Grall, let me tell you a story.
So, a year ago I got a new job with a boss who totally understood me. And he send me to work at ASML. Which was terrific, in as ASML only hires the best of the best, and the smartest of the smartest, globally. You need to be able to do everything in English, and a masters or university degree to be allowed to assemble those machines at the production line in shifts. Something where every other company hires uneducated people for. Well, if you're in IT you're probably not in assembly, but at the IT department or at headquarters (like me). Although I wonder what I would have liked best.
I felt totally at home at ASML headquarters, which is something extremely rare for me.
Really, it was like "coming home". My co-workers were all extremely smart and very nerdy engineers. Just like me. I could just be myself and was accepted as such, for the first time in my life.
Unfortunately, after two such projects, I got an extended contact and was put "somewhere safe".
The difference is
HUGE. Instead of creating and running a very large and challenging project against all odds (what I do best), my opponents are now my own co-workers (and the project lead among them). They're not very smart, very right-wing (of course) and see me first and foremost as a thread that has to be killed. And the company that pays for the project is very conservative and adverse of any risk.
So, first I have been harassed and humiliated for most of my life, and just when I tasted how it could have been, I have been thrown back into humiliation and harassment. In as: if I don't do it myself, my co-workers will make sure it will happen to me.
Story of my life.
Being smarter makes you into a big target. You're competition that has to be removed, even if you don't care or fancy being boss.
Simply because the people who are or want to become boss, write you down as their major opponent. Because you could, if you wanted to.
GEE, fight everyone at the same time, why don't I???
I am an Engineer. My main concern is that things work as advertized. Period.
I'm probably too smart for my own good, even after the large quantities of alcohol I consumed, I still score "best" in any IQ test.
Probably because those tests aren't designed to test someone like me.
And for a
recent benchmark of me, re-read the Skyrim thread, where I have answered most of the questions before they are asked.
Oh, and I almost forgot: screw you too!