Gears of War - Reviews

You know what XBL needs? A way to type in a 'friendly' name for the people on your friends list. Ive got enough people on there now that I dont remember who is who.

"Wait, is ChickenButt really Poopypants from IRC or is he DreadNight from work?"
You know what XBL needs? A way to type in a 'friendly' name for the people on your friends list. Ive got enough people on there now that I dont remember who is who.

"Wait, is ChickenButt really Poopypants from IRC or is he DreadNight from work?"

Yeah, that'd definitely be nice. I haven't used my 360 much in the last few months, so when I started playing Gears I had forgotten who almost everyone on my list was, sans a couple close friends.

Well, at least I know who skinbaby is again!

I've yet to try co-op... looks like a lot of fun, but I kind of want to get through the game normally first and then try co-op on hardcore.
skinbaby! I'm definately down for some co-op or MP this weekend, give me a shout..better not be draggin down my game though :devilish:
Sent via, which is cool in itself.

Though you may not want me on your team--I got pwned in MP last night; there's a different ebb and flow to the MP that took some getting used to and the matches were so fast that it was hard to do that.
Sent via, which is cool in itself.

Though you may not want me on your team--I got pwned in MP last night; there's a different ebb and flow to the MP that took some getting used to and the matches were so fast that it was hard to do that.

It's cool, I haven't played MP yet, and I'm usually not too great online. I was more talking about the co-op ;)
It's cool, I haven't played MP yet, and I'm usually not too great online. I was more talking about the co-op ;)

I have to say... I am strictly a MP kind of guy and if you look at my post history I typically poo-poo trhe SP part of any game... well.... GoW has changed that with Co-op.

this game is so rich in SP and Co-op is done so well (and fun) that it is the new standard.

Also, I have not gotten too far in yet, but anyone who says they are disappointed must play through to Act 5 where I have heard it described as playing a CG movie. :oops:
btw, whoever said to switch the image quality to vibrant was right on, soooooo much better. All of a sudden I had nice shades of green, nice blue highlights, and alot more detail popping out in the environment.
btw, whoever said to switch the image quality to vibrant was right on, soooooo much better. All of a sudden I had nice shades of green, nice blue highlights, and alot more detail popping out in the environment.

I said it first ;) but it was repeated and that is very true... it looks great.

again... anyone judging Next Gen by only internet grabs or vids.... go to a game store and see it running in person on a properly set up HDTV (if they let you fiddle with the settings ;)).
I said it first ;) but it was repeated and that is very true... it looks great.

again... anyone judging Next Gen by only internet grabs or vids.... go to a game store and see it running in person on a properly set up HDTV (if they let you fiddle with the settings ;)).

Ahh...then thx! Made a nice difference for sure, alot better than the drab default colours.
Beat it, all total I think it took me around 5-6 hours. Very short imo but wow! The enviroments in this game are CRAZY. You never see the same stuff twice and its always a majorly different enviroment. I absolutely loved this game even though Im not too keen on console FPS. Go out and buy it if you have a 360!
btw, whoever said to switch the image quality to vibrant was right on, soooooo much better. All of a sudden I had nice shades of green, nice blue highlights, and alot more detail popping out in the environment.

I disagree, but that probably has more to do with how you're displaying the picture, e.g. I'm using VGA on a Dell 2407WFP. :)
I found vibrant too colourful, it gave the whole proceedings a fairytale look with rosy cheeks and everything, which didn't fit the game at all IMO.
[maven];871071 said:
I disagree, but that probably has more to do with how you're displaying the picture, e.g. I'm using VGA on a Dell 2407WFP. :)
I found vibrant too colourful, it gave the whole proceedings a fairytale look with rosy cheeks and everything, which didn't fit the game at all IMO.

I thought so too at first, but when I hit the green house I turned it on and it looked very nice ;)

This comes down to personal preference though. Do you prefer high saturation in your game, etc. It even comes down to televisions.
So I finished it..perhaps not as mind-blowing as my first impressions but still a good game. Here's my big problem and maybe I'm being odd here..spoilers I guess?

Why the HELL dont you fight THIS guy?

Like I said, maybe I'm weird, but I've been following UE3.0 and then Gears for years. That guy has always been one of the most awesome things about the engine whenever they showed it off. He was even in some early gears clips if I remember right. So the whole game, I was waiting with anticipation to fight THAT guy. As things drew on I even assumed he was probably the final boss. I was sure he would be in there, so sure that I was in disbelief at the ending, because I hadn't fought him yet and I just couldn't believe the game could be over!

What the hell epic? Like I said I'm sure I'm weird to be so hung up that he wasn't in (well, other than a cutscene) but I guess that's just a personal thing.

I wonder why he wound up on the cutting room floor. Performance issues? Maybe, but then again you fight plenty of awfully big enemies. I just dont get it, but very disappointing.
Novana Residence Condos
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Could someone try this game on an SDTV and report how it's rendered? As UE3.0 doesn't support AA, I'm expecting it's just rendered at 480p sans AA, which would be really manky. I'd hope though that this flagship title would make the effort to use downsampling and give those on SD sets the benefit of the hardware.
Shifty, It wasnt bad for me. I dont even recall noticing it.

Rangers, I had the same thought! I mean cmon, he was in nearly every promo release in the begining. And when they were out in the field like the one in that picture I was SURE he was gonna pop out and I was gonna see some action.

More spoilers:

Can someone explain exactlly what the hell that canteen type orb that the blonde dude had after the resinator exploded? I mean where did he find it, how did they know where it was from, ...I must have missed something cause that whole explanation went way over my head. Why did that house contain the tunnel data!??! Argghh!!!!!


Seem to have found the answer

Scroll down to vobedarkelf post.
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Could someone try this game on an SDTV and report how it's rendered? As UE3.0 doesn't support AA, I'm expecting it's just rendered at 480p sans AA, which would be really manky. I'd hope though that this flagship title would make the effort to use downsampling and give those on SD sets the benefit of the hardware.
You can just turn the 360 down to 480p on an HDTV from the dashboard. I've only used 720p but I'd wager they are using the 360s scaler while rendering it the same for all resolutions as there is really no reason to shortchanging 480-line output users.

And speaking of the lack of AA, I'm baffled by how well the aliasing is disguised. Granted the stuff in the distance gets smoothed out by a rather heavy blur, but even much of the close up stuff doesn't show nearly the jaggies I had expected. Does anyone know what resolution they are rendering the game at?
I've only used 720p but I'd wager they are using the 360s scaler while rendering it the same for all resolutions
That was the theory, but games to date generally haven't done that. eg. Saint's Row's update has increased 480p AA from 2x to 4x. That wouldn't be happening if they were rendering at 720p and downsizing. So far SDTV users have been being shortchanged by all accounts. That's why I want to hear from someone with GeoW as I'd hope this title, being a flagship and showing great use of the hardware for visual whizz, would enable the downscaling if it were an option.
The game has this almost prerendered look. Like the backgrounds are reallly detailed but flat and not dynamically lit,and the characters seem apart from the rest of the world. At other times especially in cutscenes it has this oil painted look. Pretty interesting appearance.
Why the HELL dont you fight THIS guy?

That seriously sucks to hear. I read a couple of threads on the Epic site prior to release of the game where people were speculating on whether or not it had been cut from the game, because somebody noticed that "kill the Brumak" or whatever it was had been taken off of the list of achievements. This was just a couple of weeks ago, but I felt better when I saw it in the opening cinematic, not to mention the bonus disc and the art book.
I'm just a little way into the second act, and I was really looking forward to fighting that thing, goddammit.
To tell you guys the truth, I don't think Gears of War is all that awesome as it may seem. I live in the U.S and I have the game. My main complaints is the fact that the single player campaign is too short. I'm talking less then 10 hrs. While it's true that a lot of shooters don't have long single player campaigns this is no excuse for a calibur game like Gears. I mean it's suppose to be MS GOTY. However it's fun while it last, but I really cannot see much reason to go back for more. There are also a few other things that I like to nitpick, but I won't go through the details since I don't want to spoil anything. If I were to personally rate the game it would be somewhere around 8.8-9.0 rating.