God of War: Ragnarok [PC, PS4, PS5]

  • PlayStation®5 in-game features:
    • DualSense™ wireless controller integration
      • Feel your journey through the Norse realms, made possible by immersive haptic feedback and adaptive trigger functionality.
    • Stunning Visuals
      • Switch between full 4K resolution at a targeted 30 frames per second, or dynamic resolution upscaled to 4K at a targeted 60fps.*
      • Bask in the beautiful worlds you travel through, brought to life by stunning art direction and arresting attention to detail.
      • Behold enhanced reflections, lighting and shadows, as well as increased geometric detail and enhanced deformable snow.
    • Fully Optimised for 3D Audio**
      • Immerse yourself in the unique soundscapes of the Nine Realms as sounds reverberate and echo throughout the environment.
      • Use highly accurate spatial audio to hear enemies approaching from any direction, including above and below you.
    • Fast Loading via SSD
      • Return to the action faster than ever; the PS5™ console’s high-speed SSD won’t leave you waiting long to resurrect from death.
      • Enjoy shortened load times from in-game checkpoints, or when fast travelling.
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Gone Gold.

Curious how large of a patch they'll have for launch and the few months post-launch.
okay, so wait for ~a month after release to read reviews from those that didnt get review copies, and then why not wait 2 more months to get the usual "discounted after 3 month" mantra
And if Sony's recent after-launch support is anything to go by, perhaps some additional video presentation optimisations and options not available at launch!

Now, obviously, you'll need a HDMI 2.1 TV to take advantage of the high frame rate modes which takes advantage of the full 120hz display to bring 40FPS and 120FPS into play, and so far, I've been playing on Favour Resolution with high frame rate turned on which looks absolutely stunning, and feels like a really fluid experience at 40FPS especially with VRR turned on, but even dropping to the performance mode, there wasn't that huge noticeable drop in visual fidelity like we saw with titles such as Horizon Forbidden West at launch, so if you do want 60 or 120 FPS, that's totally viable without feeling like you're losing any of the visual spark
love that slowly 40 fps mode becoming standard options for console, imo its sweet spot
Certainly!!! We get smoothness and the best possible visual quality! I enjoyed Rachet and TLOUS2 40fps modes!
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If I’m reading this right that means you can uncap the favor resolution mode ona. Vrr display to run at 45-55 correct if so that’s awesome

Huge kudos to the team for supporting 120 Hz mode. Probably best if the display also supports VRR as it doesn't appear to be locked 120 FPS (that'd be pretty darn demanding). I wonder what the frame rate will actually be in this mode?

Makes me want a native ps5 version of 2018 could offer vrr support and a 120fps mode
Washington preview:

"It also very much feels like a game built first for the PlayStation 4. The PlayStation 5 features a solid-state drive that many hoped would be the end of loading screen “masks,” essentially gameplay elements that hide when the console is loading assets for the next part of the game. In “God of War,” this often came in the form of squeezing through cracks in walls.
In the first several hours, Kratos and his son Atreus slide through several cracks in several walls at virtually every in-game location. The first disguised loading screen happens less than half an hour in. While Sony first revealed “Ragnarok” as a PS5 title, spending one hour with the game makes it loud and clear this was designed first for the PlayStation 4."

Gotta love crossgen :d