I think your numbers are off a little bit. Heating the inside of the car is not peanuts at highway speeds. It'd take a kW or to fight against the heat loss in the cold. Also, highway cruising requires around 25-30 hp, which is about 15-20 kW.
Because that's the level of technology we have now.
In order to travel at 0.8+ mach, we need oil. If you run out of oil and everyone has to travel slowly in rickety electric planes, that's regression, not progress. Similarly, if you cannot refuel your car in 5 minutes, that's regression, not progress. What will truck drivers do, when they travel 1000 miles a day?
I just think we'll be able to make biofuel for $3 gallon before we have batteries with comparable energy density to gasoiline and 5 minute recharge. There's also areas where electric won't work well such as planes and helicopters. I just think it's a better alternative to just grow our own fuel instead of going for stored electric propulsion. Everything on tracks or with a power line can be electric, but I just don't have much faith in further advancements in battery tech. I think hybrids are great, but I draw the line at Prius Plug-in Hybrid as the maximum amount of battery capacity that should be installed in a car.
I'd also like you to point out when I became inconsistent.