Gears of War (E3)

Gears looks stunning in those 4 IGN videos.

The graphics are totally next gen. All the bullet impacts, best blood ever in a game, the way you move in the enviroment (vaulting over objects), arms being blown off, sparks and blood when you get hit, and when you crouch and move the camera shakes.
czekon said:
gameplay looks superb :D

Completey agree.


There have been a lot of rumors out there that the Gears of War would be very short in length, somewhere around six hours for the single-player game. A Microsoft rep said today that he knows both Epic and MS would not be happy with six hours, and, while he wouldn't hazard a guess to the actual length, Gears will run longer than six hours. Who really knows what the truth is with the open bar and models walking around in tight, white pajamas.

That is too litle :(
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groper said:
I just saw the IGN gameplay videos and i ll agree with Love in Rio that this is probably the best graphics of the show.
Graphics , character animations and physics are improved over the , already amazing , older videos , but on the other hand the framerate sucks! It seems that the game runs between 20-25 fps for the most time.
Anyway they have 5- 6 months to fix it and i hope that they will use wise their time because the fact that amazing graphics is the terminus from next gen games doesnt mean that is also a good excuse for really bad framerates :smile:

well that didnt keep halo of selling millions :) as long as it is acceptable and doesnt hinder the gameplay thats fine by me. FP/second are overrated :)
i like this all stuff with cover, ducking hiding etc. i know it's nothing really revolutional but it's done nice, and it looks like it works ok. I was wowed by vid where this big "spider" thing came out from underground and i agree gameplay vids looke better then trailer.And great sound, machine gun and chain saw:devilish: . One of the best game at E3 imo GoW and HS for PS3 the best 2.
Hands on Multiplayer impressions.... :cool:

Gears of War is playable only behind closed doors at E3, but whispers of the game's awesomeness are spreading throughout the convention center. Halo 3 is still the star for Microsoft after the fantastic trailer, but Gears is something new, fresh, different and really, really fun, and we can't wait to play it again, even if it takes a fire-hose and booth-babe to do it.
Microsoft said:
And games like Gears that, are difficult to tell the difference between the very top PS3 games such as HS, are exactly what MS needs. They dont need to be better, just "close enough".

Lets not forget the lack of AA on HS sticks out like a sore thumb. I could open paintshop and circle the jaggies on her sword in one shot, and count them, so dont even try to deny it.

It's a great looking game no doubt. If their's any evidence PS3 is realtime superior, HS is the closest thing to it. However since I know people are gonna pick out the flaws in Gears like framerate, lets be honest about the lack of AA. Although I know the devs claim it uses AA, and will improve they promise, the current shots are clearly showing some flaws. I'm not sure if this will become a trademark of PS3.

Heavenly Sword has 4xFSAA if im not mistaken according to the Dev's who post here on this very forum. Also id be more worried about GEOW not having MSAA, because the the new screens have an awful amount of aliasing in them.

!eVo!-X Ant UK said:
Heavenly Sword has 4xFSAA if im not mistaken according to the Dev's who post here on this very forum. Also id be more worried about GEOW not having MSAA, because the the new screens have an awful amount of aliasing in them.

You are mistaken. The jaggies in in teh HS screens are quite bad in alot of cases. Why do you think nAo promises the edge detail will improve? Because it's not that great.

Come on now, HS doesn't really compare to gears as far as graphics go. Gameplay wise, HS was the most impressive game at E3, but pure GFX? It's not all that.
CliffyB hands on -- nearly 10 minutes of him playing. Decently high resolution, solid quality. Must see.

Before I saw this I was meh. I have not really been impressed with the game. But watching this was actually... exciting. Animations are improved, and gameplay has decent pacing. Not perfect for my tastes, but looks like a fun ride.
Acert93 said:
CliffyB hands on -- nearly 10 minutes of him playing. Decently high resolution, solid quality. Must see.

Before I saw this I was meh. I have not really been impressed with the game. But watching this was actually... exciting. Animations are improved, and gameplay has decent pacing. Not perfect for my tastes, but looks like a fun ride.

To think, he had it set on easy....this game looks excellent to me, the gameplay I can tell right now is rock solid, very impressive, and the boss battles look very epic. That huge spider at the end of the l;evel is a boss if I understood Cliff correctly. Branching paths throughout the levels add great replay, and by all accounts, very sweet multiplayer. My ONLY concern is the SP game length.

All they need to do is give it a legendary setting like Halo, make sure the story is excellent, and they've got quite the hit on their hands me thinks...

That is what I get for watching it BEFORE I post it. It looks great. I have been very meh on Gears of War. FINALLY seeing decent video of the game got me excited. Looks fun, very action pacted. Animations, while not perfect, are good now. Framerate looks solid less a few spots. Looking good. Hopefully it is at least 10 hours and has good MP.
Acert93 said:

That is what I get for watching it BEFORE I post it. It looks great. I have been very meh on Gears of War. FINALLY seeing decent video of the game got me excited. Looks fun, very action pacted. Animations, while not perfect, are good now. Framerate looks solid less a few spots. Looking good. Hopefully it is at least 10 hours and has good MP.

I love what they've done with the cover system. Cliffy B explained it as horizontal platforming, very apt description, and they look like they've nailed it. They really nailed that feeling of desperation, trying to stay alive.

I can't really think of any negatives, framerate obviously, but I don't really care about that personally.
I love the no hud, HUD :)

oh and the shotgun blasts and the chainsawing people in half.

Yes Scoob, the cover system is very well done
Very cool and pretty ! I like the color palette and the ambience too. Reminds me of the first time I played Halo. That's saying a lot.

It's the first level, so the enemies seem easy (In a few cases, they didn't fire at Marcus when he was close to them). I love to go toe-to-toe against the Elites. Does it have multiplayer ?
patsu said:
Very cool and pretty ! I like the color palette and the ambience too. Reminds me of the first time I played Halo. That's saying a lot.

It's the first level, so the enemies seem easy (In a few cases, they didn't fire at Marcus when he was close to them). I love to go toe-to-toe against the Elites. Does it have multiplayer ?

8 player multiplayer, 2player co-op over live. Cliffy started the demo on 'easy' I think.