Gears of War - Reviews

Anybody got a good tip on how to beat Raam on Insane? I wish I had the Torque Bow which would probably make the match easier but I don't.
being in the UK I only got this game on friday....

but by jove it's a good'un. It hasn't disappointed at all, and that's a hard task when a game has had as much hype as gears! Gameplay is really fun, more so than i thought it would be infact and the graphics are just incredible... there have been a number of moments where i've just stopped after a firefight and walked around in awe looking at the environments, which are indeed far more varied than we were led to believe!

The only negative points are your partners AI, I don't know what it's like on casual since I have only been playing on hardcore, but It can get frustrating when your team mates do something stupid and get mown down then you die trying to save their sorry arses. This became less bad when I realised that you can leave them bleeding out for a pretty long time which gives you more time to try and kill the enemies in question before attempting a rescue. It was also more or less totally solved when playing co-op with a friend and that is where this game really shines in my opinion. I'm also not so keen on the perfect reload giving you a damage boost - I really like the mechanism and the idea, I just wish it was only associated to a quicker reload because it seems a bit stupid and random to have a more powerful gun on account of reloading it quicker.... maybe I'm just a cynical old man.

Overall though, best gaming experience I have had in a long time, especially in co-op and multiplayer... the review scroes were well deserved.
Anybody got a good tip on how to beat Raam on Insane? I wish I had the Torque Bow which would probably make the match easier but I don't.
I did find the Torque Bow pretty essential, maybe restart from an earlier checkpoint in the Act to pick one up, as it's quite short anyways. I'd also recommend coop w/ one person using the Bow all the time (slowing him down and dispersing the Kryll shield) and the other going for headshots with the Longshot. He went down without us having to swap sides this way... Ignore the Troika.
I played this in Hardcore up to the house in Act 4, then continued coop, and as we were done with RAAM, we immediately restarted on Insane, which makes this the first game I've completed on all difficulty levels! But I don't think I could've done Insane without my coop-partner; it's so much more fun (and quite a bit easier)...
Actually I've found the Torque Bow on the last train cart before fighting Raam. It's by the window. In any case I'm not getting much luck either. I don't want to play co-op. I want to beat the game on Insane by myself. It's looks almost impossible. :rolleyes:
Anybody got a good tip on how to beat Raam on Insane? I wish I had the Torque Bow which would probably make the match easier but I don't.


There is a fucking easy way to kill RAAM. First stay behind the first "Barricade" shoot with the standard Machine Gun towards his head. Do so untill he cames up to that first barricade, dont forget to get cover. Then as he stands near that bericade and tries to shoot you, switch to your shotgun and shoot his head several times while staying covered. Press up on your LAS (LestAnalogueStick) to shoot while staying covered. The Kryll dont get you that easy since you are in a "bright" area.

ps. Dont forget to Active Reload your guns.

Works even on Hardcore(+insane)! The Reavers shouldn't be a problem.

Yeap that game is Awesome.
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Raam + Insane + Alone = crap shoot. Play it online with someone and both snipe him in the head. Thats how me and this other dude who I never met before beat him XD. I got up to him all by myself on Insane but I just couldnt beat him alone.
interesting, given it's success it would hardly be suprising however!

Does anyone have any sales figures for GeoW I haven't seen any....

On a different note, I played an entire evening of online deathmatch with 5 other friends of mine and I must say that it ranked up there as possibly the most fun I have ever had on live. The multiplayer really exceeded my expectations!
interesting, given it's success it would hardly be suprising however!

Does anyone have any sales figures for GeoW I haven't seen any....

Nope, but I can say that in Cambridge at least every single shop sold out before lunchtime. I'd pre-ordered and it looked like it wasn't going to be delivered, so I had a good search around and there wasn't a copy anywhere even before noon on Friday and nowhere I've been has re-stocked (or managed to retain stock) yet since. Luckily my pre-order did actually arrive :)
I rang home from work and found out that my play copy hadn't been delivered... Then I noticed at lunch HMV had it for 37.50 which was actually less than play had it at the time (although i notice they have now dropped their price).

So I have 2 copies now that the play one has been delivered (it arrived on the saturday) and am selling one to a friend who has yet to get it.

But anyway, what was my point - ah yes, I walked into HMV at lunch in newbury and bought one off the shelf, they didn't seem to be running short, but then newbury is hardly a busy place! I'd love to see the figures though....
Is anyone having trouble displaying GoW at 720p? When ever I select it the screen just gets all garbled, I haven't tried 480p yet.
Ta NucNav, that's not bad work! I imagine those sales will increase hugely over christmas too....

I notice on the comments page one guy says he has problems with the aspect ratio on his LCD. I play on a 1280x1024 LCD computer monitor through the VGA cable and haven't had any problems - It letterboxes correctly and seems to display the correct aspect ratio. Has anyone else got a similar setup? do you have aspect issues?
Is anyone having trouble displaying GoW at 720p? When ever I select it the screen just gets all garbled, I haven't tried 480p yet.

Nope. Finished the game on it.

It is a bit short (coming from someone who dislikes long games!), and the frame rate could be better here and there, but it's all good and even amazing at times.
Is anyone having trouble displaying GoW at 720p? When ever I select it the screen just gets all garbled, I haven't tried 480p yet.

if it's garbled you:

1. might have your component cables crossed
2. your tv is having trouble displaying 720p
3. you have your xbox set to something other than 720p
4. Just hit the 480p switch on the cable at the back of the xbox.
GOW hits over 1 million units sold in 2 weeks:

Gears of War Hits 1 Million Units Sold and Shoots to #1 on Xbox Live

More than 85 Percent of Players Connect to Xbox Live, Driving New Gold Memberships by 50 Percent

As “Gears of Warâ€￾ continues to emerge throughout the world ahead of the holiday sales rush, the Xbox 360 juggernaut has sold an impressive 1 million copies world-wide in just its first two weeks of release—elevating the game to the fastest-selling title of 2006 and fastest-selling original Xbox game of all time.