Global warming

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Canada exports 2.5million barrels of oil to the US per day. Almost double Mexico which is 2nd.

The price of corn (and other food crops) is going up with the price of oil, if not faster. I don't know if you'll ever see a day when biofuels are actually cheaper.

Corn is a stupid stupid idea, there's grass and algae to make fuel out of.
Corn is a stupid stupid idea, there's grass and algae to make fuel out of.

It doesn't really matter, anything you use is priced against food. As the price of food goes up the opportunity cost of biiofuel goes up. And there's nothing going up faster than the price of food right now.
It doesn't really matter, anything you use is priced against food. As the price of food goes up the opportunity cost of biiofuel goes up. And there's nothing going up faster than the price of food right now.

Algae and switchgrass are not food and they either require very little land, or land that's not suited for food production.
Algae and switchgrass are not food and they either require very little land, or land that's not suited for food production.

Um... if its clear and can sustain plant growth, its suitable for food production. Whether is pasture or food crop.
You do realize it doesn't snow all year long, right? Or everywhere in the US?
So i gotta walk every where when it does snow ? I don't see your point if Rail ways can't replace cars then whats the point.

I lived in Davis for a while, which is a major bike city. I got around with a bike all year round, in part because it was often more convenient than getting around by car. Bikes obviously aren't a good solution everywhere, but they are definitely a good solution in many places where they don't exist today.
They would only work in citys. I can't see cars being useful anywhere else. A game stop that is 10 miles away where I live would mean no more going there. Hell I wouldn't be able to get to a target or walmart. Even grocery stores are out of the question.

Bikes can't replace cars in suburbia and even less so in rural areas

Another issue that really hurts for this sort of thing is zoning: a very common aspect of the US is zoning to separate residential areas from commercial areas from industrial areas. While the separation of industrial areas makes some degree of sense, the separation of commercial areas from residential ones does not.

Depends on where you live

Hmm, never seen one in the US. But I suppose they must have a few here and there.
They are huge in DC and if you go to central park and the other nyc parks they have kiosks around them.

Very few urban areas in the US have a good public transportation system. Some do, this is true. But not many.

And the train service for longer distances is positively horrible.

Look. Trains work well for certian things. If I want to go to the city I can drive my car less than a mile away and take the train. or i can go down my block and take a bus. The train is faster . I used to take the train from rutgers into the city all the time . It works. but while there were few stops along the way i couldn't get where i really needed to go. Some towns would be skipped and sometimes stops were 10-15 miles away. Esp as you get closer to rutgers.
Um... if its clear and can sustain plant growth, its suitable for food production. Whether is pasture or food crop.

It really depends on the crop. Switch grass is considered a weed and can grow in almost any area. Each state is able to grow it , which helps out because ethonal is very volital and isn't as easly transfered long distances as gas is .

Switchgrass can be grown on the side of high ways or during seasons that other crops can't be grown.

Since switch grass actually leaves soil in better condition than when it was planted it can be used in a rotation to increase corn and other crop quality.

Also finaly unlike corn and other crops it requires very little if any fertiliser and no poisons to keep bugs away. IN fact its very good at capturing that stuff . So its great to prevent run off from other crops and can be grown near rivers are around the other crops to prevent that stuff from seeping into rivers and ground water.

Algee can be set up at sewage treatment centers
Cattle eat switchgrass. It covers most pasture. And it does grow on the side of highways, and its harvested and fed to cattle. Growing in some hard to reach place isn't really that useful, because you need to harvest it to produce anything out of it. It has to show more cost value than feeding it to animals, animals which will then have to be fed something else.
...OR, we could just reduce our meat consumption as well. Now that's a radical thought! ;) (...And corduroy's gonna hate it because it will reduce his "freedom" and "quality of life", and he likes to pretend he should be able to do whatever he likes when he likes without consequence, and I'm sure he'll hate it even more because a scientist once said that cows fart methane that adds to AGW... :rolleyes:)
...OR, we could just reduce our meat consumption as well. Now that's a radical thought! ;) (...And corduroy's gonna hate it because it will reduce his "freedom" and "quality of life", and he likes to pretend he should be able to do whatever he likes when he likes without consequence, and I'm sure he'll hate it even more because a scientist once said that cows fart methane that adds to AGW... :rolleyes:)

I reduce my meat consumption for a healthy diet, not for that AGW bullshit. Whatever you post here isn't changing mine or other americans' habits, I hope you realize this. In fact I'm driving to NYC tomorrow instead of taking the bus/train because it's just more convenient this time.
...OR, we could just reduce our meat consumption as well. Now that's a radical thought! ;) (...And corduroy's gonna hate it because it will reduce his "freedom" and "quality of life", and he likes to pretend he should be able to do whatever he likes when he likes without consequence, and I'm sure he'll hate it even more because a scientist once said that cows fart methane that adds to AGW... :rolleyes:)
Well, meat consumption actually doesn't mean a whole lot for global warming. Granted, there are other very good reasons to reduce meat consumption, but global warming isn't one of them.

The primary reason why meat consumption isn't that significant comes down to the nature of methane: nearly all of the greenhouse effect from eating meat vs. plants stems from methane. And methane doesn't last very long in the atmosphere: the amount of methane in the atmosphere today is approximately the total amount of methane that was emitted over the past ten years.

This means that if I contribute (or don't contribute) to additional methane production today, in ten years my actions won't have mattered any.

The effect of CO2, on the other hand, is cumulative: since CO2 lasts for thousands of years in the atmosphere, a bit more or less CO2 emitted due to my actions today makes a difference even five hundred years from now.

So one way to think about it is that the CO2 emissions due to the burning of fossil fuels causes the vast majority of the overall trend in warming. Methane emission from farming contributes a small, constant temperature increase on top of that, one that becomes irrelevant as warming gets more severe. And the current greenhouse effect due to methane is approximately 1/4th that of CO2. It's just going to become more irrelevant in the coming years.
I reduce my meat consumption for a healthy diet, not for that AGW bullshit. Whatever you post here isn't changing mine or other americans' habits, I hope you realize this. In fact I'm driving to NYC tomorrow instead of taking the bus/train because it's just more convenient this time.
Yes, well, you've made it very clear to us all that you aren't at all interested in the evidence, or in giving two shits about anybody else's life but your own.
Yes, well, you've made it very clear to us all that you aren't at all interested in the evidence, or in giving two shits about anybody else's life but your own.
It's not like "Don't drive or a baby will die." All the AGW alarmism bullshit is based on shaky models that are reshuffled every few years and the effects of AGW aren't even understood that well. I care for people I know and to a lesser degree, my countrymen. I care enough about others not to hurt them, but that's it.

I am very aware of my insignificance as a single person in the universe, therefore I am not an "early adopter" when it comes to stuff like this. When 95% of Americans are conscious about their CO2 emissions, then I'll think about it. Whether I drive, fly, or walk as a single person has virtually no impact on its own. Therefore I take advantage of this and live my life with as few restrictions as possible, as the probability of something I did on my own hurting someone else is extremely low, low enough not to think about, just like I don't think about getting hit by lightning.

Thinking of how someone will survive 500 years later when no one will even remember you makes you happy, great, go ahead. I don't care for such things and what matters is how much I enjoyed living my life and how little discomfort I suffered (hopefully).
Cattle eat switchgrass. It covers most pasture. And it does grow on the side of highways, and its harvested and fed to cattle. Growing in some hard to reach place isn't really that useful, because you need to harvest it to produce anything out of it. It has to show more cost value than feeding it to animals, animals which will then have to be fed something else.

There are farms here in NJ that sit empty for most of the year due to not being able to sustain crops.

There are places in all states that are not hard to get to , but the soil just sucks for other corps but can be used for switch grass
All the AGW alarmism bullshit is based on shaky models that are reshuffled every few years and the effects of AGW aren't even understood that well.
Once again, you pass judgments on things that you neither have a clue about, nor care to understand.

But I suppose knowing - or at least thinking - before speaking isn't something you care about either.
It's not like "Don't drive or a baby will die." All the AGW alarmism bullshit is based on shaky models that are reshuffled every few years and the effects of AGW aren't even understood that well.
Except, as we've shown you in this very thread, the predictions of climate models have held up over time. So all you have here are the repeated lies of denialists.
Except, as we've shown you in this very thread, the predictions of climate models have held up over time. So all you have here are the repeated lies of denialists.
You all have to agree that what I do as a single person does not have an impact on its own, right? So why do you care? I'll do what I do and enjoy luxury and performance in my car while you take public transport because it's green.

Besides, I've already said that I'll do anything green as long as it does not cost me extra or negatively affect my living standards.
You all have to agree that what I do as a single person does not have an impact on its own, right?
No I don't.

Your actions have a measurable contribution to atmospheric CO2. Your actions mean that me and my children will face a harsh future.

So why do you care?

If you choose to ignore the effects of your actions on you and your children, it's your call. But when your actions start impacting MY future and my children's future, I do care.
No I don't.
Your actions have a measurable contribution to atmospheric CO2. Your actions mean that me and my children will face a harsh future.
My actions alone have an extremely small effect that I doubt it would even be measurable. There is also nothing that's conclusively proven that says CO2=harsh feature, at least not for the US. Some people think so, others dont.

If you choose to ignore the effects of your actions on you and your children, it's your call. But when your actions start impacting MY future and my children's future, I do care.
So what are you going to do about it? You can't change what I do. It'll serve you better to not put much stock in unsubstantiated shit to have more piece of mind. Coming to my home and trying to disable my all-wheel-drive crossover will decrease CO2 emissions, but not the way you think...
My actions alone have an extremely small effect that I doubt it would even be measurable. There is also nothing that's conclusively proven that says CO2=harsh feature, at least not for the US. Some people think so, others dont.
IOW, if I smoke in public places, then my actions alone have an extremely small effect that I doubt it would even be measurable. There is also nothing that's conclusively proven that says cigarette smoke=harsh future. Some people think so, others dont.

Thank God very few people are as retarded and selfish as you.

So what are you going to do about it? You can't change what I do. It'll serve you better to not put much stock in unsubstantiated shit to have more piece of mind. Coming to my home and trying to disable my all-wheel-drive crossover will decrease CO2 emissions, but not the way you think...
What is it with right wing nutjobs? Why do they think of violence one way or another the first?

Well, if I had the appropriate authority, I'd impose a matching (same as domestic one) carbon tax on all imports from US as well. You bet I can change what you do without going to your home.
Well, if I had the appropriate authority, I'd impose a matching (same as domestic one) carbon tax on all imports from US as well. You bet I can change what you do without going to your home.
Exactly. This, I think is what we really need to do: use the power of the market to make it so that the prices consumers actually pay reflect the full impact of their purchases. A carbon tax would be a great way to do that (cap and trade would be pretty much equivalent, but would have to be supplanted by a carbon tax on imports).
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