Gears of War - Reviews

The other one some of the poorly placed checkpoints. I got really, reall sick of listening to some piece of stupid dialogue (which includes you walking really slowly) over and over again to get to the part where I was actually dying. It only happened occasionally, but it's still quite annoying. In fact, the dialogue/cutscene system in general ticked me off, since it's unskippable for the sort of "in-game" cutscenes such as the wretches in the hallway (ugh...), and others like that. I've seen it, let me play the F'n game! They got it right in terms of how long people would tolerate a loading screen, but they messed up here.
I actually do think they use the "slow walk / comms" to disguise loading, and some of the cutsenes (corpser entrance for example) can be skipped by some obscure button. In any case, the loading times of this game (considering I'm currently playing it on a system without HDD) or nearly non-existent, so props to Epic for that; combined with the texture-detail, shaders, shadows and post-processing effects I don't think there's anything out there ATM that can rival UE3.

How many of you guys are playing through this on Hardcore by yourself?
I am. I finished Act 3 yesterday evening (nice boss fight, but the pumping station bit was tough). And I do think that most of the complaints about the length of the game stem from people playing on casual when they indeed aren't casual players. ;)
I do think that most of the complaints about the length of the game stem from people playing on casual when they indeed aren't casual players.

This is probably true in my case. The game is almost too easy on Casual for me (I died once, out of stupidity, in Act 1 so far) where as the gameplay and fun factor ramped up when my brother and I played in Hardcore. I'll definitely run through the game again in Hardcore once I finish it on Casual.
Yep, I noticed that too. Especially trudging around the dilapidated mansions of course.

Cliffy said the game was based on a lot of things and they all make sense after playing. Band of Brothers, obviously for the soldier comradery aspect. Kill Switch, for the cover part. And he mentioned Resident Evil too.

The colour choices seem very Remake and Re4 insipred,the outdoor architecture and indoor mansion levels as you said. How he busts through doors remind of RE4. And lot's of other little tings I can't remember at the moment.
The Berserker reminds me of the Tyrant, and the Chimeras from RE are like those hopping things in GOW.
[maven];871689 said:
I actually do think they use the "slow walk / comms" to disguise loading, and some of the cutsenes (corpser entrance for example) can be skipped by some obscure button. In any case, the loading times of this game (considering I'm currently playing it on a system without HDD) or nearly non-existent, so props to Epic for that; combined with the texture-detail, shaders, shadows and post-processing effects I don't think there's anything out there ATM that can rival UE3.

X will skip many of the longer cutscenes, and often times you'll see a loading screen if you do. No big deal, absolutely no problem at all. But some of the checkpoints simply don't let you get back into the action as soon as you want. It's still really a minor complaint, but it's also still very noticeable.

Regarding difficulty: Have been playing through Insane. Did fine by myself up to said corpser, but the Gnasher shotgun I was carrying wasn't doing the job before I got hammered in the head. Co-op with Lancers worked perfectly and quickly, though. I'll probably play from there on by myself again, to see if I can do it single player, no shotgun this time (as I want to keep my sniper for those lovely bow-weilding asses afterwards). Also, I'm slightly disappointed as Insane doesn't feel all that insane to me. The enemies are definitely much more aggressive, and it is tougher than hardcore. But it's not tougher than Halo 2 on Legendary, IMO. Of course, I haven't played that in quite a while, and I'm quite reckless in that game anyway, so playing it safer in GoW may be what makes the difference for me. Blindfire has been essential, though, and hey, it feels good to blindfire shotgun a drone into gibbs when he decides he wants to be on the same piece of cover as me. However, regarding the game in general on all dificulties (or at least hardcore+insane), there's been many cases where an enemy seems to pop back into cover at JUST the right time for me to waste a sniper shot. It's happened so often, it's harder and harder to believe that it's coincidental. And it seems that the latency over live in co-op is quite noticeable with the sniper rifle. There's just enough of a delay when you're not host to make sniping a moving guy quite difficult. When I switched to being host, didn't have much trouble getting some of those Theron guards/sentinels when they were running around. Not much of a complaint, so much as a note, though. Every complaint I have about the game is, ultimately, very minor. And so far, it's easily the best looking and best playing next gen game yet, IMO (and as a shooter fan).

I hope the co-op in this game convinces more developers to actually go through the pain of doing it. Playing a game solo is all good and well, but co-op is in another league entirely. There's nothing like having another thinking person running around at the same time as you are. Halo was the best one before, but Gears has raised the bar, and quite significantly with the game being very much designed around co-op. It's just too bad they never managed a 4-player co-op, as it would have been nice to get 3/4 people on at the same time and play. It's perfectly understandable, however, with the miriad of achievements, present alternate paths and what would have been required for 4 players, etc.

Besides that, today is "Emergence Day," so sales data/announcements will probably come fairly soon. I have high hopes it will do more than well enough to make Gears of War 2 the highest priority after the release of UT2K7.
Berserker should remind you of the Garrador in RE4, its practically the same enemy!

Im playing through on Insane right now..and it is that. 3-5 shots from an enemy and your dead. Im having super difficulties, but I managed to make it through to the Troika with the spotter. Its damn tough here heh.
The graphics are different that I was expecting.After seeing screenshots and demos of Unreal 3 way back I was expecting very highly detailed textures you see in Unreal games+ the kind of dynamic lighting seen in games using the Doom 3 engine.
This is probably true in my case. The game is almost too easy on Casual for me (I died once, out of stupidity, in Act 1 so far) where as the gameplay and fun factor ramped up when my brother and I played in Hardcore. I'll definitely run through the game again in Hardcore once I finish it on Casual.
I would compare casual to Halo 2 on easy. It's too easy. Hardcore still doesn't seem to be for everybody though. They should have had another mode for the middle ground.
I pity anyone whos going to go through Insane mode. (BTW If you beat an act in insane mode, you get both the hardcore and insane beat achievements) The part where you go to Marcus' house is such a bitch. Going up those steps with a Theron guard..jeeze. The house fight is another hard one but thankfully Im on the last act now.

Gears is probably one of the only games which has made me physically throw something in anger XD

Some of the stupid things your AI partner does, especially on Insane difficulty will make your blood boil. One of the main issues is Dom getting lost and not backing you up. I cant tell you how many times I've called for backup and hes stuck on a door or something stupid like that. Or hes right next to you and doesnt lift a finger to repel the Locust which is bearing down on you (and then chainsaws you).

Its incredibly frustrating on Insane how you have these massive battles which take a HELL of a lot longer to beat, only to be killed in one shot by a Theron guard who plants an arrow in you (one shot and your dead). Or something equally as stupid that causes your death, thus making you fight the entire battle all over again.
I finished insane. Raam needs surgical precision!!!

Anyone else getting texture loading issues? For me Act 2 just never wants to load the textures of the telephone poles properly. It takes like 10 seconds and they don't always stay properly loaded.
Lucky dog, Im stuck on Raam now in insane after that rediculous "use the right turret" only crap with the reavers. Seems like Ill need co-op to fully beat it.
Lucky dog, Im stuck on Raam now in insane after that rediculous "use the right turret" only crap with the reavers. Seems like Ill need co-op to fully beat it.

I'd recommend using the shotgun and the torque bow. Also save your grenades for when he's right on you. Use the torque bow to blow off his cover and then try to pop a second one on him before the krill return. Charge the bow up in blind fire too so that he doesn't kill you charging. When he sends the krill out at you try to get at least 2 or 3 shots in on him with the bow also. Never leave the initial piece of cover you are behind and when he get up to the other side of it, which he always does, blindly bank all 4 grenades off of the long piece of cover that will be just behind him. The first grenade will blow off his shield and the next 3 hit detonate right on him. While the grenades are going off, blind fire with the shot gun for extra insurance and he should go down.
I've been carrying the boom stick with full ammo (12 rounds) to deal with Raam. Whats the max ammo cap with the torque bow and is it better than the boom stick?
I'm currently playing the game on insane. I don't think it's that tough as of now. Probably due to the fact that I've already beaten it 3 times(2 on casual and 1 on hardcore), so I can predict what's the next wave of enemies will be like. So I plan ahead and get the right guns I need. My only problem is heading into Act 3 where your going to fight more Wrenches, especially the exploding Wrenches. I think that will provide tough challenge.

Fighting the grubs aren't difficults at all as long as you stay in cover and only shoot them when they are reloading or when they almost empty out their clips. They follow very predictable patterns. And they don't normally charge right at you like Wrenches. That is a BIG plus!