Gears of War (E3)

scooby_dooby said:
Come on now, HS doesn't really compare to gears as far as graphics go. Gameplay wise, HS was the most impressive game at E3, but pure GFX? It's not all that.

I disagree with that, the E3 videos show a lot of improvement from the screenshots. Considering that we've seen those shots in magazine scans it's reasonable to assume that they represent a previous state of HS; what's on the show floor seems to be on par with Gears though. But why no direct feed stuff from that?? Sony, are you guys there or what?
Acert93 said:
CliffyB hands on -- nearly 10 minutes of him playing. Decently high resolution, solid quality. Must see.

Before I saw this I was meh. I have not really been impressed with the game. But watching this was actually... exciting. Animations are improved, and gameplay has decent pacing. Not perfect for my tastes, but looks like a fun ride.

I agree, so far GOW has been a graphical showpiece like no other, but in the gameplay department I was quite a bit sceptical, it was just a normal shooter with some cover, but this video definetly gave a good taste of what it is, and I have to say that I really like how it is making take cover for your life somehow. Definitely more exciting than I thought...
Laa-Yosh said:
I disagree with that, the E3 videos show a lot of improvement from the screenshots. Considering that we've seen those shots in magazine scans it's reasonable to assume that they represent a previous state of HS; what's on the show floor seems to be on par with Gears though. But why no direct feed stuff from that?? Sony, are you guys there or what?

Maybe because it's only 50% complete?

As we stated earlier, the game is visually stunning but needs a lot of tweaking. The shadow and lighting is gorgeous and indicative of next-generation power, but the character models (specifically our heroine and her hair) suffer from ugly aliasing and jagged edges.

Anyway, back on topic: that GoW movie looks great. I love the flies buzzing around! Living, breathing world at last. :)
Laa-Yosh said:
I disagree with that, the E3 videos show a lot of improvement from the screenshots. Considering that we've seen those shots in magazine scans it's reasonable to assume that they represent a previous state of HS; what's on the show floor seems to be on par with Gears though. But why no direct feed stuff from that?? Sony, are you guys there or what?

I agree - if you watch the gameplay videos from both they are technically on par.
I'd give HS the slight edge due to animation.

Both look great but we've also seen stuff one or two notches above even these.
pipo said:
Anyway, back on topic: that GoW movie looks great. I love the flies buzzing around! Living, breathing world at last. :)

Agreed. I always thought that GOW although spectacular looked a bit sterile, but now you have flies flyiing around, dust, nice atmospheric effects and what not...
Platon said:
Agreed. I always thought that GOW although spectacular looked a bit sterile, but now you have flies flyiing around, dust, nice atmospheric effects and what not...

Yup. Just like MGS4 by the way. It just feels good...
The animation in HS is peerless ATM. very different games though.. HS looks arena style while GOW is over the shoulder almost all the time...
Gamespot posted some multiplayer impressions.

The only time that you'll see an aiming reticle on your screen in Gears of War is when you're motionless or moving very slowly. The rest of the time, you'll be using your weapons without any targeting aids whatsoever, and regardless of where you point them, you'll find that the accuracy of your projectiles varies wildly. You'll switch between whichever four weapons (including a pistol and grenades) you're carrying using the directional pad, and you'll find that many of them have melee-attack options that you can perform using the B button. For most of the guns that we were using in our multiplayer session, tapping the B button simply saw us hitting enemies around the head with them, but one of the rifles that was in our arsenal as soon as the game got underway came equipped with a chainsaw bayonet, which was used by holding down the B button. Unsurprisingly, the chainsaw bayonet was the weapon that afforded us the most opportunities to check out Gears of War's blood effects, which are over-the-top in a way that makes every kill feel very satisfying without ever looking gratuitous.


The gameplay was fast-paced and intense enough to the point that we completely forgot to check out the reloading mechanic that we were shown during the single-player presentation earlier. You only need to hit one button (the right shoulder) to reload your weapon, but when you do so, you'll notice that a small line moves across it that Microsoft compared to a swingometer in a golf game. The idea is that if you stop the line at exactly the right place by hitting the reload button again, you can reload your gun faster and, if you time your second press perfectly, you'll get a damage bonus on your next dozen or so rounds. Get the second button press horribly wrong, though, and you'll take longer to reload than you would normally, so it's a real risk-versus-reward situation.

We wish we could tell you that we were the last man standing in all three of the matches that we played, but we'd be lying. It's fortunate that we died a couple of times, though, because it gave us an opportunity to check out the game's health bar substitute, which is essentially a red cog logo that appears in the middle of the screen when you're close to death--the things we do for you, honestly. The first couple of times we killed enemy players, we noticed that they were taking a long time to go down and stay down, but it was only when we found ourselves on the receiving end that we understood why that was. As we already mentioned, a red cog appears in the middle of the screen when you're close to death, and one or two hits later you'll find yourself slumped on the ground and unable to move. At this point, enemy players will need to pop a few more rounds and finish you off, but your colleagues will have an opportunity to come and rescue you--which we didn't experience once during our time with the game. of war
Gamespy Best Multiplayer Games
Best Console Multiplayer:
. Gears of War

Best Console Multiplayer Game - Gears of War

Of all the console demos and movies we absorbed over the past few weeks, nothing really came close to the multiplayer experience delivered by Gears of War. Microsoft had a special room set up in its booth with multiple Xbox 360 stations prepped for four-on-four deathmatches. Part of the reason we're awarding this to GoW is because of how simple and fun the multiplayer is. From the moment we had joypads thrust into our mitts, we were all hooked.

The sheer brutality of Gears of War makes it instantly appealing. It's violence, fast pace and stunning visuals all work together to enhance the deathmatch experience. Heavy use of context-sensitive moves enables the players to take cover and move intelligently around the various environments, which in turn gives you a greater sense of being in control.

Plugging away at long range with your assault rifle is fine, but the action really gets hot when melee range is found. The chainsaw finisher and the curb stomp moves are the icing on the blood-soaked cake, and there's no greater feeling than walking away from an encounter where the other guys outnumber you three-to-one. Maybe our opponents just didn't have the skills. Whatever the case, Gears of War has, without question, some of the coolest multiplayer gameplay coming up this year, and it was hands-down the best console multiplayer offering at the show.

Also won:
Top 10 Console Games
1. Gears of War (X360)
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Short interview about the MTV special on Gears of War. A few other details too.

You know, we're not just creating a great game, but a great IP. Gears of War won't just stop at the game. We have a lot of plans for this game beyond just the first title; this is just the beginning.

Two short clips from the MTV special that will be airing tomorrow.
Laa-Yosh how can you possibly tell that the screenshots are not representative of what Heavenly Sword looks like from low-res E3 videos?? The game is not perfect and does have aliasing and a few low-res textures. But overall it has an animation system that makes up for those shortcomings.

No need to damage control, take the game for what it is.
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I am 100% sure that the enemies in the screenshots are different from the enemies in the videos. I'm also quite sure that the whol enviroment, lighting, and the hero character are all replaced with better versions too.
As Laa-Yosh has noticed the screen shots are different from what was showed at E3. The simple reason being time, when the shots had to be taken and sent to marketting the new character art hadn't been finished, the final polish on the environment hadn't happened, some major tangent space bugs weren't fixed (which means both lighting and parallax mapping is wrong) and we didn't have AF on...

Its not unusual for PR shots to be massively out of date, I once shipped a game that had screenshots on the box of a mode that hadn't existed in the game for over a year...

Best things to look at, are the enemies and the floor, hopefully look much better in actual E3 video footage than the PR shots...