublesome spinal column one way or another (at this point I'm actually considering the Futurama approach of having my head put into a glass jar...)
You need to buy a saddle-shaped chair. Or one of those where you put some of your weight on your knees.

Or, get a laptop and surf while you're lying on bed...
Try swimming. It's the best you can do for your back! 2 times a week, about 1000m each should do.
Damn, first your mixer craps out, then your back craps out. Does this mean PC gaming is out? Time to get a console!

Seriously, though. Some of my golfing buddies have developed back problems as well. It seems the only thing one can do (other than spinal fusion surgery, which isn't a very appealing option) is to stretch and strengthen your abdomen and lower back muscles. Doing so has helped my friends continue to play golf.
Ouch. I feel your pain, G.O. Well, I used to before the discectomy anyway.

"Cheerio but be back soon
I don't know, somehow I miss ya
I love ya, that's why I
Say cheerio not goodbye

Don't be gone long, be back soon
Give me one long last look, bless you
Remember our old tune
Be back soon!" --Lionel Bart, from "Oliver!"

Which I guess makes me Fagin, but oh well. :LOL:
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good luck with your back ;)

& take care, I side with the swimming comment, as making your back stronger & more flexible is the way to go, that might be a relatively easy way out...
No, no, NO Guden...you're doing it wrong! :rolleyes:

First you make a dramatic and showy fit about how you don't like the new board software/respect/whatever and THEN you lurk, ya get a lot more sympathy/interest that way.


G'luck mate, I hope you get better soon.
So walking makes you feel better, but sitting down is a pain.
How about raising the table to a level where you can stand? There are a couple of persons at work with back problems, they've got desks with a motor to raise it to standing levels. They say that it's a good relief. Those desk are expensive, but you should be able to raise your desk to a fixed level quite easily (and cheaply).

The chairs WhiningKhan talked about is also a good option. I believe he ment Stokke chairs. "Wing", "Multi", and "Variable" are models I've heard good things about. I had a friend when I was studying, who couldn't sit on any other chair without getting back pains. He brought his Stokke Wing to every class at university.
But again these chairs are quite expensive.

I'd try raise the desk in some simple way if I were you.

And of course, exercise! Swimming could be good. But I would go to a physiotherapist (sjukgymnast) for advice.
Thanks guys for the advice... Yes, I am working out now, lack of that is probably part of what lead me into this situation to begin with. I'll have to get into a bit better shape tho before I'll go swim again, for purely self-indulgent reasons. Not that I wouldn't mind doing it, but there are so many fit young (gay) men at the gym attached to the swimming arena that I wouldn't want to look bad in comparison! :LOL:

And Digi, your advice is sort of logical, in a way, but I actually like the new board software... :LOL: Apart from that threads with more than 3 pages doesn't show how many pages there are in total on the main list view, that sucks. Oh, and the bloody tooltips that pop up when the pointer is hovering over a thread (or even on the same horizontal level) are bloody annoying too. :)

Mate, i've had and still have ongoing back problems - the HURT LIKE HELL type - and Swimming is hardly good for you if you have issues. First and foremost you must address those issues, because swimming on its own will only make them worse. Believe me.

Sure, it makes your back stronger, and it definately prevents from getting issues, but when the issues are there already, you need to check them out, THEN start swimming, under supervision. It's very easy to do the wrong thing when you're on your own, especially because you will most likely forget all about stretching (like i do) and any kind of warm-up (like i do).
digitalwanderer said:
No, no, NO Guden...you're doing it wrong! :rolleyes:

First you make a dramatic and showy fit about how you don't like the new board software/respect/whatever and THEN you lurk, ya get a lot more sympathy/interest that way.


G'luck mate, I hope you get better soon.

WHO would do something like that????????:oops:
i mean really digi....
digitalwanderer said:
No, no, NO Guden...you're doing it wrong! :rolleyes:

First you make a dramatic and showy fit about how you don't like the new board software/respect/whatever and THEN you lurk, ya get a lot more sympathy/interest that way.

Yep. It's the only way. Take Digi's advice. He is a master of melodrama when inspired.
*adds to Digi's rep points* :D