aaronspink said:
Fafalada said:
Name a PC game that was designed from ground up to ship on DVD.
Outside console ports TO PC, there basically aren't any.
actually most are. The issue is that the publishers for some unknown reason want to ship on cds.
The reason is that there is still too many PCs without DVD drives. I built my PC 2 years ago and already had a DVD drive on my laptop so I got a standard CDRW on my PC (because at the time DVD/CDRW combo drives were close to $100, whereas the CDRW was $40). It was not until this summer that I added a DVD drive.
It is cheaper/easier for the publishers to push out a single product that will work on EVERYONES machine.
But if you go and look at all the major games from the last couple years they have shipped on multiple CDs. Just thinking of games off the top of my head: HL2 (I got it in Steam, but it is like 4GB), Farcry (mine has like 5CDs), D3 (3CDS), BF:V (3CDs) and so forth.
And note that ALL of these games are meant to be played at 1024x768 or higher.
Like I mentioned earlier: Most people have HD devices, and have had them for years. It is called a computer monitor. And PC developers have been making HD games for many years and in very few cases have they exceeded 6 CDs.
As for HD Cut scenes--if DVD9 prevents this I am all for it. Next gen games should look GREAT, and I prefer how scripted cut scenes using the game engine look. And it also opens the doors for interactivity AND for variations. You could have 5 variations of the same scene based on how the income of an event turned out (or what choice was made) and it would be very small (tens of MBs) whereas to do that in HD video would take oodles of space. Not to mention cut scenes often disrupt the flow of the game by taking you into a prettied up environment that does not match the game.
I am not saying every single game will fit on 1 DVD9 disk, but I think developers can reasonably fit most games, without skimping, on 1 DVD.
As for Sony, with their investment in BR, movies, and music, it is only common sense for them to include BR. It gives them a strategic advantage to get their format into the market. But it will also cost them a lot at the beginning which either means they will be taking a bigger hit to the bottom line at launch or will have to sacrifice elsewhere inside.
And whoever said that those
expecting more memory, and not just hoping, were nuts I agree. I want more, but consoles are not PCs, And while I believe memory will be a bottleneck on all 3 systems if they are at 256MB, the price of fast memory is not something that can just be ignored. Look at the PS3: It has already beens stated that XDR, as a top range product, will extract a premium price compared to competiting products.
That said, rereading the Gamespy info makes me wonder how accurate it is. We will find out soon I guess.