God of War: Ragnarok [PC, PS4, PS5]

Are you using the unlocked 40?
Well I am I guess. Yeah it looks like if you are using Favor quality with 120hz mode and have VRR enabled in the system settings the framerate should be unlocked. I haven't seen that tested anywhere and I'm curious to know the real FPS range if it actually is unlocked... DF didn't say anything about that did they?
went for 40fps capped (they didnt do in best way as to cape 40 you have to disable vrr in console settings)
Currently playing! I already like it better than GOW 2018 - much better variety of enemies and bosses imo, the one thing I thought was lacking in the first.

My problem with the game is the following: I am really struggling to decide if I should do side missions, or if I should follow the main story. I went in with full media blackout - so I have no clue about the story and I am glued to the screen. Such a great game story, unbelievable. So I really want to know what happens next!! But at the same time, I have the feeling I miss a lot of gaming content when I do not do all side missions...uahhhh, haaaalp!!! Amazing ride so far - mouth dropped open a couple of times already :)
Currently playing! I already like it better than GOW 2018 - much better variety of enemies and bosses imo, the one thing I thought was lacking in the first.

My problem with the game is the following: I am really struggling to decide if I should do side missions, or if I should follow the main story. I went in with full media blackout - so I have no clue about the story and I am glued to the screen. Such a great game story, unbelievable. So I really want to know what happens next!! But at the same time, I have the feeling I miss a lot of gaming content when I do not do all side missions...uahhhh, haaaalp!!! Amazing ride so far - mouth dropped open a couple of times already :)
I’ve been doing some of the side missions before the story missions, they’re quite good and rather quick so far, so they don’t really detract from the real game too much, if at all.
Well I am I guess. Yeah it looks like if you are using Favor quality with 120hz mode and have VRR enabled in the system settings the framerate should be unlocked. I haven't seen that tested anywhere and I'm curious to know the real FPS range if it actually is unlocked... DF didn't say anything about that did they?
Heard the FPS is similar to what the ps4 pro gets in its performance mode give it take
Finished the majority of this yesterday, still have lots of side tasks to mop up. Brilliant follow up and so amazingly well put together. The whole experience feels really solid, great characters which are really fleshed out and a few sad moments because of that. Definitely my GOTY so far.
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As someone who got bored with gow1 when it starts doing more and more puzzle needing me to go back and forth, does gow2 would be less boring?
Finished the game but I don't think I am going to do the platinum. Overall I really liked the game but I have being disappointed (my expectations were too high) and actually prefered the first game.

+ Technically the game is brilliant, even compared to others PS5 games. If only all others PS5 games ran and looked like this!
+ Graphics and framerate are basically perfect at 60fps and mostly native 4K.
+ Compared to the first game on PS5 I particularly liked the high resolution textures. Which I don't think has being highlighted enough on technical analysis I watched, for me the biggest improvement after the framerate is not the higher rendering resolution (compared to 4K CBR), it's the higher resolution assets, basically the game on PS5 has "4K" textures. It's also a big improvement compared to the first game running on Pro, here textures almost always look super sharp whatever the distance.
+ Combat has being refined and is better than the original
+ More interesting puzzles than the first game
+ More ennemy variation
+ World story still very interesting
+ Great side quests (often better than the main quest sadly)
+ Verticality is well done and feels fresh.

- Still not epic bosses like in the previous games. My favorite boss is still Baldur. Disappointing main bosses.
- Even more restricted by PS4 hardware (and HDD) than the first game. Here the number of loadings hidden in slow passages is awful. Sometimes once every 5mn, terrible stuff and kills the immersion. I really missed Demon's souls seamless experience here.
- Game feels very linear, more than the first game.
- Very disappointed by Kratos story. Kratos has not really a meaty story of his own here. The game is mainly about others characters stories.
- Game stories are very safe, like in a Marvel movie.
- Too much cinematic stuff (probably because of PS4 design though). Seems there is comparatively more cutscenes than in the first game.
- Quick Time Events (QTE) during bosses design is back baby! (Awful)
- Kratos is now soft and has become a typical Marvel hero (still safe design). So basically they killed the old Kratos and replaced him by someone else.
- Characters will spoil you the puzzle solution, often before you realize there is actually a puzzle to do. Usually I feel my intelligence has being insulted by the developers: "Why don't you look up?" etc. Please just shut up while I look at the beautiful graphics or loot stuff, don't spoil me the solution!
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What a great sequel it is. Wasnt biggest fan of previous one but Ragnarok doing everyghing better. Graphic is good but typical crossgen and nowhere near level of Forbiden West even tough it was also a crossgen. Still at the first part of story no much npc's and have this weird feeling like we are taking part in some kind of theatre play tough later it change a little. Fighting mechanism, leveling up and chosing builds is realy enjoyable but what game do best is creating feeling that you are taking part in awsome fairy/mytical adventure. Charactes are well written and charismatic, you getting connected to them (its probably biggest advantage over Forbiden West even tough it made progress over Zero Dawn). Pacing is realy good especialy for such a long title. Few side missions are on superb level and could be part of main story (and generaly feel some Witcher3 vibes in this title). Ending feel little rush and could be probably written better and lowering scoring little for me but still awsome game. 9.5/10
Finished the game but I don't think I am going to do the platinum. Overall I really liked the game but I have being disappointed (my expectations were too high) and actually prefered the first game.

+ Technically the game is brilliant, even compared to others PS5 games. If only all others PS5 games ran and looked like this!
+ Graphics and framerate are basically perfect at 60fps and mostly native 4K.
+ Compared to the first game on PS5 I particularly liked the high resolution textures. Which I don't think has being highlighted enough on technical analysis I watched, for me the biggest improvement after the framerate is not the higher rendering resolution (compared to 4K CBR), it's the higher resolution assets, basically the game on PS5 has "4K" textures. It's also a big improvement compared to the first game running on Pro, here textures almost always look super sharp whatever the distance.
+ Combat has being refined and is better than the original
+ More interesting puzzles than the first game
+ More ennemy variation
+ World story still very interesting
+ Great side quests (often better than the main quest sadly)
+ Verticality is well done and feels fresh.

- Still not epic bosses like in the previous games. My favorite boss is still Baldur. Disappointing main bosses.
- Even more restricted by PS4 hardware (and HDD) than the first game. Here the number of loadings hidden in slow passages is awful. Sometimes once every 5mn, terrible stuff and kills the immersion. I really missed Demon's souls seamless experience here.
- Game feels very linear, more than the first game.
- Very disappointed by Kratos story. Kratos has not really a meaty story of his own here. The game is mainly about others characters stories.
- Game stories are very safe, like in a Marvel movie.
- Too much cinematic stuff (probably because of PS4 design though). Seems there is comparatively more cutscenes than in the first game.
- Quick Time Events (QTE) during bosses design is back baby! (Awful)
- Kratos is now soft and has become a typical Marvel hero (still safe design). So basically they killed the old Kratos and replaced him by someone else.
- Characters will spoil you the puzzle solution, often before you realize there is actually a puzzle to do. Usually I feel my intelligence has being insulted by the developers: "Why don't you look up?" etc. Please just shut up while I look at the beautiful graphics or loot stuff, don't spoil me the solution!
Your complaints about kratos are actually positives for me and actually the main point of the story.

God of war isn't an edgelords fantasy anymore, the game has matured as kratos has. This type of game is no more safe than the original trilogy was back when the main demographic of games like this thought blood, cursing, breasts and other such things were examples of being adult like.

David jaffe was a visionary but he also largely existed inside a time capsule and the other games just followed that template for a long time after he left. The very definition of safe game design.

The main goal of modern god of war is to change kratos into a legitimately good person who legitimately regrets his past mistakes. Whether or not one likes that is subjective but it's the entire point and they haven't exactly been hiding it since 2018.
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Your complaints about kratos are actually positives for me and actually the main point of the story.

God of war isn't an edgelords fantasy anymore, the game has matured as kratos has. This type of game is no more safe than the original trilogy was back when the main demographic of games like this thought blood, cursing, breasts and other such things were examples of being adult like.

David jaffe was a visionary but he also largely existed inside a time capsule and the other games just followed that template for a long time after he left. The very definition of safe game design.

The main goal of modern god of war is to change kratos into a legitimately good person who legitimately regrets his past mistakes. Whether or not one likes that is subjective but it's the entire point and they haven't exactly been hiding it since 2018.
Sure some love that Kratos has now become mainly a 100% good guy (we'll see if they continue in that path). I think it's a mistake and it will lead to safe (boring) and contradicting stories like it did in Ragnarok (specifically in the end).

Kratos has become the idealised view of a modern hero, like a random good hero in a Marvel movie. But for me it's all fantasy (not talking about the super powers / science fiction here, but how they depict society and human interactions). Old kratos was more realistic at how most people are actually living their lives (or wars). This is why I love stuff like the Boys which is for me simply a realistic take on the super heroes thing.
Sure some love that Kratos has now become mainly a 100% good guy (we'll see if they continue in that path). I think it's a mistake and it will lead to safe (boring) and contradicting stories like it did in Ragnarok (specifically in the end).

Kratos has become the idealised view of a modern hero, like a random good hero in a Marvel movie. But for me it's all fantasy (not talking about the super powers / science fiction here, but how they depict society and human interactions). Old kratos was more realistic at how most people are actually living their lives (or wars). This is why I love stuff like the Boys which is for me simply a realistic take on the super heroes thing.
There was absolutely nothing realistic about old kratos at all. He was just an edgelord screaming all the time, and the few times they tried to give him some human characteristics fell flat because he always defaulted back to his original flat state.

All the npcs were there for him to kill or destroy. So I don't even know how one can say any human characters were realistic to begin with when most of them didn't even last a boss fight or a few lines of text. The gods also became just cackling villains and generally speaking didn't have anything to offer either.

People have too much rose colored glasses for the original series. They should go back and play it once in a while from start to finish like I have.